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Torpedoes Away! (Part I)

Posted on Wed Dec 29, 2021 @ 6:44am by Lieutenant Alanna Wells & Lieutenant JG Ace Cannon

2,093 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Si vis pacem, para bellum
Location: Deck 590
Timeline: MD04 0500 hours

Ace rushed down to Deck 590 on the turbolift. Somehow, it did not get stopped. However, he belatedly realized with an ongoing invasion, it would have been smarter for him to have grabbed a phaser. After all, would there not be invaders heading towards weapons? "For God's sake!" he cried out as the turbolift neared 590.

"For His sake, what?" Paula asked. "And which god are you invoking? I hope it's not a Cardassian one, I don't think you'd get the right answer."

"I'm not invoking any Gods because if I invoked a God, I'm sure that he or she would just laugh at me and my situation right now." Great! I'm with a religious zealot, too. Already crazy from her plant love and now this. Glad I didn't hit on her. After I hit it, she'd be on me non-stop for marriage. Dodged THAT bullet. "No, Paula. I'm wondering who is more idiotic, the idiot that gives stupid orders or the idiot that follows them without taking a phaser along."

"You're probably right." She gave him a sweet smile that was clearly mocking. "Then again, I don't think you're worth the effort."

"May I remind you, that you came with me willingly?" he shot back, challenging the continuing of the analogy.

"I did it for Brianthe, not you. And for the station." She had no idea why Bri would consider him a friend. The man was far too full of himself for Paula's liking.

"Yet, you followed," Ace pointed out with a smirk. "And trust me, if I were not following orders...." He let it drop. Bri being here would have been ideal. She would have likely laughed with him about his oversight. They'd probably both improvise something and wreak havoc. At least, that's how he imagined it. He mentally shrugged. She was safe and that was what mattered. Now, he just needed Paula's cooperation. Upsetting her too much would make things more difficult for Bri and he did not desire that for his friend.

He took a breath and said, "Look, we can't argue. We have invaders and we have to get those torpedoes online. How Commander Caleb will ever know they're online without communications is beyond me and we might be too late by the time we get there but I have orders and I really have no desire to be in a court martial situation. It sounds like too much work defending against idiotic orders. Hell, he actually sent a Vulcan to notify security floor by floor. I wonder if the Counselor even made it to deck 150 yet. So, can you help me think of a way to deal with potential invaders out there while we're getting to the torpedoes?"

Of course, they could argue. The man was a walking argument, just add hormones. "He sent the counselor to notify people deck by deck?" she asked. "That's...ludicrous." She shook her head, glad she didn't have to deal with that level of desperation. "Too bad we can't just gas them out. Can't do that without affecting our own people."

"Yes, it is ludicrous but apparently you're raised to the highest level of incompetence in Starfleet." He shrugged and then Ace thought about Paula's thought about gassing the Cardassians for a moment. "We can't?" He grabbed Paula by the shoulders. "You know, that's actually brilliant, if you could make it work. I mean, you're a scientist. If we could find a doctor, maybe we could create something that would target only them. Of course, that's probably somewhat unethical, but if they win and take this station.... Hmm...."

She smirked. It was about time he realized she had a brain. "Everything on the station is recycled. Water, matter, sewage. The gasses are evacuated into space. Now, if you...accidentally...cause a blockage so the gas ends up in the wrong area, well, who's to say it wasn't because of the attacks?"

"Oh, I know my operations. You did not need to give me all the details. I'm not stupid, you know?" He shook his head at Paula a bit frustrated. "Nonetheless, we'll have to find a place that was hit to make it believable and somehow warn most of our people to not be there. I don't want to get anyone sick." His face expressed irritation as he said, "Now, we just have to find a way to get to the torpedoes, and get them operable so I can fulfill my duty...."

Whether he was stupid or not was still up for debate as far as Paula was concerned. "Give those slimy toads a few more hours and they'll find a way to worm themselves into command of the station." She looked at Ace, her eyes flashing with anger. "We'll take it back, but when they do, we can make life difficult for them. I'll even find a way to replace the greens in salads with something unpalatable for their digestive systems. It won't be hard to find a plant they can't digest and then get someone to reprogram all the replicators." A slow smile spread across her face. "Maybe you can do it. I'm sure you have the skills--or can learn them."

Snickering and then with a slight snarl, Ace replied, "I don't know. Tell me again, who repaired your precious arboretum? I don't recall seeing you doing it...."

She smirked. "I was busy cleaning up the mess. I didn't think you needed any assistance."

"Ah, yes, dealing with the symptoms and not the cause. I forgot how scientist get distracted by the smallest thing. You always miss the BIG things." Innuendo dripped from every word that Ace returned.

"And YOU are so focused on the climax that you miss everything else. It's the details that matter, Mr. Cannon. The little things that have meaning."

"Really? Then why does nobody remember the climb but only those that reach the peak? Hm?" He looked at Paula with a great deal of satisfaction. "You spend so much time on doing the little things that you exhaust yourself before ever obtaining any satisfaction."

