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What Can Ail Thee, Wretched Wight

Posted on Tue May 5, 2015 @ 9:34pm by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin

1,360 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Eye of the Beholder
Location: Promenade
Timeline: MD03, 13:00 +

Unlike most businesses on the promenade, The Box of Delights had a drill for a red or yellow alert. The gates came down and were locked until all the chips were away and the alcohol secured. Then they stayed locked until the alert finished or security arrived to escort people off the prom. Since no-one had come to unisntall it arfter the terrorist invasion the previous year, the EMV would be booted up in the main holodeck, and the industrial replicator would pump out medical supplies and food and water rations, just in case.

It was a miracle that they hadn't been picked up by the Marshals or the security patrols who were trying to deal with the panicked and injured. But they got through, and Yolanthe got the postern door open and chivvied Eviess through and hefted the faery through after. In Yolanthe's experience it didn't take too long to come round after a knock out blow. Unless serious damage had been done.

Edward seemed to have the customers in hand, so she took the opportunity to duck through to back of house, where she put the unconscious faery down on one of the couches in the staff room. SHe didn't want the kid where she could get her inquisitive little hands on the deadly weapons on her trophy wall.

The headache at looking at the faery was getting worse. She went over to the replicator and programmed an iron rod the size of her finger. The moment she had it in her hand the headach vanished, and the female on the couch was now a wizened goblin. "Okay kid." Yolanthe turned to Eviess. "What do we do now?"

Her mind in a whirl and still coming to terms with the fact that the station seemed to be rattling Eviess stared at the Rainbow Princess for a moment.

Then a moment longer.

And then a moment after that.

"We don't know its name, but we can see it. It has to answer our questions, I think," she said trying hard to remember everything she had read. Eviess wasn't sure exactly what would work, but maybe if she sounded like she knew the fairy would believe her and tell the truth. "Why are you here?" she asked.

"For justice," the creature hissed, "now is the time."

As if to contradict it, the station rumbled and everythgin shook. "Now is very definitely not the time," Yolanthe muttered, looking around at the room. "What did you mean we could find them. Find who?

"A long time ago as you measure time my sister and I ruled our dimension - its was a place of beauty, peace and mystery. From time to time and place to place our people have crossed into your realm and back again touching your fleeting lives."

As the creature paused Eviess thought the creature shimmered then it continued its beguiling explanation. "Every now and then those particularly beloved to us would join us in our world, but always, always they returned to their own world and always they found it had moved on. But this was not enough for my sister ... she sought to unify the worlds, to enslave those of your dimension. A battle was fought and just as we tasted victory, she and her renegade followers tore a hole in the fabric of the sky.

"What had been the jewel of our dimension was sucked into the hole. We fled to the stars whilst my sister forced her way through to your worlds leaving those who could not escape to die in a place between worlds.

"It is justice for them I seek, in our time the loss is still fresh though in this place thousands of years have passed. We have found a way to bring back our lost worlds, and to confront my sister with the destruction she has caused. I can sense that she is in this place, but she is veiled from our eyes until she chooses to make her move."

Yolanthe's jaw dropped, and the pale green of nerves at the rattling station was replaced entirely by a shimmering metallic silver. SHe really was talking to a creature out of a bedtime story. Many bedtime stories; The demon kingdom; the slaughter of the hekandrae; Queen Idrissa's Ride; the Battle of the trees; Phila and and Larith. All the stories she had loved as child.

And then her brain kicked in. "Veiled from your eyes? But not from ours. We can see you, the kid me?" She opened her palm and put the tiny iron ingot down on the arm of the sofa the fairy was sitting on. The headache buzzed back in and she was seeing two creatures in the same place again, the beautiful woman, and goblin.

Tania nodded, "They have not yet located us, or else they would have revealed themselves."She turned to Eviess, "Sweet girl, your open mind and eyes might be the advantage that can end this conflict for us, and for all."

"Mummy always says there are ten sides to every story," Eviess replied. "and that a wise person listens to them all. Why are you making Deep Space Five shake?"

As if waiting for its cue, the sound of sheering screaming metal came from outside, followed a moment of two late by a crash from floors below that echoed up and shook the Box so hard that Yolanthe dropped onto one knee and had to steady herself with a hand on the floor.

=^="General Evacuation."=^= The computers voice coming out of every speaker was ridiculously calm give the alert. =^="All personnel to evacuation points immediately."=^= There was a pause, and then it started again.

The bokkai got back on her feet, glanced at the fairy in its two guise and picked the iron bar up again and tucked it into her bra. She didn't need the headache. "Thats it kid, this is over. I don't know what this thing is doing to the station, but we are leaving. Your mother will be going ape shit I'm sure."

"What happens now?" Eviess asked.

"We're leaving." Yolanthe was firm on that point. She helped the fairy to its feet. Under her grip it seemed fragile, like it was made of glass. "All of us. You," she squeezed the arm of the fairy, "Will go with her. If this is you're doing, you need to explain yourself. And if you're right about your mates, we'll find them for you after. Don't do this, and...." She left the threat hanging in the air. She took Eviess hand and marched the pair of them towards the doors of the Box of Delights. The shutters were up and staff and customers were being herded out by starfleet personnel.

"Just rewards and just desserts," the fairy replied, "sweet little one is wise. She sees and speaks the truth. I trust in her to keep me safe, and I her."

Eviess didn't know about that, but it made her proud to be called wise even if the creature was strange. "We'll stay together," she agreed, "and if mummy believes you I'll help."

Yolanthe didn't like the double speak. The words could mean anything. But they'd run out of time. She brought the pair of them up in front of a woman in security yellow with two pips on her collar. "These two might have something to do with what's going on. Make your boss knows."

Then she turned to Eviess. "I've got to get something. I'll catch you up. Okay?"

Eviess nodded. Right now she didn't trust the Rainbow Princess anymore than she trusted the fairy Goblin.

"Keep an eye on the mudskin. They're supposed to be man-eating liars."

"We'll be ok," Eviess said as she took the fairy's hand - the creature's touch on her skin was cold and tingly.

Depsite the sky iron blade hidden in her tunic, Eviess no longer saw the goblin.

"Let's find your mummy," it - she whispered with a whimsical grin as they followed the security officer.

Eviess t'Vaurek
& Tania of the Fae
NPC'd by Louise

Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner, The Box of Delights


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