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Murphy's Law

Posted on Wed May 6, 2015 @ 2:08am by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & Civilian Wayne Bradshaw III

1,541 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Eye of the Beholder
Location: BII Offices
Timeline: MD 03 1300

Wayne sat down at his desk this was a call he was both looking forward to and at the same time dreading but it was something that needed to be done. he hit the intercom "patch me threw to Earth. I want Bill Kelly on the line as soon as possible." Said Wayne flatly.

"Right away sir." Said the onduty comm operator. A few minutes later and the screen was replaced with Bill's face. "Sorry to yank you away from whatever you were doing Bill but I could use some advice." said Wayne lightly

"Another diplomatic incident already?" Bill grinned. "Or has Junior shot someone he shouldn't?" Bill wasn't serious, but given the last time they'd talked he wasn't going to be surprised if it was true. "What can I do for you?"

Wayne had to chuckle at that remark. "No, no incidents like that actually got some good news for you and I need some advice." said Wayne calmly

"okay, shoot"

"Just to give you an update since I know your out of the loop a little we got our first run from the farengi recently, it headed for the gamma quadrant just on the edge of dominion controled space. The second part is something that the captain found on his way through the DMZ and that is what has prompted this call." Said Wayne with a slight smirk on his otherwise impassive face.

"The last time I saw that look one of your scouts had just found a way into that jem'hadar barracks on the moon of betazed." Bill had remembered the moment the old solider had realised he could strike a decisive blow. Back then he'd been an embedded reporter with a remit to just observe and not question. But now... "Spit it out Wayne, I know you're dying to share."

"We found a derelict battlesquadron or rather two squadrons. 5 Dadlious class starships and 7 cardasian ships of an unknown class." Said Wayne as calmly as he could. "All the ships show signs of battle damage but on the whole they appeared at least to the captain of the frieghter and the captain of the mobile ship yard to be fairly sound." he added

Bill's jaw dropped slightly. Derelict in the DMZ? "I'll get onto legal, find out what the salvage laws are for there. Have you told Starfleet?"

"Hell no and until I find out exactly what ships they are and their condition I am not telling anyone not starfleet and not the cardasians. The ships are already basicly in our possession and unless there is damn good reason I do not think starfleet needs to be gotten involved. Though returning 7 cardasian ships to cardasia might have the desired effect on some things." Said wayne calmly he would leave others to figure out just exactly where the legal line was at so he did not cross it, but it was nice to have a small hole card to use if he needed.

Already in our possession? "You are determined to start a war, aren't you?" Bill smiled, becuase the alternative was yelling. "Take your stars off and put on your civilian hat for a minute. What do you think Starfleet is going to do when it sees Dominion warships rolling out of the Wormhole? And until we know that touching those ships isn't going to have the Dominion demanding your head on a plate, I'd keep our guys well away. Who's in charge?"

"Hold on a second bill I said they were in our possession meaning basicly that we have a ship onsite ready to start operations not that we have already started them. And anyway I seriously doubt the dominion would jump to the aide of cardasia over 7 starship that are roughly 200 years old if not older. As for who the onsite commander is that would be Capt Jameston he is the commander of the mobile yard and is standing by to await orders. Neither he nor I am all that eager to set off a powder keg but you have to admit finding 12 starships in what is basicly unclaimed space would make anyone a little jumpy." Said Wayne firmly

"THe DMZ is not unclaimed, Wayne. Its the very opposite of unclaimed. I don't know if us just being there is enought to cause an issue, but If they are as touchy as the Romulans are about their Neutral Zone, then there's going to be hell to pay."

"Hold on a second bill I just recieved another message this time from our cargo ship making it's first run in the gamma quadrant." Said wayne he turn away from the screen to read the latest message. "Oh shit what the fing hell was that captain thinking pulling that god damned stunt." Shouted wayne angerly his good mood gone replaced by the cold hard mood that his men learned early on to fear. "When that bastard gets back in our space I want his ass in my office and his ship under gaurd. If he lives long enough to walk out of here he MIGHT get a job on a garbage scowl." snapped wayne as he closed the comm link.

Bill watched Wayne's face as he read, scratching at his stubble wondering if Wayne had finally cracked under the boredom of civilian life. Lately he seemed so volatile, so desperate for an old fashioned fight, one that could be won with phaser fire and and boots on the ground.

"Now bill where were we before that message came in." Said Wayne calmly his mask back on in full force as he tried to deal with one problem at a time.

"We were dealing with the possiblity that BII is about to start a second Dominion War."

"With the latest news I am honestly not sure it is going to be possible. That message was from captain hellman the CO of the cargo ship making it's run to Gaia in the gamma quadrant. Turns out the farengi had him loaded with a cargo that was mostly weapons or war materials. The bastard did not bother to double check and just excepted the load without question. Then he finds the USS defiant NX-12 claimed her and put a crew onboard to bring her home without approval. I swear there are days I wish like hell I had not left the marines things were so much simpler." Said Wayne with a shake of his head

"There are days when I think you shouldn't have." Bill agreed. "You're a brilliant commander of men, Wayne, but..." Bill scratched his stubble again. "Tell Jameston to sit tight, and Lara will come to him directly. As for Hellman. We have to finish the job, Wayne. thats what its all about. Its one cargo vessel, we can handle that. As long as Jameton does nothing stupid."

"God I hope he does not do anything stupid but weather he does or does not when he get's back he is done. The only way he could have found those ships was to have used the DMZ to hide from starfleet patrols so he willingly violated the accord we had with cardasia. And I have no idea about the defiant being found in the gamma quadrant that could be anyone's game." said Wayne absently

"Well, get onto the ambassador there. I'll contact the UFP state department. Its a mess, but we're still ahead of it politically. The more open we are the more likely we are to come out with the spoils." Bill was ticking off actions in his head. "I know you want to move fast, but we have to jump the hoops if we want to come out of this smelling of roses

"Sometimes I wander why dad picked me instead of one of my brothers that were actually expected to take over I was supposed to be the inside man in the fleet not the damned CEO" Muttered Wayne absently not realizing he could be overheard.

Bill kept his face neutral. He sometimes wondered the same thing. But his former boss had got a bad case of sentimentality at the end, and here they were. "What is it you say in the marines?" he smiled. "Shit happens." He reached for the com switch. "We'll be fine. You're good at picking guys Wayne, We'll get to those ships. For now, you have favours to call in and cardassian egos to smooth. I'll give you an update on where we are this end in 8 hours."

"Yah a heck of alot of stuff to smooth over. Thanks for listening bill and for helping to drag my ass out of a rut I was starting to get into." said Wayne calmly truth be told untill just recently he did not understand why his dad had brought a reporter in but now he had an idea and he was thankful to the old man for his foresight.

"Talk to you again in 8 hours or so." said wayne as he reached over and terminated the call. At that moment alarms all around - Starfleet's not his. DS5, of all places, Had gone to Red Alert

Posted By

Wayne Bradshaw

Bill Kelly
Director of Customer Communications, BII
NPC by NOtty


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