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Medical Retreat

Posted on Wed Apr 28, 2021 @ 9:42am by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant Kivan Ta'Gas & Lieutenant Annora Tessaro & Lieutenant Si'Lar Trellis & Civilian Hydel Turvan

2,223 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Si vis pacem, para bellum
Location: Main Sick Bay - Decks 55 & 56
Timeline: MD04 0500


“Attention all Starfleet personnel and residents of Deep Space Five. This is Commander Caleb Ryan. As of this moment, the station is being turned over to Cardassian forces. All members of Starfleet should lay down their weapons and report to their quarters. Residents should also report to quarters and remain there until given further instructions. To the colony and Marines, lay down arms and report to barracks for withdrawal and evacuation.”

It wasn't the call anyone on the security teams wanted to hear. All were prepared to defend the station until reinforcements arrived or they were overwhelmed. However, it wasn't their call to make. With comms back up, at least for the moment, Annora switched to a secure channel to reach out to the teams across the station.

"This is Lt. Tessaro on Deck 49. Per the Commander's orders, all teams are to withdraw and await further instructions. See you at the evacuation site. Tessaro out."

Si'Lar could not believe his ears. It was a call that he never believed that he would ever hear. The station had fallen to Cardassians and it was being evacuated. He had received notification of a hostage situation on the Promanade within the Dilithium Chamber, but had not received any updates in the minutes since. He didn't like the lack of communication or the fact that it was Commander Ryan's voice signaling the evacuation and not Captain Soran.

Was she dead? Was she captured?

He didn't have time to think about that right now. Currently, he was leading Security Team down to Decks 55 & 56 to assist in the medial evacuation efforts.

=/\= Lt. Trellis to Lt. Tessaro, I'm leading a team to Sick Bay to help assist in the evacuation from here. I'm not sure how much time we have until the spoonheads make it down to our level. =/\= He reported.

In most conflicts the wounded, along with the medics, were supposed to be a protected class. However, this wasn't your normal conflict. The Cardassians were out for revenge, and there were no clear battle-lines within the station.

=/\= Roger that Lieutenant. I'll be there shortly.=/\=

It wouldn't take long to reach sickbay, but while in transit Annora reached out to Chief Petersen. He was just preparing to leave security control, after leaving behind a few surprises for any Cardassians who might go poking around.

As Lt. Trellis arrived he saw that the nurses and other medical staff already had their hands full getting the patients on their feet and mobile. Any patients able to move on their own were being sent back to their quarters, rather than left to finish their over night observation, and more critical patients were being triaged for priority to shift. With Dr. Telamon on Trill and Dr. Morgan on shore leave, command had fallen to the shift lead, a Denobulan woman who was shouting orders across the lobby, coordinating triage of those who were more serious. Seeing Trellis arrive she fell silent a moment, looking grim

"Lieutenant." She said after a moment. "Do you have evacuation locations for us? I've got some serious cases that need particular help. I have two engineers being treated for genetic unspooling, a group with Hutzels Infection that need to go to isolation and a patient with late stage Darnay's that needs secure accommodation. I also need to know what's going to happen to my critical civilians."

Lt. Trellis took a deep breathe to compose himself as he tried to sort through what was happening at the moment. "Yes, the closest Transport Hub is on Deck 74" He said, referring to the Cargo Transporters. Considering the amount of people that would need to be transported , the individual transporters would be overtaxed. They needed to get the sick, disabled, and immobile off o the station and out of harm-sway as soon as possible. There was no telling what the Cardassians planned to do next. and Starfleet needed time to prepare a strong response.

"Chief Petty Officer Sudale, take your team and start working with the staff on moving the intensive care patients first." Lt. Trellis said to the other Security personnel with him.

"I can't just move these people," The Denobulan doctor insisted. "Hutzels is highly infectious. I need to have them sent direct from our isolation unit to another, unless you want to kill thirty percent of the station population. And my civilians are both in a coma. One of them has got holographic life support. He physically can't be moved without seriously impacting his condition. I can't just beam them out. I need to know who's taking over the hospital."

"Cardassians are about to over-run this entire station! Your patients included!" Lt. Trellis said frustratedly. "We need to get them out of here or else they will become prisoners! Do you understand what is about to happen?" He continued.

The Denobulan stared at him with her hands on her hips. "I'm moving an entire hospital as fast as I can, and if certain patients aren't moved carefully, they're going to become Corpses"

Annora arrived at the entrance to sickbay about the same time as 4 other security personnel. Not sure who was in charge, she approached the woman in a heated discussion with Lt Trellis. "How can we help?"

Dr Yarra looked between the two security officers. "I have patients that can't be moved. I can evacuate them direct to suitable locations. But I can't keep them alive, or the rest of the station safe, and comply with the Cardassians demands. Also, what about my civilians. The Cardassians want us off, but what do I do with the civvies? Ideally, I want to hand over to which ever Cardassian is taking over, ensure continuity of care."

That was something Annora really didn't have an answer for. "Honestly, I don't have much idea about the Cardassian's plans for the injured. Civilian or otherwise. For now let's focus on the injured members of Starfleet. What will it take to move them? If they're not here already, there should be ships to evacuate to. Assuming the Cardassians genuinely allow us to evacuate."

Lt. Trellis didn't like the idea of "leaving" anybody behind to the hands of the Cardassians. Unfortunately, they did not have many options. If the patients were as sick and contagious as Dr. Yarra said they were, then they did not have the appropriate facilities to transport them without spreading the disease.

