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All Good Things...

Posted on Wed Jun 17, 2015 @ 2:03am by Lieutenant Commander Steven Wyman

616 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Eye of the Beholder
Location: Wyman's quarters
Timeline: Sometime after Emergence


One would think, with an entire star system appearing underneath them (and with the station very nearly pulled into the gravity well of a planet), that the chief engineer would be in the midst of working himself to death.

But, no, instead Lieutenant Commander Steven Wyman was seated on his couch. A PADD was dangling from his hand. His face looked like someone had just smacked him in the head with an ODN conduit.

Stunned, was not, quite adequate to describe Steve's demeanor.

As he sat there, utterly agape, the door opened and Ceridwen and Gwen rushed in. When Steve called them, it sounded urgent. So both of them had rushed back from their mommy-daughter lunch to see what had happened. "Steve! What's wrong? the mommy of the duo inquired.

"Um... nothing. Nothing, is... is really wrong. Per se..." Wyman muttered, his gaze falling on the PADD still barely in his grasp.

Ceridwen let go of Gwen's hand and folded her arms across her chest. "Seriously? Then what did you call us up here for? You scared me half to death! I thought for sure that something was wrong!"

Now Steve looked up at his daughter. Setting the PADD down on the coffee table, he beckoned her over. "Gwen, come here and sit next to daddy." The little redhead ran over, scrambled up on the couch, and shuffled up against her father. The whole time she beamed widely.

"Gwen, you like it here on DS5, right? You've made some friends? You like the school?"

Ceridwen's eyes narrowed, as she had a bad hunch where this was going - Steve was getting transferred. That would result in the uprooting of Gwen from everything she found familiar. "Steve... what... is... going... on."

Wyman bit his lip; he knew full well that his wife could see the writing on the wall. But he also knew that she wasn't exactly on the mark.

"It's nice here, Daddy. Not like the fleetyards, but nice. There's too many alarms, but it's not so bad." Gwen hadn't been through the ups and downs of Starfleet life. As far as she knew, her father was just showing interest in her life. And that made her happy.

Steve just smiled at his little girl; the apple of his eye. "Well, Daddy got a call from Commodore Goddard at the Corps of Engineers. And he offered me command of the Thirty-second Detachment."

"Oh my God! Steve - that's amazing!" Ceridwen yelled, practically hurdling the coffee table to grab Steve in an embrace. "I mean, yes we'd have to uproot Gwen and leave DS5 but... a Corps of Engineers detachment? That's huge!"

"It... umm... it isn't all. The Thirty-second is a mobile unit. So... I also get command... of a starship. The USS Archimedes. She's docked at starbase 275 waiting for a crew. Well, the crew that'll actually run the ship. Obviously they have the CoE detachment ready to board."

Now Gwen's eyes were as big as saucers. "Daddy you HAFTA! YOU HAFTA DO IT! Then you'd be Captain Wyman - just like Uncle Richard!"

Ceridwen didn't even give Steve a chance to interject anything else. "Steve, honey, you HAVE to take this job! It is the opportunity of a lifetime! I know you love being an engineer, but this is the big chair. It's what every officer is shooting for from the moment they put on that uniform. And, I couldn't possibly be prouder of you right now."

"Well, I guess it's settled then. Now I just need to break the news to the Captain."

Lt. Cmdr. Steve Wyman
Chief Engineer
Deep Space 5

SCPO Ceridwen Wyman
Engineer's Mate
Deep Space 5

Gwendolyn Wyman
Future captain's daughter


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