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Man of the People

Posted on Wed May 17, 2023 @ 2:07am by Civilian 'Arrival' Geral Lasuma & Civilian Hydel Turvan

3,281 words; about a 16 minute read

Mission: Si vis pacem, para bellum
Location: Commander's Office | Promenade

Gul Natomi Kyren was straightening her uniform while the comm specialists continued to work on setting up the equipment that would be used to record and transmit the planned announcement throughout the station. She looked up as the doors to her office swished opened the Bajoran Lasuma stepped in.

"Welcome, Mr. Lasuma. Thank you for joining us." She said with a smile. Behind her smile was a mind calculating the various crimes he had committed just in the past 24 hours.

Caring little for her pleasantries he got straight to the point. "Let's just get this over with, I have a business to run and promises to keep to the merchants on the promenade. "

"I'm sorry you feel that way Mr. Lasuma. You really are performing a great service for your people." Gul Kyren said as she walked over to where she was to be recorded. "There is no need for more bloodshed during this difficult time. By working with us, you are helping maintain the peace and order that so many civilians have come to expect from their lives on this station." She said.

He maintained his composure and kept his eyeroll to himself and remained where he was.

The Cardassian Gil gave a nod to the Cardassian Gul once the system was operational. "Gul Kyren, you and. . .he," The Cardassian said, straining to acknowledge the Bajoran. "Will speak directly into the lens and it will record the message that will be later transmitted throughout the station in various languages." The Gil said.

"Very well." Gul Kyren said. "Citizens of Deep Space 5, my name is Gul Kyren and I am joined with Mr. Geral Lasuma. We recognize that this has been a very trying time for you all during this period of transation. However, the Cardassian Union wishes to foster a spirit of cooperation and harmony with you, our allies." Gul Kyren said.

"It has come to our attention that various individuals have engaged in a campaign of terror and destruction throughout the station, costing the station administration untolds amount of time and resources to repair the damage that they have caused." Gul Kyrean said, her features softening as she appeared to demonstrate concern. "These selfish and divisive acts of terrorism do nothing more than hurt the innocent. It impedes business and it causes hard-working individuals to live in unwarranted fear." She continued.

"That is why we have chosen to work with Promanade Leaders such as Mr. Lasuma to help spread the message that the Cardassian Union is here to listen to your concerns and help provide a safe environment for your families and businesses." Gul Kyren said as he turned to Geral to allow him to speak.

Geral had been expecting to have had to memorize some script or other circumstance, but a recorded presentation had honestly caught him off guard. What he needed to do required a more open forum and present circumstances would not do, not in the slightest.

Remaining where he was, he simply shook his head as he spoke. " I will not give you a recorded statement that you can alter and edit to fit your narrative. Besides, do you really think anyone will be convinced by this type of...", waving towards the technician and the recording device all while keeping his eyes on the Gul' " No, no, no.
This type of thing might work on Cardassia, but not here. Not for the type of audience you are trying to reach."

Keeping his manner forthright and earnest, despite his utter contempt and hatred. "If you want to convince people, this needs to be Out in front of those you intend to convince...say on the promenade. No pretense, nothing behind closed doors. Some canned, prerecorded presentation will always leave people thinking that you got my cooperation by having someone off camera pointing a disruptor at me. Dukat did the same thing, issuing edicts, or other statement, from on high behind closed doors. Do you really want to make the same mistakes?"

Before she could get out a word, he laid everything out. "Consider. We leave here and make our way to the promenade, seen in public together side by side. We get to the promenade where your people can transmit the address throughout and even outside the station. Universal translators will eliminate any language barriers and all you have to do is make sure the transmission is a mandatory display on all monitors throughout.

"I will call for everyone's attention and apologize for the interruption to their evens activities; thus keeping any animosity from being directed at you. I then introduce you. You say your piece, just as you did a moment ago. I speak, also calling for an end to the violence. You get public display of support, nothing behind the scenes, everything out in the open, and more importantly no doubt of me being coerced or otherwise forced. Everyone sees a Cardassian and a Bajoran side by side...," raising a fist emphasis, "...unified in a call to protect the innocent.

"Another thing is that doing something impromptu prevents those doing the sabotage from preparing anything in advance." Adding with a bit of forced chuckle, "Hell it will probably stun the hell out of everyone and if nothing else, should cause a pause while they try to figure out what they've just seen."


Gul Kyren let the silence fill the room for several moments before she responded with a smile. "Yes, Mr. Lasuma, we will go with that course of action." SHe said, much to the surprise of the staff around her. "I think your suggestion demonstrates how well you understand the people of the station." The Cardassian Gul said.

"I will arrange for us to make a more public announcement at 1430hrs. Will that work for your schedule?" She said. That would give them a couple of hours to get things organized. "I can meet you in front of the Box of Delights and we can make our announcement there." She offered.

