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Plain, Simple Thavas (Part I)

Posted on Sat Oct 19, 2024 @ 12:17am by Lieutenant T'Lul & Civilian Thavas Th'Omtala
Edited on on Sat Oct 19, 2024 @ 3:22am

1,924 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Things Past
Location: Sartorial Splendor
Timeline: Evening, approximately 1 week prior to the attack


Thavas had only been on the station a short time, but had already been doing a brisk trade in tailoring. He'd sold quite a few expensive items off of the rack that would need alterations, as well as several orders for bespoke work. He'd decided already that he would leave most of the alterations, except for anything complicated, to his apprentice, young Viza. She was more than capable at this point. That would leave him free to focus mostly on the bespoke items. If all went to plan, the more of his work seen on the station, the more likely it was that he would meet some of the senior Starfleet staff. Once that occurred, he could deal information and favors to Starfleet. Theoretically, he could just walk in the front door of Security or Intelligence and drop his name. They'd check him out and realize he was considered both a reliable source of information and a reliable go-between who could go places they couldn't and talk to people who wouldn't be caught dead talking to them. But that wasn't subtle, and Thavas preferred subtlety.

Things were quiet at the moment, so he and Viza decided to give the shop a quick once over, setting displayed items to rights and replacing anything on display which had run out.

Sartorial Splendor was done up tastefully in an "antique" or "antiquarian" style. Subtle lighting, plenty of real wood paneling and shelving, and a few stylish wooden tables in "Second Empire" or "Napoleon III" style. The fitting area had lovely full length Second Empire mirrors as well as chairs in the style as the walls, mirrors, and shelving. On display everywhere were Omtalan textiles and clothing and accessories made with those textiles. The fabric had an interesting relationship with light. It could take on a different color depending on the angle or direction one was looking at it from. It came in a variety of color combinations, textures, thickness, etc, and was highly prized throughout the known galaxy. Omtalan fabric was impossible to imitate with a replicator (even a Starfleet replicator) and no one as of yet had figured out how to make a knock off version by hand or physical machine either. It could only be produced by the Keth (Clan) Omtala.

T'Lul had noticed that tension at Deep Space 5 was higher than normal and that was saying something. Her appointments with the Captain were yielding some results, regardless of how the Captain felt. She almost got in touch with her emotions the other day, which was a great achievement. T'Lul, on the other hand was still weighing the logic as the overriding philosophy of Vulcan culture. Also of note was that her pon farr was on the horizon. It was an embarrassing situation and she had not become overly close with anyone on Deep Space 5 except Yolanthe. While she might be able to confide in Yolanthe, she did not believe that for her pon farr experiment that Yolanthe was a suitable partner. Perhaps she would be for an observer.

Regardless of those situations, T'Lul decided that it would be logical to explore the station to ascertain whether there was a reason that the station's tension was higher than normal. If she could determine the cause, then she logically could be able to determine the solution. Crew and station morale would be higher if she could do that. Without any clues, logic dictated that she seek it out in a methodical manner.

One thing that was new, according to some of her patients was a store called Sartorial Splendor. T'Lul decided that perhaps this would be a good place to start. While it was highly improbable that a clothing store or tailor would cause a disruption, it was new, and thus, a logical place to start her exploration.

Typical for T'Lul, she allowed her hair to grow long and slightly unruly. While it was impractical according to many of her kind, it often hid her ears, making her blend more. It also allowed her patients to occasionally forget that she was Vulcan. Perhaps, if she thought about it, she a stronger preference for looking more feminine, as the humans would say.

She walked into the store and took the time to observe every facet of the customers and work staff. She was perplexed at the ancient decorations but took the time to look at the clothing and touched one or two that might be of some interest to her.

Thavas noticed the woman enter the shop and begin to browse. She might just be what he was looking for. She was medical, counseling, or science. Nothing related to security, and if she became a customer, or perhaps a friend, It wouldn't seem unusual for them to be seen conversing. The people in the know might understand the subtleties of the situation, but that was what those sort of people expected of him. It was what they used Thavas and his services for. That and a nice dress or suit.

Thavas was fairly certain she was Vulcan, even with her hair over her ears. One could tell these things if they were a keen observer. Thavas was a very keen observer.

"That would look lovely on you," Thavas said, approaching the most likely Vulcan woman, referring to the item she was touching at the moment. He wasn't lying. He'd been in the clothing and textile trades all of his adult life and immersed in them growing up. The Andorian could tell these things. "All of the colors in its spectrum should compliment your hair, eyes, skin tone, and body type quite nicely."

