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Keeping A Low Profile (Part II)

Posted on Sat Apr 9, 2022 @ 8:00am by Lieutenant Alanna Wells & Commander Amia Telamon M.D. & Civilian Jason Haines & Lieutenant Commander River Morgan

928 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Si vis pacem, para bellum
Location: Pangaea


The science officer nodded. "I'll see if I can find out what's going on with DS5 and the portals." Although Alanna didn't think there would be anything new, it was still worth listening in on the comm channels.

Jason nodded and walked out the back doorn into the woods.


Having been the last to join this group, the two medics weren't totally comfortable interjecting into their planning and debates but they listened and looking at one another and nodding at appropriate moments, did seem to both agree with the plan as it was forming out.

Amia looked up at Alana as she mentioned going to try to find out what might be going on with DS5 and the portals. "Is there anything I can do to help with that?" she offered, not sure if there could be anything she could do, but willing to try to help.

River nodded. "I can cope here with the casualties" she backed up her CMO's offer, not sure herself if the offer was useful or likely to be acceptable but making sure that covering the tending to the sick was not a reason in the mix to make it unviable.

Both of them had been very glad to be able to help with the casualties once they had arrived. It was a good distraction and great to be able to work at what they were best at, but it was limited. With most cases in no danger and under treatment now, they had been wondering and discussing how they might help more. Was this something that might be an opening?

"We need to gather as much information about the Cardassians and their plans as we can," Alanna began. "As doctors, you may have more access to information than we do--as long as they don't know you're Starfleet. Have you spent much time in the colony?" She glanced at Jason, who might have a better idea of how they could help than she did. "And we still don't know who we can trust here, outside of our group and the Marines."

Amia looked crestfallen. "Sadly no, I only arrived recently on that burnt out escape pod and River kindly rescued me when I finally crash landed."

River smiled over at her boss. "Well, it wouldn't have been very promising at my next review if I hadn't" she quipped.

"Oh, I think if you hadn't there would have been a clear vacancy opening up for you to step right into." Amia replied, rolling her eyes.

River grinned and moved back to the subject at hand. "I've been in the Colony for a brief time but they do already know I'm Starfleet so my cover if I ever had any, is already blown."

"What about the refugee sites?" Brianthe asked. "Would they need a doctor?"

"Maybe," Alanna said, looking at the two doctors. "What do you want to do?"

"Well if the refugees could use us, I'm more than happy to go there" Amia began and River chimed in her agreement.

"Yes" the ACMO said, nodding with a big smile. "I would too, anywhere that we can help. We were both caught off station when the invasion happened and it's been so hard knowing there are so many needing our help and so little we can offer them in exile like this.

Amia looked sadly at the group and felt another wave of that "having let the side down" guilty feeling that had plagued her all along, since the bad news of the invasion had landed. She was away on family vacation and that seemed such a lightweight reason not to be in her Sickbay when she was needed there most. Still it was done now and all she could do was try to make something valuable out of what was around her now.

River watched as the shadows crossed Amia's face with emotion and could guess what she was thinking. In her own situation, River felt the same. She had been caught on a floating spa and locked out of the Station. That was even lighter when it came for reasons not to be to hand.

"...but is that all you need of us?" Amia asked. "I know it could be crucial but then again, with so few of you here and able to try to put up some resistance, could we be of more use to you?" She had to be sure theirs wasn't an easier way of avoiding the sharp end of hand to hand conflict....not that she had any desire to engage in any of that, but neither did she want to dodge what the others were having to face.

"Several of us were here on the planet when the Cardassians attacked," Alanna said. "We've got two Romulans in the colony feeding us information. I'll ask them if they need doctors. We're also setting up sites for refugees. I can give you coordinates for two of them and you can see if anyone there needs help."

"Yes, thank you - at least then, we can find out who needs what." Amia replied with a nod of agreement. She looked over at River who was also nodding so they took the coordinates and set up their equipment to make contact and get themselves over the camps.

A JP Between:

Jason "Beach Bum"Haines


Lieutenant Alanna Wells
Chief Science Officer and Hobbit
Deep Space 5 & Pangaea


Cmdr Amia Telamon
CMO - DS5 (currently on Pangaea)


Lt Cmdr River Morgan
ACMO - DS5 (also currently on Pangaea)


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