"But would the peak have any satisfaction at all if it wasn't for the climb? Isn't it the climb itself, knowing you accomplished something, that makes the top something worth attaining?" She laughed. "Anybody can take grav boots or a lift to the top, but what's the fun in that? They didn't accomplish anything. They cheated."

"You cut me to the quick suggesting that I would ever cheat. If you're going to play a game, you play it to the fullest. Cheating takes away the fun and cheapens any experience." He shook his head sadly at Paula. "Let me guess, the last time that you handled a torpedo was when it exploded prematurely and now, you're gun shy."

"And I was about to say that we found something we could agree on." She shook her head sadly. "I've never experienced a premature detonation. You'll have to tell me about yours sometime."

"That's right. You haven't ever experienced detonations at all." Smiling wickedly, he told her, "So, this will all be a new experience for you, if the Cardassians don't kill us first!"

Paula laughed. "Funny, coming from someone who cuts to the finish line without enjoying the race." He was nothing but a pompous windbag.

"People only remember winners. But, as stated before, I don't cheat but when you talk to plants all day, I guess you get used to hearing only your own voice." The turbolift doors opened and he grabbed her arm, "Now, stay close to me and the walls and maybe we'll get there in one piece."

"Good to know I won't be remembering you," she snapped, not pleased with his manhandling. Why did he need her help anyway? The way he boasted, he was able to single-handedly save the station.

"Oh, you'll remember me, alright. What Bri sees in you, I don't know. Now, do you see anyone?" he whispered harshly as he darted into the corridor and led her to an intersection.

"You, acting like a fool," she snapped back. "If you're going to be sneaky, don't draw attention to yourself." She followed after him after making sure no one else was around. She walked purposefully, like she had every right to be there. "I guess that's what you learned sneaking out of boudoirs."

"I had no idea that you were such an expert," he told her with surprised pleasure. "I never realized that you had been slipping out of chambers so deftly in the past."

"It's hard not to observe others when they think the arboretum is a romantic place to go for a date. Or a late-night tryst. Most forget every room is on camera." She glared at him. "I don't want to see you on one of the vids, so take your affairs elsewhere."

Ace shook his head at Paula and stifled a laugh. "You don't think I know how to disable or modify vids? Honestly! I'm the Assistant Chief of Ops! However, I had no idea you were such a voyeur. I'm going to make sure that you are well aware of where I'll be the next time I get out and about. I wouldn't want you to miss the show." He gave her a knowing wink.

"I'll make sure to have other plans." She had no interest in watching him do anything at this point. "So, why did you bring me along on this little ego trip of yours?"

"Apparently with all your blustering, you forgot to listen. I told you when I first met with you. Bri would not forgive me if something happened to you and I need some help anyways. Torpedo control has not come online. That means either it has been sabotaged or something is wrong. We need to find out which is which. And, if we can get it online, hopefully the Commander will know what to do with it. If not, we might need to scuttle it so that the Cardassians don't get to it. Essentially, we have to play it by ear. Though, now that I know you don't know your way around a torpedo, I'm a bit concerned for our chances of success."

Her bluster? This guy was nothing but ego and hot air. "I'm more likely to get shot chasing you around than I am taking care of plants," she shot back. She had no idea what Bri saw in him. The man was one giant hormone.

"You're right. I should have left you alone so you could be overpowered and have their way with you. I'm sorry. How inconsiderate of me!" he shot back. "Now, come on. Let's see if we can get in that torpedo control room."

She slapped his face. There were no words to tell him what a despicable individual he was.

Ace rubbed his face and shook his head. He growled, "This isn't the time for foreplay. Let's go."

"You consider that foreplay? No wonder you never learned to take no for an answer," she muttered. "I can't decide if you're more Klingon or more Neanderthal." She looked at him. "Neanderthal. Klingons are more honorable."

Laughing at that, Ace responded, "You wouldn't know the first thing about my honor. But whatever. We have a job to do. We can talk about your need to have that stick extracted from your precious derriere later."

He wasn't getting anywhere near her derriere, stick or no stick. Although the idea of hitting him in the backside with one to get his brain working was tempting. She said nothing as she followed him, hoping to get this over with so she could return to the safety of the arboretum.

Finally, the woman is listening to reason. Hopefully Commander Ryan does not get us both killed. I'm sure that Bri would not appreciate that. After all, who would she dance with? So, let's see, no phasers. Just our brains. Pray there are no Cardassians, Ace. Ace led Paula by the hand and nonchalantly walked the corridor as Paula instructed. As they walked into the torpedo control room, Ace immediately saw that no prayer of his was going to be answered. He gallantly stated, "I think you do not have the proper written authority to be down here." How do we get out of this? He looked over at Paula, hoping to mind read an answer.

(To be continued...)

Lieutenant JG Ace Cannon
Assistant Chief Operations Officer
Deep Space 5

Paula Pendergast
Deep Space 5


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