"Tell me," T'Lul asked, inspecting the Andorian curiously. "Why should I believe that to be true?" She looked around the store. "If I am not mistaken, this is your store, is it not? Perhaps it is your intent just to sell me something to make a profit and not because you believe that it would look, as you say, 'lovely' on me." The Vulcan's hair swished to the side, momentarily allowing her right ear to peak through.

She mused, awaiting the response, deciding that regardless of Thavas' answer, she would try the garment on herself. Perhaps it would elicit a stronger emotional response.

"It is my store," Thavas said. "And I not only designed and constructed the garment in question, but in this particular case, designed and wove the fabric for it myself. I don't always do that myself anymore, but in this case, it is the product of my weaving. That piece of work has my name all over it, from start to finish. I take pride in my name and so I take pride in my work. Because of that, those who know my work have come to know me, as an honest and honorable man. Perhaps we can make you into one of those people," Thavas smiled. "Thavas Th'Omtala, Master Weaver and Master Tailor," he said with a smile. "Welcome to Sartorial Splendor." Thavas held up his hand in the Vulcan salute and said, in perfect Vulcan. "Long Life and Prosperity, Lady Lieutenant. How may I be of service?"

"The name is T'Lul," she answered simply. "And you may be of service by providing me with a fitting room to try on this garment." She tilted her head to the side and debated her next words. She put a slight lilt into her voice to emulate some emotions and intrigue. "You said that it would compliment my skin, eyes, hair, and body type. However, by my understanding, this outfit would be incomplete without the proper footwear and perhaps something else. What would you suggest so that I can get the full effect of your efforts?"

"The fitting rooms are in this direction," Thavas smiled and gestured in the direction of the rooms. "While shoes are not our personal forte, we have a limited selection from other artisans you can try on. We can also replicate footwear that we don't have in stock and then have the real thing order or even custom made for you should you choose. Come, let us see what we can find for you."

T'Lul allowed herself to be led to the fitting rooms. "I appreciate your acknowledgment of your strengths and weaknesses." She paused a moment and asked, "This would be a formal outfit, correct? Something that I could wear for entertainment events?" There was a moment's hesitation before she continued, "I should be interested in the reactions of others to not seeing me in a uniform. I have even considered a casual outfit to make my patients feel more comfortable."

Thavas nodded. "This would be considered a more formal outfit," he said. "While you're trying this on, would you like me to find a few casual outfits for you to try on?"

"That would be acceptable," T'Lul answered simply. The Vulan looked at the fabric again and noticed that it had changed in the lighting. "This is Omtalan fabric, is it not? Now I understand why you indicated that the fabric would match my color. Omtalan fabric has a near chameleon-like quality to it."

"It is indeed," Thavas said. "I grew up learning to weave it and work with it. Though my tailoring and fashion designing skills were perfected at the Andorian Academy of the Arts and in the forty years since, I also spent time as a child learning that as well. The basics, anyway. Here we are," he said when they arrived in the fitting area. The changing rooms were off to the sides of a set of three mirrors. "There are mirrors in the changing rooms as well. When you're ready, come out and let us get a look at you. My apprentice, Viza, will be along shortly to help you while I'm looking for a few casual items for you."

T'Lul entered the fitting room without comment. The garment that she had been holding had looked like a champagne color whenever she held it. It was a dress with a V-neck and was a wrap with a high waist. The skirt flared outwards with a small chiffon ruffle at the end. Unceremoniously, she got out of her uniform and neatly folded it on a seat. She then put on the dress and observed it in the mirror. T'Lul was not a curvy woman. Observing herself in the mirror, she admitted that the garment gave her an appearance of being more curvy.

After a few moments of observation, she stepped out of the fitting room and silently looked about to see if either Viza or Thavas had returned.

Viza was laying out casual outfits she and Thavas had picked out for T'Lul to try on and there was a small selection of shoes she had picked out under Thavas' supervision for T'Lul to try on.

Thavas, who had been sitting in one of the gorgeous chairs in the fitting area waiting for T'Lul to come out, rose when the Vulcan appeared. "Lady T'Lul, you are a vision. It is almost as though you are the gentlebeing that dress was made for. How does the dress make you feel? It would be an adventurous choice, but you strike me as someone looking to explore yourself and test your boundaries and limits. And if this dress is not agreeable to you, Viza and I would be happy to find you something that you believe suits you better."

(To be continued...)

Lieutenant T'Lul
Chief Counselor

Thavas Th'Omtala
Master Weaver, Master Tailor
Owner: Sartorial Splendor


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