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Chaotic Reunion (Part I)

Posted on Wed Mar 31, 2021 @ 1:43am by Lieutenant Alanna Wells & R'gelis Stadi & Tannis Tarkelion & Captain Tam "Demon" Haican & Civilian Jason Haines

1,368 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Si vis pacem, para bellum
Location: Pangaea
Timeline: MD4, 0530


Jason ran through the forest snickering some. He would have loved to have been a fly on the wall to have seen Ryan's face when he realized who he had been talking to. Although he loved the thought of having gotten one on Ryan, he re-focused his energies on the path ahead of him. He had quite a ways to go to be able to connect with Alanna. He couldn't wait to see her, not only for personal reasons, but he needed to share the news of the map with her.

As he ran he started to feel weird. He got a bit dizzy and almost felt like he was going to vomit. He gave a big push off a rock that he had used to jump over a small creek many times in his seclusion. As he did, things seemed to blur. When he came down to the ground he went to his knees, feeling like he was vibrating inside.

He looked all around. The creek wasn't behind him. He recognized the general area, but he was hking.

"What the hell happened?", he muttered aloud as his mind raced thinking of the possibilities. One jumped out to him but a yell of, "Don't let them escape", made him turn his attention to the trees to his left, where he knew there was a field near by.

He moved cautiously to the tree line where he saw a squad of Cardassians chasing three Romulans. He was going to slip back into the trees when he recognized two of the Romulans as scientists who worked with Alanna. That changed everything. He couldn't let them be captured as they had knowledge of the portals.

As the Romulans made wild shots behind them, one of them was hit by the Cardassians and fell to the ground. One of the Cardassians stopped to bind the Romulan as the others kept pursuing their prey. The odds were against Jason and the Romulans, but there was no choice.

Jason stepped out of the tree-line, drawing an arrow to his bow. He let the arrow fly. All the time he had practiced on the beach paid off and the arrow struck the Cardassian in the throat, causing hours away from the creek now. He slowly stood up, his hands shaim to fall to the ground in pain gasping for air. Jason felt no qualms as he knew that if he hesitated, they would be captured.

Charging forward he dropped his bow and drew his combat stick and caught up with the rear guard who heard Jason at the very last minute. Turning, the Cardassian took the stick to the face and Jason pressed the button that sent electricity coursing through the Cardassian causing the soldier to fall and flop around on the ground a little before falling unconscious.

Jason pressed the button to extend his staff, stopped, and yelled out, "Hey you, get out of my forest!"

The Cardassians came to a halt, not sure of the new arrival to the scene. Jason hoped the Romulans were smart and fled.

The two were surprised by the new arrival, but they weren't going to question it. They altered course and ran deeper into the woods, away from the enemy. They hoped the stranger lived long enough for them to thank him.

The leader of the Cardassians didn't hesitate long and barked out, "You four after him. The rest continue after the Romulans."

"Time to go", Jason quipped as he hoisted the Romulan over his shoulder, and headed for the forest line, hoping he could get there before the Cardassians got to him.

The two scientists ran into the trees, then stopped to look at each other. "We can't leave him behind."

The female nodded. She found a large branch and hid behind a tree to wait for the Cardassians.

Her male counterpart grabbed one and stood behind another tree.

When the first Cardassian ran into the clump of trees, he was hit in the face by a branch and knocked out. Then the Romulan moved to another tree and waited.

The second Cardassian met with a similar fate.

Although Jason had gotten stronger in his month-long seclusion, trying to run to the tree line, carrying a Romulan over his shoulder and lugging his gear was tough. He knew the Cardassians would catch them if he didn’t get into the tree line where the terrain worked to his advantage.

He winced as he felt the heat of a Cardassian phase-disruptor’s beam pass by him and caused some of the bushes ahead of him to erupt in flame. He pushed himself harder, knowing he had been lucky not to have been struck square in the back. He stumbled into the forest and after four or five feet, he tripped over a root sending the Romulan flying further in.

He growled slightly at the sting, but the fall worked to his advantage as he no longer was carrying his ward. He grabbed his staff that he had dropped and scrambled behind a tree. He oddly snickered. His father was a twentieth century trivia buff, especially about the entertainment and music fields of the later half.

This situation reminded Jason of a song his father once was playing while he was working out, One Jump Ahead. Jason started singing it under his breath as the first Cardassian stepped near him and got a face full of his staff. Jason then darted to the next tree as the soldier fell to the ground, alerting his comrades to Jason’s presence.

The two Romulans ran to help Jason and their friend.

Coming near, Alanna detected the Cardassians and Romulans along with Jason. "Looks like they need an intervention. This isn't a Starfleet shuttle, but I think I have one phaser. If you can, feel free to give them a hand while I transport Jason and the Romulans."

She locked on to the four and beamed them aboard.

Tam moved to get on the simple weapons control system. While a shuttle phaser bank wants all that powerful against starships, it was certainly more than enough against unprotected troopers. Locking on to an area two meters behind the attacking Cardasdians, he pressed the fire command and a powerful beam of focused energy shot out for the emitter located under the bow of the small craft. The power of the impact was like a small bomb exploding. Two of the troops were tossed into the air, landing in such a manner that it was clear they were dead. The other three that had stepped out into the clearing simply vaporized. After the dust settled, there were no more enemy troops visible.

"Nice shooting," Alanna said. "We'll head back to my place and decide what we'll do next." She set course and engaged the cloak, then looked at Jason. It had been far too long.

Jason had just swung around a tree and had been kicking a Cardassian. He could just hear the wise cracks from Yolanthe about dancing on a pole when the transporter beam enveloped him. He materialized about a foot in the air and landed with a thud on the deck. He got up quickly in a defensive stance and when he saw Alanna, he smiled and relaxed.

He looked a bit different than when they had last seen each other. He seemed to have lost some weight, gained some muscles, had a tan that was a bit covered by dirt, and had a bit of a beard. He was a bit dinged up and his lower right leg was bandaged, but the biggest difference from a month ago was his smile. Alanna could tell that despite the situation, he was more centered than he had been before.

"Nice timing", he called out, pulling the wounded Romulan off the pad and getting his medkit out. "So Lieutenant Wells, what did you do to tick off the Cardassians?"

(To be Continued...)

Captain Tam "DEMON" Haican


Lieutenant Alanna Wells
Resident Archaeologist and Rabble Rouser
Otherwise known as Chief Science Officer
Deep Space 5 & Pangaea


Jason Haines
DS5's Beach Bum Extraordinaire


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