
Plain, Simple Thavas (Part III)

Posted on Sat Oct 19, 2024 @ 3:36am by Lieutenant T'Lul & Civilian Thavas Th'Omtala
Edited on on Sat Oct 19, 2024 @ 3:41am

2,026 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Tergum In Tempus
Location: Sartorial Splendor


Thavas grinned. "Weaving and tailoring allow me to express myself artistically and to take pleasure in making people feel beautiful," he said. "Information brokering... well, Andorians where I come from are very much lovers of secrets and intrigue, and there's an artistry to what I do in that vocation as well. But getting back to business, in this case, the Kylyx family is offering information on illegal activity about to occur here on DS5, illegal activity that the Iotian Outfit does not condone. It is being committed by a branch of the Outfit that does not agree with the restrictions the upper bosses put on the rest of the Outfit. Namely the prohibition on committing serious crimes on the Federation's patch and the prohibition on dealing in addictive narcotics. If the family in question, the Yxlyx family, were to get caught by the Fed and exposed, it would weaken them, allowing the Kylyx family to move against them. Unlike Boss Yxlyx, Boss Kylyx is in full support of the prohibitions on committing crimes in the Federation and the prohibitions on dealing in addictive narcotics. So if you pass the information on to Security, I have all of the specifics which I can give you, Starfleet gets a drug smuggler, the people Boss Yxlyx has on his payroll here at DS5, and helps someone more friendly to the Federation move up in the Outfit. Meanwhile, the Brothers Kylyx solve a problem for me in the Rigel System. And if you need more motivation than just the greater good, I would owe you a favor, and I honor my debts as long as it is within my power to do so."


T'Lul's eyes glanced down as she considered the situation. Andorians and Vulcans were once enemies. The Andorians were passionate and warlike in their more immediate history. Vulcans, however, were not warlike since the Romulans broke off from Vulcan. She wondered what the Captain would say or think about such an arrangement. Likely, the Captain was too busy with other matters to fully think this out. Perhaps this is what it was like to be in charge...making the difficult decisions. She always knew it in theory, but now the decision was thrust upon her.

Logically, she considered the problem. The Andorian spoke sense. If she got the information, she could give the information to security and then the Federation, if the information was accurate, would be protected. While a crime syndicate was not an ideal ally, it would certainly be better than one that was opposed to the Federation. If the information was inaccurate, T'Lul would have found someone hostile to the Federation and she could expose the Andorian and eliminate a threat to it. Either way, a threat would be eliminated or reduced and that was a desirable solution. Based upon the Andorian's offer of a favor, the probability was that the Andorian was telling the truth. "You should be aware that I am the Chief Counselor on this station. My word carries weight. I will accept your offer at this time. Logic dictates that I will expose one threat or another and I have a feeling that you are trustworthy. I shall be interested to see the result of that experiment."

"The fact that your word carries weight is the reason we are having this conversation," Thavas said. "If I thought it didn't, I'd help you look fabulous and send you on your way none the wiser. My word carries weight as well. Any security officer or intelligence officer or even command officer in Starfleet running a check on me would quickly discover this to be true. But this arrangement is more subtle than my having to go directly to security, and I appreciate subtlety." Thavas reached in pocket and pulled out a thumb-sized data drive. "This has all of the information you need. Who, where, when, how. Take it directly your Chief of Security, no one else. There's at least one person working Customs she'll want to talk to about loyalty, and gambling debts, before this is over."

T'Lul accepted the proffered data drive without comment. Her head popped up and both eyebrows raised. "So, are you saying that I look fabulous? Would you please explain to me how I look fabulous?" A corner of her lip hinted upwards. "And I do believe you promised to complete the ensemble. If you are, as you say, a person of your word, I should not be permitted to exit this facility until all facets of this outfit is complete and our business is complete." Her eyebrows relaxed slightly as she continued, "Though, this outfit is slightly impractical without pockets." She gazed downwards toward her hand with the chip, not commenting on it further. "Changing would be required prior to concluding our transaction."

Thavas grinned. "I'll hold on to that until you're ready to leave then," he said, holding out a hand for the data drive. "Don't worry, I'll be sure to give it back. Have you found a pair of shoes that you like? Hmm... lack of pockets is impractical, you are correct. A curse of women's fashion for milennia. Viza! A purse or three for the Lady T'Lul to choose from! And, Lady, when you're satisfied with the look of this formal attire, please choose a item or two to try on from the more casual selection I've laid out for you over here. As for how you look fabulous, let us discuss that while we work...."

Am I being teased? Is he humored? Emotions can be tricky and what work is he referring to now? "Very well," T'Lul answered. "Viza was educating me as to the appropriate heels, so there is still some work there to be done. As to the purse, I would appreciate an appropriate selection. Until I am convinced that I will, as the humans say, turn heads, I do not think I can leave. I am not certain if that is required for casual attire. However, I will leave that to yours and Viza's expertise."

