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We cannot tolerate further defiance

Posted on Mon Jan 10, 2022 @ 6:16am by Civilian Hydel Turvan

776 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Si vis pacem, para bellum
Location: DS5 Wardroom
Tags: DS5, meeting, Cardassia, Xi'Cadia

"I want Caleb Ryan hanged from the highest pylon on the promanade and put on full display." Gul Dusad Hulceen, Executive Administrator of Deep Space 5 said with almost a snarl in his voice. He had thought about this over and over for many days. In fact, during his regular patrol of the station he even sought out locations that he felt would be ideal to carry out the execution.

Gul Natomi Kyren sighed heavily as she listened to her Executive Officer's direct demand. She had been forced to hear his suggestion in great detail on numerous occasions. Each time she tried to explain to him with as much patience and logic as she could muster, why performing such a barbarian act would do nothing more than enflame the anger of the denziens of the station and the rebel Starfleet Officers that were still hidden throughout the station.

"We have gone over this before, executing Ryan, especially in such a public fashion, will do nothing but make it even more difficult to maintain our hold on the station." Gul Kyren replied. "Our hold is tenious at best, provoiking outright reprisal attacks will no---" she was cut-off before she could finish.

"The Starfleet terrorists and their sympathizers have already begun carrying out reprisal attacks against our people. " Gul Hulceen replied. "Everyday I am receiving reports of small-scale attacks on Cardassian security patrols throughout the station. At first, it was merely seen as isolated incidents, but it is becoming obvious that there is a coordinated effort to seize control from Cardassian forces an---" The Cardassian was cut-off before he could finish.

"You mean Cardassian and Xi'Cadian forces, isn't that right, Gul Hulceen?" High Commander Zyga Xi'Rami said in a simple, but still accusatory tone. The Xi'Cadians that had arrived with the Cardassian invasion force had begun taking more of an active role in the occupation of the station and the planet surface. The High Commander had begun to regularly attend the status meetings between Legate Turvan and his Command Staff. He had noticed a disturbing trend regarding how other Cardassians chose to address the contributions of the Xi'Cadians.

Gul Hulceen gave a rather blank expression to the Xi'cadian for several moments. The Cardassian was somewhat surprised that the High Commander had the audacity to speak to him, let alone speak at all during the meeting.

The Xi'Cadian Military Commander took the silence as an invitation to keep talking. "Surely, what you meant to say was that there was a coordinated effort to seize control from our combined forces, right Gul Hulceen?" High Commander Xi'Rami asked pointedly.

Legate Turvan saw the path this conversation was heading towards and so he chose to interject himself. "Your point is well-taken Dusad; however, we will not carry out such a bold manuver at this time." Legate Turvan said. "However, I do agree that we need to strenghten our position onboard this station. We cannot allow further attacks against our coalition." Legate Turvan said as he looked from Gul Hulceen and High Commander Xi'Rami.

"I would like to turn our focus to something much more pressing and that is the status of the Portals on Pangaea?" Legate Turvan asked more earnestly. "Why have we not begun unlocked the portals and begun sending probes through?" He asked in an agitated tone.

"We have run into significant difficulty, sir." Gul Kyren responded. "Apparently, Federation forces onboard the station managed to conceal the information relevant to the portal prior to their evacuation of the station. We've scrubbed the various computer servers and we have not been able to locate anything of use to us." The Cardassian Commander replied.

"I suspect that some of the remaining Science personnell would have some knowledge, but I am not too sure how cooperative they will be." She said with an aggravated tone.

"Then round them up, and make them cooperate." Legate Turvan said coldly. "You are authorized to use whatever methods are necessary to make those Starfleet Scientists talk and reveal whatever information they have about controlling the portals." The Cardassian said firmly. "Round up each and every one of them and place them in confinement and begin their interrogations until they provide whatever information you need." He said as he stood.

"We cannot tolaterate any further definance, are we clear?" He asked the gathered Commanders.

"Yes, Legate, very clear." They all said in unison.

Legate Hydel Turvan
Prefect of the Cardassian Administrative Zone Deep Space 5
Cardassian Empire

High Commander Zyga Xi'Rami
Sector Commander
Xi'Cadian Galactic Union

Gul Natomi Kyren
Deep Space 5 Administrator
Cardassian Empire

Gul Remul Hulceen
Executive Officer
Cardassian Empire


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