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Dramatic Irony (Part 1)

Posted on Sat Aug 29, 2015 @ 3:19am by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & Civilian Tianys Dalav’ni

1,709 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Fallout
Location: Promenade/The Lotus Lounge
Timeline: MD 4/1100

The Lotus Lounge was a very discreet establishment. It was tucked away in a private little corner of the Promenade that got little extraneous traffic. A beautiful lotus flower painted on darkened glass was the only signage, no name or advertising as to the function of the establishment. It existed on word of mouth references between patrons. The automatic dark glass doors led into a comfortable lobby with soft, overstuffed furniture and a long, dark wood counter. From this side of the glass one could look out on the Promenade, though it was impossible to look into the establishment from outside. The scent of the place hit one first, filling one’s senses, sending pleasure buzzing along ones nerve endings. It was heady, arousing.

Behind the counter stood a male and a female Rowa’ni. The female had bright blue hair cascading down her back and Andorian antennae and Trill spotting, her figure voluptuous and enticing beneath her nearly sheer pale blue dress that molded to her figure, emphasizing features. The male had pointed Vulcanoid ears and Bajoran nose ridges. His moss-soft green hair curled with delicate attractiveness at his collar. He was bare-chested, wearing only an open vest and loose, flowing pants of the same nearly sheer material in white. They stood with PADDs talking to customers, greeting regulars, and taking information from new patrons so the Lounge could best serve their desires. Fresh fruit was on offer on a tray, along with pure, clean water.

Behind the counter was a simple paper screen illustrated with beautiful flowers and birds that separated the front lobby from the main club with it ending a few feet before the walls to create open doorways.

Near each entrance was a burly Rowa’ni male, one with Klingon features and rose pink hair, the other with Cardassian features and violet hair, though both with the fresh green skin of the Rowa’ni and dressed in the same pants and vest. Their green eyes kept a constant vigil on the patrons entering and leaving the glass doors of the Lounge.

Once past the partition, the club opened up. The club was built on levels. Broad to the left and right at entry level stretched long bars of rich, dark wood, highly polished to shine brightly in the low lighting. A highly carved railing kept patrons from falling down into the sunken level. Down three steps from the lobby led to the main level of the club. It was filled with soft chairs and couches and small tables with large ferns and other plants, giving each little grouping a modicum of privacy. At the far end of the room was a small raised stage on which Rowa’ni danced provocatively. On one side of the stage a ramp led down from the kitchen and employee areas. Near each end of the bar stairs led up to a balcony that circled the entire club. There were rows of doors on the balcony leading to private rooms.

Naked Rowa’ni males and females moved among the various patrons with trays of little goodies, munchies, and other intoxicants, including beverages. Other Rowa’ni, dressed in their typical simple yet provocative clothing, kept an eye on things. Other naked Rowa’ni lounged on the furniture with the patrons, curling up with them, touching and kissing, talking quietly about whatever subject they wished, though if things proceeded more carnally they were taken by the hand and led up the stairs to the private rooms.

The Lounge was filled with soft, trance-like music, soothing the patrons as they relaxed. Some inhaled from water pipes, others imbibed from small trays of mushrooms, drank, or were offered pills by roaming Rowa’ni; often all methods were available. Some activated holoemitters on the small tables, fascinating themselves with colorful, dancing lights that moved to the beat of the trance music. And through it all was the intoxicating scent of the Rowa’ni themselves.

Tianys came out of her office and penthouse quarters on the level above the balcony, pausing to look down on her domain, the mirrored window behind her reflecting her lush figure and rose red hair. She sauntered down the stairs with that sexy sway that all female Rowa’ni seemed to have, passing along the rail of the club, past the screen, and into the lobby where she stopped by the front counter to consult with the hostess.

Yolanthe, vivid yellow skin and paler hair, stepped through the front doors. As a rule, her species were terrible liars, their true motivations always showing. But off-world, so few people knew what her shifting colors meant that it was always possible to dissemble, if only for a few moments. "Hi. I believe your ship took on some of my staff yesterday when the evacuation was on?" She smiled, hiding the fury she felt. "I'd like to give my thanks to whoever was in charge?"