He had stood there with his hands laced together waiting on her reply. Nodding slightly as his hands parted and lifted, "Perfect. I must say I am surprised, pleasantly surprised, at your...opened mindedness. I think that bodes well for the future. I will see you then."

Gul Kyren nodded in response as the Bajoran turned and made his way out of her office. As the doors closed, she could feel the eyes of her Executive Officer, Gul Dusad Hulceen burning a hole into the back of her skull.

"Why would you agree to any of that Bajoran's ridiculous terms?" The older Cardassian asked, still wearing a mask of disbelief on his face.

"Because Lasuma is a lying, conniving, thief. . .but he is not a fool." Gul Kyren said, spinning on her heels to face Gul Hulceen. "He's not stupid enough to attack me in public, on the promenade in such a open fashion." She said.

"However, if he proves to be just as dumb as any other Bajoran then I want you to. . ."She started to say but was cut-off by her Executive Officer's eagerness.

"Kill him, swiftly?" Gul Hulceen interrupted.

"No, even worse: I want you to seize all of his assets. From his store, to his vessels, and even his private quarters on this station. If he wants to be a Man of the People, then he can live on the streets with the people." She said. She knew that having him killed on the Promenade would only cement his legacy as that of a martyr. Instead, she was prepared to hurt him where it would truly hurt him and those that depended on him.

Gul Hulceen nodded in agreement. He was actually hoping that the Bajoran would make a move. Not because he wanted to see anything happen to Gul Kyren, but because it would give the Cardassians the justification they needed to finally tighten their grip on the station and put an end to the lawlessness.

Once again he managed to wait until he was in the turbolift until he lashed out. Kicking the wall and yelling. How much more of this he could take he didn't know.


Geral had been working the promenade talking to the various shop owners letting them know that their shipping agreements with Lasuma Enterprises were still in place, that the supply runs by his ships would soon be resuming, and that there would be no charge for the period of interruption created by the Cardassians. Those shops that were damaged by recent bombing he reassured them that repairs were coming. He knew of a handful of shops that were packing up to leave and he had managed to convince most of them to stay. The curiosity as to how he had managed to arrange things was constant a constant question to which he gave the same reply. 'This isn't my first time dealing with Cardassians.'

The huge influx of funds to his company from his new markets and his part of the dilithium had given a lot of extra latinum in his coffers that he really had no need for. As he walked the promenade it felt good to be able to help those that needed it. Yes, the majority of the merchants here used his company for shipping and he was making money off that, he was able to help when needed...and now was a time that help was needed. Maybe it was an attempt to remove some of the red off the ledger of his past, but he didn't care.

Nearing the Box he saw Gul Kyrean approaching. Thinking to himself as he took in a deep breath, ~Time for the show.~

"Mr. Lasuma, punctional as always." The Cardassian Commander said as she walked over to him flanked by her communications personnel. In fact, other than the standard Security Troopers assigned to the area, there were no armed Security Escorts attached to her.

"I'm truly looking forward to this opportunity to show the people of this station what is possible when business leaders such as yourself choose to work alongside us." She said.

Turning to the technician, "You ready?"

The only way he was likely to survive this situation was to corner the Cardassians into not being able to move against him; at least for the immediate future. To do that he had to put them on the spot, make himself the face of the citizenry of the station. To get them so integrated behind him that to take him out would lead to a full out revolt. The merchants on the promenade would be easy enough but he needed the rest of the station as well. Holding the announcement in public was key and, surprisingly, he had achieved that. However after this he was not likely to get another concession from Kyrean let alone Turvan, so he had better get as much as he could now.

Stepping up on a median wall he shouted out for the crowd’s attention but his shouts reverberated across the promenade through ever monitor and speaker, so he turned down his volume. "Sorry about that...", smiling apologetically.

"Good afternoon everyone on Deep Space 5. I am Geral Lasuma. Everyone here on the Promenade knows me. The rest of you throughout the station at least know of me. First, allow me to apologize for the interruption of your day, your tasks, your jobs, your time off...," casting a hand to those around him, "...even your rebuilding.

“It’s the rebuilding and repairs taking place on the Promenade I want to speak to everyone about. I know some of you here and watching me now may have had a hand in the recent bombings on the Promenade. I was asked by our new hosts…”

Right on cue there was a series of boos and grumblings in the crowd, and he turned to face the disturbance, his back now to Gul Kyrean and her people. Raising his hands to the crowd to quiet them, he crossed his index finger under his second. It was an old school signal of coercion but even those that didn’t recognize the gesture should realize something was going on. Those watching would be unable to see what he had done but those on the Promenade had and for now that was enough. “Please hear me!”

Lowering his hands, he continued. "We were all given the chance to leave the station and all of us chose to stay. Whatever the reason at the time, be it personal or professional, whatever it was, we all chose to stay. Now we have to live with the consequences of those decisions, to make the best of the situation and do what we need to move on.

