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Lost Girls

Posted on Fri May 29, 2015 @ 11:42pm by Captain Isha t'Vaurek & Tania & Commander Caleb Ryan & Ensign Jessica Mayhew

1,356 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Eye of the Beholder
Location: Promenade
Timeline: MD 3/1330

Jessica had taken a moment for a breather against the caged up entrance of the Box of Delights. Her side throbbed with pain, her vision a bit dizzy. She pressed her hand to her bloody side and hissed, closing her eyes. For now, civilians were cooperating and going to the parts of the arboretum where Security had set up the transport enhancers.

And then the owner of the Box tapped her shoulder and dumped a couple kids on her! Jessica pushed back her messy blonde hair from her blue eyes and stared down at the little Romulan girl and her companion. What would they have to do with what was going on? But Yolanthe had already disappeared inside.

"What is she talking about?" Jessica asked.

"I don't know," Eviess said, her right hand clinging to the left of the fairy. "We're lost. We need to find my mummy."

“Okay, right,” Jessica nodded. If she was on the Promenade, then she must not be one of the local kids, or she would have been in school. “Which ship is your mother on?” she asked the two Romulan girls. She hoped her bloody side didn’t frighten them, but there wasn’t much she could do to hide it. She crouched down to the level of the girls carefully. “We’ll find her,” she promised.

Eviess green eyes flicked up at the woman. Would she get into trouble for not being at school, she wondered, her concern focused on the problem that affected her rather than the chaotic situation around.

"She's the captain," Eviess said.

Jessica nodded. “Okay, but which ship?” Jessica said. She started to dig around for her PADD so she could access the ship registries of those currently docked at the station. “What’s your mother’s name?” She could find it that way, too, if she was the captain. Her pain was dulling now that she had something else to focus on, at least for the moment. She was still going to need some more painkillers, though.

"This one," Eviess said. "I should be in school, but got lost. We both should be," she added squeezing the brittle hand of the fairy. "We thought we could get back."

Jessica blinked. “The station’s captain?” she asked. “Captain t’Vaurek?” Oh, great! Jessica had never met the woman, of course, but this was a big responsibility, the captain’s daughter out on her own in the middle of a crisis.

“Yes, you should be in school,” Jessica said with a frown. “Your mother is a little busy right now. We’re evacuating the station. I should get you to the life pods,” she told them. Still, it wouldn’t do to leave the two little girls alone. They would need an adult to watch over them.

“Let me talk to my boss a minute,” Jessica told the girls with a smile, standing again and stepping away a bit before tapping her comm badge. “Mayhew to Ryan. Chief, I have Captain t’Vaurek’s little girls here. Apparently they were skipping school on the Promenade when all of this started. I was going to bring them to a life pod, but I don’t have anyone I can leave with them. How do you advise?”

Tie in to Emergence - Part 5

In Operations, Caleb frowned as he listened to his desk ensign and then looked over at Isha. He motioned a waiting relief officer over and stepped away from his station to behind the Romulan woman.

“Captain,” Caleb spoke softly, “my security team has your daughters on the Promenade,” he told her. “What would you like done with them?”

Isha's agate gaze flicked to the Security Chief. "My daughters." Who had Eviess teamed up with? Either way, they shouldn't be on their own on the Promenade at a time like this. They should be in the schoolroom and under the care of the teacher.

For the first time Isha felt her heart rate rise. The solar system blazing into life before their eyes and its clarion escort of asteroids was nothing to her. She couldn't lose another child, not now she had lost Rh'Vaurek.

Isha pulled herself back half way through her first step towards the turbolift. "I-- Organize a site to site transport to my ready room."

How scared would Eviess be? Alone, but not alone; she had an accomplice. The silly, impetuous... Not unlike you were at that age, Isha reminded herself.

"Yes, bring them here. We will not lose this day," she said.

Caleb nodded, struggling back to the Tactical station through the violent motions of the station.

End tie-in

Back on the Promenade, those civilians still left aboard were screaming as the station shook more violently. Jessica grabbed Eviess and Tania up in her arms as they were thrown to the ground, covering them with her body.

And then there was the familiar tingle of a transporter locking on to her and the Promenade disappeared in a sparkle of light.

And was replaced by a small office, where Jessica and the girls were deposited on the floor, the Security officer still protecting them with her body.

She extended a hand to help the security officer to her feet. "Ensign, I owe you a great favor," she said as she grasped the woman's hand. At the same time her gaze turned to the girls she'd been protecting. If Isha had not known that her twins were fraternal, a boy and a girl, she might have thought the girls were identical. As it was, she couldn't understand it.

“It was nothing, sir,” Jessica grunted. Her side was leaking again. Not exactly bleeding, but the flesh putty hadn’t had a chance to fully set yet, and she could feel the warm wetness of her blood seeping again. Her blue eyes said she wanted to ask what the hell was going on, but she refrained, knowing it wasn’t her place. “That’s my blood on them,” she reassured the captain, belatedly remembering that Romulan blood was green, not red. “As far as I know, they’re not hurt.”

Isha nodded. "There is first aid equipment in Ops. Go there, but first give me your name."

“Oh, uh, Ensign Jessica Mayhew, sir,” she said. “I, uh, usually work the front desk down in Security,” she said sheepishly. She wasn’t someone that should be meeting the Captain of a major starbase! “And thank you, sir. The medical response team did a good job on me. It’s just those last few jolts were pretty bad.”

Tearing her eyes away from the strange twins Isha focused on the security officer. "Your dedication is noted, Ensign Mayhew. I will be sure to communicate this to your superior. Take the time you require to compose yourself before going in to Ops," Isha added.

“Thank you, sir. I should be okay.” Jessica gave a wan smile and took a breath. “Your daughters are very brave little girls,” she said before she left.


Isha dropped to her knees so that her eyes were level with those of Eviess. "Why were you on the Promenade?" she asked in Rihannsu, ignoring the second child.

"Is this the Queen?" the fairy asked Eviess. She did not reply.

Eviess pulled the sky-star knife from her tunic. "She doesn't look like me, Mummy. She's, it’s...I'm not sure. The Rainbow Princess didn't say what, but she helped me. Mummy, she knows what's happening. She -- it -- he -- can stop it."

Isha allowed the blade, forged from an asteroid millennia ago, to fall into her palm. The moment it did the second child changed.


"Eviess, go and sit in my chair, behind the desk," Isha said.

"It can't hurt you when you have the iron," Eviess said as she moved away as instructed.

"What are you?" she asked the creature that to her eyes rippled between identities.

Eviess NPC by Louise

Tania NPC by Louise

Captain Isha t'Vaurek

Ens. Jessica Mayhew
Security Officer
NPC Caleb Ryan


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