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Dinner Date or Hostage Negotiation (Part 1)

Posted on Mon Mar 15, 2021 @ 9:49pm by Lieutenant JG Ace Cannon & Lieutenant JG Brianthe Oaxaca

1,388 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Si vis pacem, para bellum
Location: Giuliani's
Timeline: Day 03, 1800

The date had been set. Normally, to set the stage, Ace would head to his chosen woman's quarters and sweep her off her feet. It would also be quite the decision on whether to skip dinner and head to the bedroom or go to dinner to whet the appetite. However, Brianthe was different. She said she would meet him at the restaurant. That threw him for a temporary loop, but in typical fashion, he blew it off and figured that after a few actual alcoholic drinks and his natural charm, that she would fall to him in no time.

Giuliani's was a higher end restaurant but not so high end that he would be working doubles for a month just to recover. Waiting outside Giuliani's in a blue sport coat and grey slacks, he had a small bouquet of flowers that were handpicked from the arboretum. The flowers were not exotic, being a mishmash of plants, including daisies, zinnias, sweet peas, and baby's breath. This was a bit of effort for him but he knew that Bri liked plants and he hoped that this might put her at ease and then start the path to put her even more at ease.

Brianthe took longer than usual deciding what to wear. She considered a potato sack, but she couldn't bring herself to wear something so hideous. Not even for Ace.

she settled on a soft, flowing dress in light blue that fell to her calves. It had long, translucent sleeves and a bodice that tied in the back and left just enough cleavage to look good. She hoped it would be comfortable and keep Ace from thinking she was on the menu.

She was right on time when she approached the restaurant and saw Ace.

Upon seeing Brianthe, Ace's jaw slightly dropped. Somehow the de-emphasizing of her figure made her look all the more desirable. She was a package that was waiting to be unwrapped. Quickly, he collected himself and approached her. "I got these for you," he told her, thrusting the flowers in her direction. "I thought you might like them from your Arboretum. While they are pretty, they do pale compared to you." He smiled genuinely at her, waiting for a response.

There was a section of the arboretum set aside so that people could pick the flowers, but she'd yet to pick any for herself. She had to admit that it was a nice gesture. As was the variety. He didn't default to roses or orchids, which she appreciated. "Thank you. That was very thoughtful." He also didn't look like a lounge lizard. Two points for him. It still wasn't enough. "I haven't been here before. What's their specialty?"

"Italian," he answered quickly. "I read the reviews and menu when I first came on board and decided that whenever I found the most beautiful single woman on the station, I was going to take her here." He gave her another winning smile, moved to the right side of her and offered his left elbow for her to take in her hand. "They actually cook here. Nothing synthesized. Real alcohol for drinking and cooking as well, so I read. I may have to work an extra shift or two to cover it, but this is a special evening."

"It sounds perfect. I love Italian food." She took his arm and smiled. "They say garlic is good for warding off vampires."

Ace smiled back, as he led her to the host, feeling that phase one was now complete. "It is a darn good thing that vampires were eradicated in the 15th century, then, isn't it?" He laughed. "Of course, perhaps they are hiding." He gave Bri a wink.

When they reached the host who was dressed in a black suit and bowtie, Ace said, "Reservation for Cannon, party of two."

The host grabbed a couple of paper menus and said, "Right this way sir and ma'dam."

Ace led his prize through the restaurant, holding his head high. As they walked in, the atmosphere became darker and darker. It was apparent that the tables were in darker areas lit solely by candles. The table that they were led to was a small semi-circular couchlike area. Ace allowed Bri to get in first and the host unfurled the cloth napkin on the table and carefully but unobtrusively placed it over her lap and allowed it to drop into place. He then repeated the process for Ace and handed them the menus. "If there is something that you do not see on the menu to your liking, feel free to inquire and we will see what we can do to accommodate your desires. Your server will be right with you."

As soon as the host left, a person carrying a couple of glasses and a pitcher of water came to the table. The glasses were filled meticulously and rapidly. As soon as the water was poured, Bri and Ace were left alone. He simply said, "The service is quite remarkable, don't you think?"

"It is," she admitted. She wondered if there was more lighting during the day. She didn't trust the atmosphere here. "Vampires were only eradicated on Earth. I've heard stories of their existence--or species similar to them--on other worlds. My own people have legends of vampires in the woods, although none have been seen in a century. My grandmother hung garlic in the windows, just in case."

Blinking a few times, wondering how Bri could take everything so seriously. "Well, it is a good thing that we're on DS5 where we only have crystalline entities that cause us problems, huh?" He laughed at his own bad humor. "So, tell me Bri, what do you think that you might like to have tonight?" Ace purposely left the question open to the light innuendo so he could deny it being purposely so if Bri got upset over the open ended question.

She wasn't sure, to be honest. She liked a number of pasta dishes. "What is their specialty?" she asked. "It all looks delicious."

"I don't know," Ace replied honestly. "I know it is Italian but I could not tell you the region. I'm afraid that I did not get that far in depth when I was finding my destination restaurant." He shrugged apologetically. "On the other hand, you seem to get into the minutia of everything, don't you?"

"Just some things," she admitted. "Plants, music, dance, food. Things I was raised to prioritize." She shrugged. "Gypsy life is more regimented now than it used to be, or so I've been told."

"And Starfleet is regimented. Do you not yearn to break free sometimes?" Ace asked with a Cheshire grin.

"I have the arboretum. It gives me room to be less regimented." She shrugged. "And there's the holodeck if I need to dance. It's enough for now."

"For now?" Ace asked curiously. "That implies some sort of plan or lack thereof. I'm not sure which. I would guess that you're the more spontaneous type."

"Sometimes," she admitted, smiling at Ace. "I try not to be too much of a free spirit because Starfleet frowns on it, in general. But being a botanist does give me more freedom than other jobs."

Ace wanted to comment on that but he could not because the waitress appeared. "Good evening. Is this your first time here? Can I get you anything to drink? Or appetizers?"

Ace looked at Bri and said, "Lady's choice."

Brianthe smiled at the waitress. "It is our first time. What do you recommend?"

Our first time. That has a nice ring to it. Ace thought.

The waitress gave a small smile, her green eyes sparkling in the low lighting. "As to drinks, we have a lovely Perricone from the Sicilian region of Italy. It is a full body, earthy red wine. IF you prefer something lighter in red, we have a Torgiano Rosso Riserva, from the Tuscany region. For whites, if you are not having a meat dish, I might recommend a Friulano from Collio. As to appetizers, I might suggest some foccia bread, meatballs, or crostini." Once she stopped speaking, she waited patiently for Bri to make a choice.


Lieutenant JG Ace Cannon
Assistant Chief of Operations


Lieutenant Brianthe Oaxaca
Assistant Chief of Science


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