“What does targeting a handful of Cardassians on the Promenade accomplish? Sure, you injure or kill a few Cardi’s that were easy targets of opportunity, but the injuries and damage done to those you are fighting for out weights any success you think you might have gained.”

Scanning the crowd he continued after a brief pause. “Most of the worlds we come from have had periods of violence in the past…Human, Bajoran, Andorian, Vulcan, even Cardassian have had periods of rioting, looting, or other difficulties. In all of those periods and places, in virtually all of these incidents the majority of the harm inflicted was on the very people those rioting were supposed to be rioting for.

“I know why these things are happening, I know the anger and frustration that are causing these attacks to happen…I know what all of you may be feeling, and what you are going through. TRUST ME…I’ve been through worse than this!”

Gesturing to Gul Kyrean. “The Cardassians came to me to speak to you all. They came to me to speak to you all and I was ready to say no. I didn't want to help them in anyway but unless I did something most of the promenade would have to close up. and that wouldn't be good for anyone. The Cardassians said that my actions could benefit all, so being the businessman that I am; I negotiated on your behalf. In exchange for my efforts here they are allowing my ships, the ships that most of the shops here depend on in order to operate, to return to normal operations to and from DS5.”

Pulling a padd from his pocket. “I have spoken to the merchants that rely on me and some that don’t. Before the day is over, I will be transmitting a list of needs to be filled…and those needs will be filled free of charge. On top of that, the cargo that has been held up since the attack will be let in. So those of you that had placed orders…there is a good chance your merchandise will be on the station soon and in your hands once it clears inspection. Additionally, teams from Lasuma Enterprises will be assembled, cleared, and then allowed on the promenade to repair those shops in need of repair. Soon the Promenade will once again be a place to rest, relax, do a little shopping, have drink, play some games, or even enjoy a fine meal.

“The Cardassians have assured me that they only want to get past all the resent unpleasantness and to move on. To prove their good will, they are allowing me to help all of you by allowing the flow of commerce to resume. So long as my ships bring in what you all need to keep your shops running or take your goods to other markets throughout the quadrant, you will all see for yourselves that our hosts mean what they say. But don’t take my word for it. They have joined me here and now without a security escort to speak to you as well.

“Allow me to introduce you all to Gul Kyrean.”

Quite the showman. . . The Cardassian commander thought to herself as she checked her comm equipment and put on a warm and inviting smile.

"Thank you Mr. Lasuma," She said as she gave a slight nod to the Bajoran as she looked at the crowd that had gathered on the Promeande. "And thank you all that have chosen to stay and continue to make a home here on Deep Space 5." She said. "We understand that the recent transition of this facility from Starfleet to Cardassian administration has been difficult and filled with strife." She said.

"But our intention is not to make an enemy out of any of you. We want you to feel safe to go about your lives and continue to operate your businesses the same as you always have." She added. "There are dangers that populate this sector of space and we intend to use our resources to protect this station and protect you all." She said, trying to show genuine concern.

"To that extent, we have agreed to work with Mr. Lasuma's business enterprises in providing more goods and services to you all. We want you to know that our partnership is built upon a foundation of trust and understanding that Cardassia will always be the watchful and protective guardian over all of those that we call our friends." She said placing particular emphasis on her words. She wanted to make it clear that any attacks would be an attack against on one of their own.

"As a sign of our commitment, we will be extending the Promenade curfew by 2 hours!" She announced. "Thank you for your patience and you cooperation!" She said as she took a step back and signaled for her technician to disconnect the feed.

Geral was still standing off the planter wall as she said her piece and hopped down as her people closed down their equipment. "There are a few merchants I still need to get their supply/repair list from but once I have everything, I will contact Ops to get a channel opened so I can get in touch with my people to get things started." With wait for a response, he turned to head deeper into the promenade only to stop and turn sharply, the crowd of people still watching.

"You know...Gul Kyrean. It would go a long way to easing tensions if we could get so subspace communications restored. Not only so my fellow merchants and I could conduct business but so the people on the station could reach their families. No doubt there are a lot of worried loved ones out there."

Still wearing her beaming smile as if it was a personal deflector body armor, she approached Geral and clasped his hands inside of hers with a firm handshake.

"I will absolutely take that under consideration, Mr. Lasuma." She said as she pumped his hands several times, in order to ensure her film crew picked up the embrace, and eventually turned to walk back towards her team and head back to her office.

Geral watched her leave know full well that she was not going to open up general communication but at least he could contact his people. Perhaps he could encode messages of others within his transmissions. With that in mind he gave a nod to one of his people, who headed into the Box of Delights to complete a drop to Yolanthe, as he spoke to those on the promenade.

Gul Natomi Kyren
Deep Space 5 Administrator
Cardassian Empire

Gul Dusad Hulceen
Executive Officer
Cardassian Empire

Geral Lasuma
Owner Lasuma Enterprises


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