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Resistance Creates Strength

Posted on Sun May 31, 2015 @ 8:33am by erie'Riov Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

814 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Eye of the Beholder
Location: IRW Dhelan, Rianni's Quarters
Timeline: several hours later

When Rianni's eyes opened again she didn't find herself in sickbay as expected, but in her bed in her quarters on the Dhelan, t'Kori watching over her as Mittens slept at her feet. Sitting up was a damn near Herculean effort, but Rianni somehow managed it, "t'Kori... what happened?"

"We're still not able to return to DS5 yet, but our guests have been issued hygiene items, sleeping cots, and been fed." t'Kori reported, "I've spoken to Admiral tr'Khellian and he's quite happy with our efforts, Sub Commander. Oh, and you very nearly died."

"Yeah, I caught that last part." Rianni managed to laugh weakly, "Hell, until you told me I only nearly died I wasn't sure I didn't."

"Good news travels fast." t'Kori shrugged, "Would you like some dinner? I'll have the cook send something up to you."

"Uh, yeah, but give me a minute, okay?" Rianni nodded, knowing she'd made the right choice with t'Kori, "Can I get some water?"

"Of course." t'Kori replied, hustling to the replicator to make a pitcher of water and two glasses, filling them both and handing one to her leader, "I'd expect you to be thirsty after all that."

"Yeah." Rianni replied, taking a drink of the cold, delicious water, wondering as she did if it was really that good or if she was just that thirsty, "Also a great way to check for leaks."

t'Kori laughed at that, sipping slowly from her glass, "Good you've kept your sense of humor, Sub Commander."

"Yeah, because today has been a barrel of laughs." Rianni groaned, she wasn't leaking, but she was still very tender, ~Yep, no doubt about it, I've been stabbed.~ It was then that a question flew to her mind, "Umm, not a complaint, just a question, if we're both here, who's running the show?"

"I left tr'Lea in command." t'Kori shrugged, "I felt he'd earned it through his loyalty today, especially after you passed out."

"What happened after I passed out?" Rianni asked, half curious and half horrified, knowing it could've been anything from another mutiny to her wetting herself.

"A few officers were.... alarmed by the entire thing." t'Kori began, "But tr'Lea was able to help me calm everyone down, they all know Centurion B'orcik left you no choice. I must admit, it was a bit shocking for me, too, seeing my two immediate superiors in a fight to the death."

"Not my idea." Rianni sighed, draining the water and holding her glass out for more, "Please."

t'Kori happily re-filled the Sub Commander's glass, clearing her throat and saying, "Sub Commander, I want to apologize for my delay in fulfilling your orders earlier. The weapon in my face was a bit of a distraction."

"Hey, distracted me, too." Rianni shrugged, "And I knew you'd be loyal, t'Kori, that's why I gave you that new rank and new job. You've been with me since the beginning...."

"This is my first ship." t'Kori nodded, she'd come there as an Uhlan and in five short years she had become a Centurion and First Officer, "And I plan on staying for a while."

"Good to know." Rianni smiled, sipping her water happily, "I need people I can count on and...."

"Say no more, Sub Commander." t'Kori cut her off, "There's not an officer on this vessel that's not behind you now. It took a while, but you won them all over, Sub Commander. This is finally very much your ship."

"Well." Rianni smirked, leaning back, "Should've gotten stabbed a long time ago."

"Maybe so." t'Kori laughed, "But I wouldn't make a habit of it."

"Yeah, I wouldn't recommend it to my friends, either." Rianni agreed, draining her glass yet again, holding it out for t'Kori, "Please."

With a smile and nod t'Kori re-filled Rianni's glass yet again, "Anything else I can do for you, Sub Commander?" She asked, "I hate to leave you but I should probably get back to the bridge, tr'Lea might be ready for a relief."

"I'm sure." Rianni laughed, though it hurt like hell to do so, "I know you've gotten in touch with my father and mother, what about my grandfather and aunt?"

"Mr. Monteros escaped on Diana's Arrow with forty five civilians." t'Kori recounted, "Your father and mother evacuated on his warbird, your sister Ashara on the Star of Athens with over six hundred evacuees. All told a very good day, Sub Commander."

"And my Aunt?" Rianni pressed, she needed to know Isha was okay.

"As I said, we've still not been able to re-establish communication with the station, Sub Commander." t'Kori answered sadly, she knew how much the Sub Commander's aunt meant to her.

"That's okay." Rianni nodded, "Just let me know as soon as you do, please."

"Yes, Sub-Commander." t'Kori smiled, "I'll be back to check on you later."

"Thanks, t'Kori." Rianni replied, "For everything."



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