"Well," Thavas said. "Casual attire is meant to be comfortable, relaxed, and suitable for everyday use, but that doesn't mean it can't turn heads in its own way. The way one dresses sends a message to those that see them, or, in the case of those that require tactile input, to those that touch them. The way you dress casually for a friendly, platonic encounter might differ from the manner of your casual dress for a potentially romantic encounter. There is also business casual. That refers to what I think you are looking for in your counseling practice. More formal than what you might where everyday, but less formal than fancy dress or your uniform. Something that makes you look professional, that makes people take you seriously without the formality of a suit or your uniform. All of these can turn heads, but for different reasons."

"Intriguing," T'Lul answered. "Business casual it shall be, then. I see that I have much to learn, as I did not expect to turn heads in my casual attire. I must have been clumsy with my language, because I was referring to turning heads with the complete ensemble of this particular outfit. Though, once we are done with this and now that you have made me aware that I could turn heads in a business casual setting, I should like to attempt that, as well. Again, though, I think we should finish this outfit first, although I am uncertain when we will have a formal event with the unease on the station. I will have to bring that to the attention of the Captain."

"Alright," Thavas said. "Executive decision time. If you're willing to go with my suggestion, I say... with that dress... I would go with those shoes and that purse, to start, anway. You can always add something different later. If that works for you, may I suggest this outfit here for a business casual option? I believe it will flatter you while also setting a comfortable, relaxed tone for your sessions. Perhaps this one as well, for the same reasons."

The Vulcan's lips moved to upward and to her left side. Her eyes narrowed and nose scrunched slightly. She looked at the shoes that she was wearing, champagne colored 3 and a half inch stiletto heels made of a soft silk exterior on the outside with comfort foam on the insides. The exterior of the shoes also had metallic accents of flowers and leaves which crawled down the heel, giving a vinelike appearance. The purse was also champagne colored but had a gold chain main of small interlocking gold circlets that stretched from T'Lul's shoulder to her hip. The clutch was made of smooth satin and the front of it was covered with glitter and polished metal decorations. It had an internal pocket and magnetic button closure. Any human would probably call this outfit glamorous. However T'Lul's face unscrunched itself and she said, "I believe that this formal outfit is acceptable."

She then inspected the business casual outfits. She looked at the outfits and then looked at herself in the formal outfit. Looking back at the business casual outfits, she opened her mouth and then shut it, not finding an acceptable response. Was this a disappointed look for the Vulcan? "I think I am ready to change out of this and into my uniform. I will have to consider the casual outfits further but I believe that we need to negotiate a price for this formal outfit that you have selected for me. I think that it will be an interesting experience for all whenever I get the opportunity to wear it."

Thavas nodded again. He picked up a PaDD and a stylus and wrote some numbers on it. "The top number is the rack rate," he said. "The second number is the cost with the First Time Buyer Discount. The third is the price after the first time buyer discount and the the discount I offer to all Starfleet officers."

"Very well," T'Lul answered simply. "I will change, come back, and conclude all of our transactions for the day." In short order, the Vulcan made her change. The dress was back on a hangar along with the clutch. The heels in her hand. Her other hand was in her pocket. "I am ready to conclude our business for the day."

"As am I," Thavas said. "And may I say, it has been a pleasure. Now, will that be Federation credits, latinum, or some other form of currency?"

As they spoke, Viza took the dress from T'Lul for a moment, put it in a disposable garment bag, and gave it back to her. She also discretely slipped the data disk into the pocket of T'Lul's uniform pants. "Wouldn't want to forget this," the young woman whispered.

T'Lul gave Viza a small nod while addressing Thavas, "I appreciate you packing all of this up so carefully for me. Federation credits is the only currency I have available." The Vulcan knew that the information broker was looking for some. Certainly, she was in no position to pass any to him and he had not yet been proven completely trustworthy to her. If he was telling the truth, he could be relied upon but one never knew truly where a broker stood. That being said, she found him to be agreeable.

"Of course," Thavas said. "Then Federation credits it is. You may transmit them whenever you are ready. I hope to see you again soon. We could discuss casual fashion and whatever other interesting topics which happen to come to mind."

"Perhaps," T'Lul replied evenly. She gave Viza and Thavas an approving nod. "I believe there is an old adage that states 'always leave them wanting more.' I shall be interested in seeing if that is accurate." With that, the Vulcan left the shop and did not wait to take her clothing to her quarters but headed for the Chief of Security.


Lieutenant T'Lul
Chief Counselor

Thavas Th'Omtala
Master Weaver, Master Tailor
Owner: Sartorial Splendor



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