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One of Our Scientists Is Missing (part 1)

Posted on Sun Dec 20, 2020 @ 12:11pm by Lieutenant JG Brianthe Oaxaca & Civilian T'gan

719 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Si vis pacem, para bellum
Location: Temporal Science Lab
Timeline: MD -01


Brianthe was concerned. She had a meeting with Alanna the day before to go over reports and requisitions for the science department, but she didn't show up. She didn't even call to say she'd be late, which wasn't like her.

At first, Bri put it down to Alanna getting wrapped up in her archaeology on Pangaea, but even so, she would have called when she got back to her research cabin.

Earlier today, Brianthe tried to contact her both at the cottage and at the portal facility, with no luck. The Marine at the portal site couldn't reach her, either, when Bri asked him to try. And now the botanist wondered if she should organize a rescue party or if this was just a misunderstanding on her part.

Deciding it would be a good idea to get another opinion, she left the arboretum in Paula's care and went to speak with T'gan. She was also a friend of Alanna's, and was the next in seniority to the Chief.

T'gan was in the temporal science lab, as she was most days, working on her computer. "How may I help you?" T'gan asked, barely glancing up from the data on her screen.

"Have you heard from Alanna in the past few days?" Brianthe asked without preamble.

"Three days ago, she sent a request for updated information on the temporal fluctuations I am monitoring on Pangaea. I sent her what I have, but she did not reply. Is there a problem?" the Vulcan asked.

"Maybe." Brianthe hesitated, again wondering if there really was a problem. "I'm not sure. We had a meeting scheduled for yesterday, but she didn't answer when I called, nor has she contacted me since."

T'gan sat back, giving Bri her full attention. "That is out of character for her. Have you spoken to Jason Haines?" The last time T'gan had anything to do with him was when he came to her lab and accused her of spurious offenses. She found it illogical that Alanna was still in a relationship with him after that, but she found most human emotions illogical.

"I have no idea how to reach him. He moved down to Pangaea and doesn't have a means of communication." At least she didn't know of any. She hadn't even talked to Jason since he came back from the dead. With Erich gone, though, she wasn't surprised. "Even if she was with Jason, she would have her combadge with her."

"True. I suggest you go to the planet and see if she is injured," the Vulcan replied calmly. "It is not like her to ignore a meeting or a message."

"You're right. I should go down and make sure everything is okay." Bri was the only person on the station who knew how to find Alanna. The portal complex also had the coordinates to her concealed cottage in case of emergency, but she didn't want to send out a team of Marines if Alanna wasn't in need of serious help. "Until I get back, you're in charge."

"I am not a member of Starfleet," T'gan said. "Should you not put Calaban in charge?"

"Probably. Or both of you." She liked Calaban, but he was a bit too laid back, even for her.

T'gan nodded. "Very well. I will inform Calaban of your request and postpone our meeting until tomorrow." Only a very slight frown line on her forehead indicated her own concern over Alanna's silence.

"A meeting with Calaban?"

"He has several interesting theories about the correlation between the temporal fluxes on Pangaea and the recent increase in solar flares on the sun."

"That sounds interesting." Although Bri wasn't a temporal scientist, she was fascinated by the temporal ripples on the planet. "Sorry to make you postpone the meeting."

"It is quite interesting. However, postponing for a day will not be a problem. Calaban will also prefer that you to go to Pangaea." T'gan saved and her work and closed out the computer console. "Please let me know what you find."

"I will." Brianthe didn't wait to walk out with T’gan. She was more interested in getting a shuttle down to the planet now that the Vulcan agreed there was something amiss.

(To be continued...)

Lieutenant JG Brianthe Oaxaca
Assistant Chief Science Officer

Temporal Scientist


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