"Then we have no choice but to make sure they are comfortable and secure here while everyone evacuates." Lt. Trellis decided as he spoke to Lt. Tessaro and Dr. Yarra. "We can't put more lives at risk. For now, we'll focus on moving those that are able to be moved to evacuation sites. We're using every runabout and shuttle at our disposal." He added.

"Well, Can we commandeer one to use as an isolation ward? There must be at least one runabout kitted out as an ambulance."

Mentally going over the evacuation procedures, Annora tried to remember if anyone of the smaller craft were already configured for such an action. "I'm not sure if we have any shuttles specifically set up for medevac. I'm no engineer, but as I understand it, shouldn't be too difficult turn a shuttle into one suitable for your needs."

She turned to the others who came with her. "Zlatkov and Gibb. Make your way to the shuttle bay. Ensure we have at least 2 runabouts set aside for medical purposes. Send any other security personnel our way to help with the evac. If you can snag an engineer or scientist to help set up the runabout for quarantine, feel free."

Lt. Trellis left the two other officers and made his way into the medical facility trying to find a way to help the evacuation effort. He was stopped by the sound of a familiar voice.

"Still here? I figure you would've been on the first evacuation shuttle as soon as Ryan threw up the white flag." Dorian Gabriel said as he slowly brought his legs over the side of his bed. It had only been a day or so since he had regained consciouness fully and was aware that he had been in sickbay. He was struggling to remember much since the Breen attack on the Raddon Corp Mining station (**).

He was just beginning to regain his strength when the attack happened and everything went to hell. He heard the conversation between Security and Medical and it forced him to sit up and try to figure out what was happening.

"Not now, Dorian. The station has fallen to Cardassia and we are falling back to a new position as we decide how to counter." Si'Lar said as he stopped to face the former Security Chief.

"Oh, so you're retreating? You could've just said that and saved a few words." Dorian replied cuttingly.

"Don't feel so smug, your company is loading up as many civilians as they selectively can choose and getting out of here. Hell, I don't blame them, after what happened to Raddon, I'd be scattered, to---" He said before he was instantly cut off.

"Wait a minute? What the hell do you mean? What happened to Mr. Raddon?" Dorian asked with obvious concern in his voice as he sat up further on the edge of the bed.

"You didn't hear? He was killed in an attack on the Dilithium Chamber. Him and several other Raddon Corp employees were killed." Si'Lar said as he showed compassion in his voice. It was obvious that Dorian had been out of the loop while sitting within Sickbay recovering from his injuries. "The last that I heard, the Matthias and Langston Hughes were preparing to depart in the next couple of hours. I wouldn't expect them to want to stay around to see how the Cardassians will respond." Si'Lar continued as a Petty Officer walked up to him with a padd.

"Sir, we've just received word that we're gonna dedicate Cargo Bay Transporters 13-18 to medical evacuees." The Petty Officer stated.

Lt. Trellis took the padd and looked down at it as he continued to speak. "Good, we'll need the expansive space to get these people out of here." He said as he began to sign it.

He continued speaking to Gabriel without looking at at the man. "Look, you can at least move and talk, so you need to gather up your things and get ready to be transported to the medical evac site. We're going to move all of the medically-capabl---" His speech drifted off as he looked up and saw that Gabriel had simply disappeared from the room and the immediate area.

Lt. Trellis sighed in irritation. He didn't have time to go looking for the man. He had more needy patients to assist with.

Yarra stopped Gabriel as he headed towards the exit. "Mr Gabriel, stop right there, you are not fit for discharge. You're barely fit for evacuation."

Dorian stared at the Denoblian for several moments. His ribs were still injured and he could feel himself trying to maintain his balance after getting up to his feet so fast.

"I'm not staying here. I fought in the War and I know exactly what these spoonheads will do if given the chance. Unless you plan on using a phaser on me, I'm not sticking around to hope for some angel of mercy." He said defiantly.

"Besides, I'm an employee of the Raddon Corporation. I'm sure they're evacuating Executive Staff as we speak. The Matthias and the Langston Hughes has pretty decent Medical Bay if I still need it." He said.

Yarra gave him a hard look, then held a finger up to hold him for a further second while she reached out to a hypospray dispenser and ordered one. "Green setting is painkiller. Once every four hours." She held the hypospray out. "Red is a neurostabiliser, once every six hours. That's 72 hours worth. And when you reach a ship, tell them you need treatment for hexadiamic prions and their priogenic structures in the left parietal lobe. If that isn't watched carefully by someone, all our good work goes to hell and you risk ending up a vegetable. Got that?"

Dorian took a deep breath which caused his ribs to hurt even more, but he managed to contain the obvious discomfort as best as he could. "I understand, thanks." He said as he took the hypo and made his way out the door. As he made his way past Lieutenant Tessaro, the current holder of his former position he made sure to mutter aloud.

"Helluva job, Chief. . .helluva job!" He said as he passed her.

The two didn't often see eye to eye, but on this Annora was in agreement. "That it is Mr Gabriel."

After the man left, Annora turned back to the situation at hand. "I'm rerouting security personnel to sickbay. They'll be able to help move those who need assistance. Just tell them what needs done Doc, and they'll get it done."


** -

Si'Lar Trellis

Dorian Gabriel
Chief Security Consultant
Raddon Corp

Dr Sallari Yarra
Senior Consultant MD

Lt Annora Tessaro
Chief of Security


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