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Fighter Jock Returns...

Posted on Wed Feb 17, 2021 @ 3:57pm by Captain Tam "Demon" Haican & Captain Maritza Soran

1,346 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Things Past
Location: USS Nantahala
Timeline: MD -2 1500


The Danube class runabout, USS Nantahala, sped through space, carrying its passengers back, from Earth, to the home they had had to leave a year prior. Inside the rear cabin, a father and his daughter, sat quietly together.

Sabina, Tam projected his words into his daughter's mind. you need to do these practice dialogs. How else will you learn to use the full potential on your natural gifts as a Betazoid?

His daughter removed the large headset that was filling her minds eye with music. You need me to do these practise things. "Finally able to fit me in?" she added outloud

Sabina, Tam thought patiently. You know that you are my priority. Your safety, your happiness. Unfortunately, as an adult, I have other responsibilities as well. Those responsibilities are also how I am trying to keep you safe.

"Yeah, you keep saying that." But that's all you ever do. Besides drag me around after you. And now we're going back to the arse end of the universe. She pointedly stared out the small window in the passanger cabin.

"Honey," he said softly as he put his left arm around her shoulders and pulled her a little closer to him. He also switched to speaking aloud, though just loud enough for her to hear. "I know these last few years have been beyond. I know that I haven't been the best father either. But, please know, everything I do, no matter how hard it might be in the present, is to give you a better future." He paused briefly, then continued. "You and me? We are all that we have. We are a team. I need you to remember that, okay?"

There was a moment of sulky silence. "Okay" Can we at least stay longer than a month this time? I never get to make friends. You and me shouldn't be all that we have.

Tam smiled. That, my sweet girl, is the surprise I was telling you about the other day. This is the last move. No more reassignments. No more moving. Deep Space Five is now, and forever, our home. But! I expect you to behave. No more stunts like you used to pull. If you get in trouble, I will leave you in the brig until you are released. Do I make myself clear, young lady?

She rolled her eyes at the sheer ridiculousness of parents everywhere. I'll be fine.You don't have to worry about me she told him, in driect contravetion of both evdence and experience.

Arching his right eyebrow, her father responded to her declaration. Oh? Is that so? His face softened as he pulled Sabina in for a squeeze. Honey, as your father, I will always worry about you. That's my job. His kissed the top of her head, then sighed. You are so much like your mother. So very strong and courageous. A tear came to his eye at the thought of his lost love, Verena. I know she would be very proud of the young woman you are becoming. And Revin...He got very quiet, thinking of his little boy, never to grow into a man.

A flash of pain and guilt rolled from Sabina. "I know," she said aloud. She didn't want to tell her father she could barely remember her little brother now. His favourite teddy was close, in her bag, but it didn't help as it used to. She could feel him finally slipping away from her.

Looking at Sabina, Tam felt her pain and frustration. "Don't think of him, in particular. Think of something you two liked to do together, or something special that you know he liked. That will help you hold onto his face in your memories. And...if you ever want, I will gladly share my memories of him with you."

SHe glared at him. "Get out of my head, dad! Its none of your business."

Giving his daughter a stern look, Tam spoke to her directly into her mind. *I don't know who you think you're talking to like that, Sabina Haican. I am the one person who can enter your thoughts without permission. I am your father. You may not like me, but you will respect me. Do I make myself clear?!*

Stubborness settled over her features "So i don't get any privacy? I can't even think in the privacy of my own head, because my head isn't private? and here i was thinking you'd changed."

"It one of the harsh realities of being a child, Sabina. No privacy if your parent feels their intrusion is warranted. One day, when you are an adult, and have your own children, you will understand." Tam looked away for a moment, wishing again that Verena were here. She had always been better with their daughter. All he ever did was mass everything up. He was doing the best he could, but, clearly, it wasn't enough.

Closing his eyes tight, he silently prayed for guidance from the Goddesses of his ancestors. He needed help, and wasn't sure what to do.

I'm not a child anymore! However much you what to keep thinking it. Revin's the one that will aways be a child. I got to grow up.. She stormed to the back of the cabin, and very blatently put her head phones back on, hunching down in the seat and turning her back on him.

Sighing to himself, Tam, despite wishing it to be different, knew that Sabina was right. Since the attack, she had had to grow up, much sooner than he had wanted. In the beginning, he had had a few instances of weakness. Sabina had become the caregiver then. It was something that he could not forgive himself for.

Looking at her from his seat, he suddenly raised just how much she had grown since that day. Already, she was blossoming into a beautiful young woman, looking more and more like her mother everyday. With a heavy heart, he realized that the young girl, who would crawl into his lap and fall asleep with her head on his shoulder. They used to laugh and just be silly when he got home from work. Now, she barely tolerated him. He knew that she blamed him for their current life. She had told him so more than once in their many fights.

However, through it all, the misbehaving, the yelling, the backtalking, the disrespect, he was her father, and he loved her more than his own life. He would give and do anything to ensure that she was safe.

Standing up, he moved to stand behind her, raised his left hand, put it gently on her right shoulder, and slowly turned to face him. She twisted back away with a humphing sound. "Leave me alone."

Replacing his hand on her shoulder, with just a touch more grip (not enough to cause any pain, just enough to let her know that he wants her to face him), and gently turned her to face him.

"I said, leave me alone!" she huffed at him, raising her voice so the whole runabout could hear.

Reaching into her mind, Tam spoke very quietly, yet, very, very tersely. *You will mind your tone, Little One,* using the nickname he always used when he was very upset with her behavior. *I am your father and you will NOT speak to me in that tone, do you understand me?!*

The look she gave him was mutinous. Then I won't speak to you at all!

Tam said nothing, just looked right back into the eyes that used to look at him with love. Now, all they ever had was disrespect and hatred. Where had he gone wrong? His heart breaking, he turned and exited the rear section of the runabout, leaving Sabina alone with her pain.


Sabina Haican
[NPC by Soran]

Capt Tam "Demon" Haican


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