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How much blood is dilithium worth?

Posted on Wed Jan 12, 2022 @ 8:56pm by Civilian Melvyn Raddon
Edited on on Thu Dec 21, 2023 @ 5:31am

1,052 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Si vis pacem, para bellum
Location: Palais de la Concorde, Earth/ Federation Council Chambers
Timeline: MD 10
Tags: FNN, Federation Council, Earth, President

"Make sure you confirm our meeting with the Commerce Minister for Sethion IV, time may not exist for them, but it sure as hell does for me." Federation Council Treneer Suban said to his assistant as he made his way through the double doors of the Federation Council Chamber and towards the outer doors. He was hoping that he would be able to make it to the elevator that led directly to his office without being stopped by the press. Unfortunately, those dreams were dashed as he saw the assigned reporter for the Federation News Network making a beeline directly towards him.

"Councilor Suban! Councilor Suban!" Shouted the reported as he tried to pretend that he did not see her. It would have been impossible to miss her, consider she had just maneuvered through a crowd of individuals and was loudly shouting his official title.

"Councilor Suban! Is it true that you are using your position to block President Trel's declaration of war against Cardassia!" The reported asked as hse finally made it through the throng of people. She was still trying to catch her breathe as she waited for the politician to answer her significant question.

Councilor Suban sighed inwardly. He hated the way reporters phrased their questions. There was never any dedication to detail, only the big headlines or at least quotes that would make large headlines! He knew he would have to parse out his language very carefully otherwise he'd be the next viral sensation throughout the sector.

"I am not blocking anything. The Federation Charter makes very clear what powers the Security Council possess and what the Federation President does." He said. It was a response, but not a direct answer. He was a master of Federation parliamentarian procedure and he knew the rules inside and out. He also knew how to give only a half-answer.

"President Trel has the constitutional authority to declare war on whomever she and her cohort of advisors chose to target." Suban said, referring to President Trel and Minister of Defense Ch'vrehr. It was no secret that Council Suban did not care for the man and sought every opportunity he could to use the Security Council voting process to vex the man.

"However, the Security Council does not have that luxury." Councilor Suban continued. "We must evaluate all military actions and determine what affect they will have on the lives of very Federation citizen." He added.

"Are you saying that President Trel did not do any necessary research and that her declaration of war was merely arbitrary and just a publicity stunt?" The reporter asked, seeking clarification.

Councilor Suban smirked. "What I'm saying. . .if I'm saying anything at all, is that President Trel may make whatever declaration she pleases. However, the Security Council determines what resources will be devoted to any military action. Regardless of what fancy speeches, the President may choose to give." He said as he turned to enter the turbolift and hopefully leave the conversation.

"But once the President has made the declaration, aren't all Federation military resources at her disposal?" The reporter said, jumping into the lift with the obviously annoyed Councilor. "Isn't President Trel the Commander-in-Chief of all Federation forces?" She added.

Councilor Suban bit his tongue as he saw the reporter jump in with him. "Yes, however, the Security Council controls the purse-strings of all military actions that are to be taken within the Federation. President Trel can declare war on whomever she wants and order whatever fleet she wants to wherever she chooses. But until this Council has performed a thorough review of the mission objectives, we will not allocate any valuable resources nor military assets to support her jaunt into some far-flung corner of Federation space for some dustball no one had even heard of." He replied angrily as the lift came to a stop and he stepped off and made his way down the corridor towards his office.

"What about the support President Trel has received from the Klingon Empire in this military engagement? Isn't that a sign of significant approval?" The reporter asked.

"Then have President Trel send Klingons to die needlessly in the middle of nowhere." Council Suban replied flippantly. "She

"But what about the Federation station that was attacked and taken over by hostile Cardassian forces? Doesn't that merit an appropriate military response?" The reporter shot back, walking briskly to keep up with the taller man.

The question made Councilor Suban stop in his tracks. "I was born and raised on Betazed. I watched as the Dominion tore apart our defenses and landed Jem'Hadar Soldiers on our planet." He said through clenched teeth. "I know the horrors of war, and I am not going to shed the blood of our men and women simply because the Xi'Cadians decided that they don't want to share their dilithium with us anymore." He said said as he locked eyes with the woman.

"Just how much of our blood is dillithium worth?" He said with an obvious edge to his voice.

He allowed the silence to linger in the air before he proceeded to walk past the reporter towards his doors.

"But Councilor! What do you say to the numerous reports that this is nothing more than a stonewalling attempt on your part to make President Trel look bad before the election!" The reporter asked, knowing that it was more than "a few" individuals who had all said the same thing. "Is there any truth to the rumors that you are putting together a campaign team in order to run against President Trel?" She asked.

Just as he got to his doors, he stopped and stared at them for several seconds. He knew that he had to provide some sort of response otherwise the reporter would just fill in the gaps on her own. He turned back around and faced the younger woman as he gathered his words.

"The only response that I will give to that question is this: The citizens of the Federation deserve a President who fights for their rights and their values and not for simple vendettas." He said as he turned and walked into his office, closing the doors behind him.

Councilor Treneer Suban - Betazed
Federation Security Council
NPC - Thom


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