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Walk of Shame

Posted on Sat Aug 29, 2015 @ 2:37am by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin

1,115 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Fallout
Location: The Box of Delights
Timeline: MD04 1050


Blake attempted to sneak into the Box of Delights. He'd only just been able to get back on the station. The last few hours were a a dreamy haze of need, sensation and fulfillment in the depths of the strange ship. He would have come back earlier, but at first attempt to leave, they'd offered him a bath and he'd innocently accepted. So they bathed him, which was, in the end, spectacularly counter productive. When he'd resurfaced from another round with that...angel... a few hours later later, he'd insisted on a shower. A cold one. But it had left him late for work, and in yesterday's clothes.

Ahjess noticed him first and let put a low whistle. "Dude, what happened to you? You look..." He groped for a suitable word, "ruined."

At Ahjess's exclamation, the other staff turned from where they wre changing into their working clothes, and took a long look at him, hair still wet and loose so it was plastered to his hips, one hand on his now button-less waistband, shirt very obviously the one he'd been wearing as they had all been evacuated, and he looked exhausted, lips dry and chapped, eyes slightly red and puffy

"I'm fine." he gave a weak smile. "It was an interesting night." He walked slowly to a stool and tried to sit down carefully.

Pel noticed how gingerly he moved. "You're limping. What did you do to yourself?"

But of course Ahjess saw what Pel didn't. "He's not limping," he sniggered. "He's walking funny!" He came over and clapped Blake on the shoulder. "We thought you'd scored a mushroom, we saw you looking at them in that weird tree garden of theirs. But you didn't did you? You got jiggy!"

"Erm." Blake blushed and looked down. "She was nice to me."

Ahjess grinned even harder. "Yes!" He inspected Blake's clothes, noticed the lack of vest, and the lack of buttons on his fly. "What did she do? Rip your clothes off and throw you down?"

"No!" Blake blushed

"Oh, I think he doth protest to much," Ahjess cackled. "How many times did you go at it to end up," he waved at Blake's crotch. "Chafing?"

"Leave the boy alone," Jessica retrieved a bottle of water from the chiller under the bar and put it down in front of Blake. "You look like you been -" she stopped and changed what she was going to say. "up all night."

Ahjess sniggered again. "I'll say," Jessica slapped him upside his head.

"Seriously," Pel began "What happened? We just want to know that you're okay and not going to suddenly grow horns or have an ugly alien worm jump out of your chest."

"Nothing like that. I don't think its something I should share." Blake squirmed in his seat and covered his embarrassment with a drink from his bottle. "It was..." words failed him

"Blake, you've been having hot alien sex for over 20 hours." Ahjess couldn't rid of that shit eating grin. "I kneel before you. If thats the sort of stamina your mushrooms give you, then Hell I want some."

Blake unconsioucly rubbed his own knees. They were rather bruised. "Uh, thanks?"

"Your welcome. Now spill."

"Uh..." Blake squirmed again.

Vedra pushed his damp hair forward and draped herself over Blakes shoulders. "Its not like he's asking for pictures. or a slowmotion replay," The trill opened his mouth to disagree and Pelin threw a bar towel at him. "But we just want to make sure you're okay. Here to catch you if you drop."

He patted her hands. "I'm not going to drop. It was." he hesitated, "amazing. The best I will ever have. The best I will ever be."

Ahjess opened his mouth again to comment. Jessica stood on his foot.

Blake continued. "It was better than tripping, it was She was there and she was more than beautiful, like creation distilled into one single person and I had to... I couldn't not... It was like if we didn't, the whole universe would come to a crushing stop, and once it happened the first time, I just couldn't stop. She needed me. I was needed." He stopped, looking wretched, pained that whole thing was over.

The others stared at him, amazed at the awe and wonder that had infused their normally slightly dim friend. who'd strung together more words in one go than they'd ever heard out of him before. There was something so pining and earnest about it that it hurt.

And then the energy changed in the room, something unspoken, and they realised they weren't alone. Yolanthe was standing in the door way, arms folded, the black of her loose blouse and trousers stark against her bright yellow skin.

"Boss!" Blake scrambled up from his stool, and winced when everything rubbed together. "Sorry I'm late. I got-"

She held up a hand to forestall his apologies. "Did you drink anything whilst you were there. Eat anything?" she asked him gently.

Blake nodded. "They were very kind. They gave all of us food and drink, and then when I asked about the mushrooms, they," he hesitated, realizing it had been slightly weird. "They offered me water, from, er," the blush started at his ears and moved across his face. "their hands."

"It wasn't like any other time was it?" She continued.


"It just kept building up, like an itch to scratch?" Blake nodded at her dumbly, and she continued "And you wanted her didn't you? She didn't force you. It was like that wasn't it?"

Blake nodded this time. "I'd do it again too. I liked it. is that wrong?"

Yolanthe moved to him, and gave him a reassuring pat on the shoulder. "Its okay. Go get changed, sweetie. Try and take it easy okay?"

"Sure thing boss." He left and she followed him out.

The others looked at each other. No-one had missed the colour of their employer's body. Vedra was the first to break the silence. "What was that about?"

Pelin checked the door, wanting to be sure the doors were closed. "She thinks those people from the Geisha house drugged Blake."

"Well, you heard him, did that sound like normal sex to you? She's right." Vedra shrugged. "You know Blake. never met a mushroom he didn't like."

"No," Pelin insisted. "Not gave him drugs. Drugged him. As in, you know."

"Oh." Vedra looked uncomfortable. "Do you think they did?"

Ahjess snorted. "Does it matter? Did you see what colour she was?" He gave the others a smirk absolutely stuffed with schadenfreude. "Someone is going to die."


Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner, The Box of Delights


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