The host smiled sweetly at Yolanthe. “Oh, of course. I hope everyone found their stay pleasant,” he said. “Matriarch Tianys is over there.” He nodded to the beautiful Rowa’ni with the rose red hair talking to the other hostess.

Tianys looked up as she heard her name and the slight mental nudge from her host, putting on a pleasant, friendly smile.

"That was you?" Yolanthe looked down on the smaller woman and, before her staff could react, grabbed the Rowa'ni by the throat and strode the few steps across the entrance lobby, propelling Tianys ahead of her, color draining from her skin until there was the barest hint of yellow left, slamming the older woman against the wall. "What did you to do to my boy?" she growled, fingers squeezing down.

Tianys hissed as she struggled for air, her green eyes flashing. She grabbed Yolanthe’s arms and dug in her nails, which stung like a bitch when touching Yolanthe’s skin. “Let go of me, you cow…” Tianys managed to get out.

The host and hostess gasped, and the two large males were already moving forward, mentally yelling for more security.

Yolanthe winced as the woman scratched, gouging up skin, and slammed Tianys again. She'd endured a lot worse and still kept going. She was aware of the men moving up behind her. "I was talking. What did you do to Blake? What did you give him? Who did you give him to?"

“Didn’t…give him…anything,” Tianys gasped. “He…had…a good…time…” Tianys dug her nails in deeper, prepared to really harm this woman if she wasn’t released soon.

The large Rowa’ni males came up behind Yolanthe, grabbing at her arms to try and free their matriarch.

They may have been large, but Yolanthe was not exactly tiny. She dropped her grip on Tianys and elbowed the one to her left in the face, grabbed the wrist of the one on her right with both hands, kicked the one on the left in the knee, sending him to the floor, twisted the hand of the one on the right into a lock and kept twisting, pulling the Rowa’ni over her hip to smack face first into the ground. She stepped across him, locking the entire arm until it strained at the joint and then gave the one on the left a kick across the jaw for good measure. It took her five seconds to have the pair of them disabled.

She braced her boot against the man's locked shoulder. A little more pressure would pop it out of the socket. Not that she would. But he didn't know that. She glanced at the other to make sure he was staying down, the pale yellow turning to palest orange when she saw the split lip. Then she turned back to Tianys, jaw clenched against the burning in her shoulders where the bitch had dug her fingernails in. "I know he had a good time. That was evident. But I've seen Orions in action enough times to know what that sort of Good Time looks like. So I'm asking again: What did you give him? How long is it going to take for him to come down? Don't make me ask again."

“Stop it! You’re hurting him!” Tianys cried out, feeling the pain of her boys. As she spoke, there was an audible snap as the hardwood bone of the Rowa’ni’s arm broke. The male gave only a grunt of pain, however, much of his cry coming out over the telepathic link Rowa’ni shared.

The Bokkai was stunned at how easily the bone broke, easier than most humanoids. Horrified at doing so much damage to a boy, she dropped the arm she was holding and stepped back. She was completely off balance when Tianys tackled her from behind.

Tianys was nowhere near as big as Yolanthe, but she could be just as vicious. She plowed right back into the alien woman, unbalancing her, the other male Yolanthe had downed assisting his matriarch by grabbing Yolanthe’s ankle. The two females went down in a tumble, Tianys landing on top, their bodies pressed together, Tianys struggling for Yolanthe’s wrists to pin them to the floor.

“Now you pay,” Tianys growled. And she kissed Yolanthe hard. The flavor was minty at first, but quickly changed to a more licorice flavor.

Yolanthe head-butted the strange woman, getting a satisfying crunch as she slammed her forehead into Tianyss' nose. Then she grabbed Tianys' hair, dragged it to the side, pulling their mouths apart and rolled so she was on top of the slighter woman. Then she punched her hard in the kidneys and pulled Tianys up. "Touch Blake again and I will scalp you and nail your hair to my wall!"

Then she tried to get up and the world spun sharply before righting itself. She crashed down onto Tianys's abdomen, turning green as she did so. "What...what did you just give me?"

Tianys held her broken nose, green sap-like blood covering her hand. “Say good night,” she said, punching Yolanthe in the face even as the poison pulled the Bokkai into blackness.


Tianys Dalav’ni
Lotus Lounge
NPC Caleb Ryan

Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner, The Box of Delights


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