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The Path to Glory (part II)

Posted on Fri Dec 18, 2020 @ 3:59am by Civilian Hydel Turvan

1,163 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Si vis pacem, para bellum
Location: Cardassian Research Facility on Pangaea
Timeline: MD 01
Tags: 127th, Cardassia, invasion, Madred, Detapa Council


The Tactical Wing's Commander nodded. He understood that seizing the station would the key to maintaining any foothold over this region of space. The information Gul Hulceen provided demonstrated that the Cardassians had spent significant time and effort in learning their enemies strengths and various weaknesses. It undoubtedly required an extensive intelligence network within the station to gain access to such detailed tactical information.

Gul Vashur furrowed her brown as she continued to review the data sent to her padd. "I want you all to report back to your Kes'elkor and begin battle drills." She said as he concluded the meeting.

Each Gul responded with a nod before their connection terminated and their respective images disappeared. At the same time, Hydel Turvan entered the conference room flanked by his Attache Glinn Timel Brovek and Gul Denat Meran.

Now the real fireworks were about to begin.


"Are your Commanders ready?" Turvan asked as he took his seat at his chair and allowed Glinn Brovek begin setting up the conference subspace connection.

"Absolutely," Gul Vashur said as the others filed into the conference room. "I've dispatched them to begin their battle drills as we finalize preperations." She responded.

"I've established a connection to the Detapa Council, I have Councilwoman Madred connected." Glinn Brovek said just as former-Proconsul Limm entered the conference room.

Moments later the image of Councilwoman Jill Ora shimmered into focus before the gathered individuals. "Hydel, what is your status?" She asked, preferring to get straight to the point rather than waste time with plesantries.

"Councilwoman Madred, you are already familiar with Gul Denat Meran, Garrison Commander and Gul Kalena Vashur, Commander of the 127th Tactical Wing." Hydel said, introducing his primary staff. "And I'm sure you are familar with former Proconsul Zariyah Limm." Hydel said, taking the opportunity to take a swipe at the bureaucrat. "Unfortunately, she is otherwise occupied and could not be present." He said.

"The plans for invasion are proceeding accordingly." Hydel said as he brought up a schematic of the Cardassian forces."The 127th Tactical Wing will lead the first phase of the invasion by engaging and securing control over Deep Space Five as well as their Dyson Research Facility." Hydel began as he brought up the attack's schematics on his console. "Phase 1 will be led by Gul Vashur and the 127th, they will be reinforced by Xi'Cadian Fleet General Zi'Xarn's Expeditionary Fleet." Hydel said as he switched to a newer display.

"The phase 2 will involve dispatching Gul Meran's troops to secure the station's sensitive facilities." He said as he displayed various footage of the station's internal decks. "We anticipate having to confront both Starfleet Security, Starfleet Marines, and potentially other civilian confederates." Hydel reported. "Gul Meran has been instructed to avoid any civilian casualties and to only respond with necessary force to deal with any hostile force that attempts to interfere with the mission." He said.

"It will be imperative that we properly secure the station in order to prevent any interfence with phase 3," Hydel said as he switched the display againt to show the planet surface of Pangaea. "This phase embraces the the deployment of necessary assets to secure the Portals on this planet." He said. "We anticipate approximately 20-30% casualty rate during the initial operation; however, we do believe that once we have suppressed the initial Federation resistance, there will be little need for such. . .aggressive tactics." He said non-chalantly.

Hydel took a moment to pause to give those gathered in the room an opportunity to respond or give their input.

"Your plan seems to be thouroughly planned. However, I know you well Hydel, I'm certain there is a but floating around. . ." The Councilwoman said.

Hydel nodded to Gul Meran to proceed. "Yes ma'am, while we anticipate swifting overwhelming intial Federation resistance on the station or on the surface, our concern is going to be the counter-offensive that is sure to come." The Garrison Commander said.

Councilwoman Madred nodded. "Undoubtedly, there are those within the Federation Security Council that would demand an immediate counter, if not a declaration of war." She said. "However, there are alos those that still remember the horrors of the Dominion War and do not wish to invite casualties and unncessary destruction." She said confidently. "

"Yes, but our greater concern would be the Federation's Klingon lapdogs. It is completely forseeable that they would ask the Klingons to do the heavy lifting for them so that they can appear to be blameless." Gul Meran said in response. "While the Xi'Cadians will provide sufficient troops to hold the planet's surface, they won't be able to fully repel a mobilized Klingon fleet." He said.

"Then what more can be done? Even if the Detatpa Council were willing to dispatch a fleet from Cardassia, there is no way it would make it to this sector in enough time to stop a Klingon assault." Councilwoman Madred said.

"No, but the 975th tar'elkor (battle wing) would serve as a sufficient deterent to the Klingon swine and allow us to shore up enough resources to properly counter the threat." Gul Meran interupted. "They are currently on deep space patrol near the Zeta Serpentis." He said.

"I've already spoken with Gul Kormal and he has already agreed to dispatch his Battle Wing to standby. . ." Hydel said with hesitation. ". . .once they have received authorization from you." He said in a measured tone.

Councilwoman Madred smiled. She understood the political landscape, even if she was on the other side of the quadrant. No Combatant Commander would commit their forces to some foolhardy plan unless there was political coverage. If Hydel's plan worked, then he would be hailed as a genius and other Commanders would gladly join his flock.

However, if his plan failed, then Hydel and his entire group would be cast out as merely a "rogue element". She understood the gamble; however, she also recognized the benefits that would come from a prize such as Pangaea. She thought carefully for several moments before responding.

"Your plan has my approval, however know this Hydel. . ." She said, allowing the silence to fill the room. "If it turns out that your plan is not as sound as you have laid out, you will be disavowed, and the Council will consider this to be an illegal jaunt by a rogue and dismissed individual." Councilwoman Madred said. "If you are able to succesfully seize the planet surface, then I will authorize the dispatchment of the 975th Battle Wing to serve in a reinforcement role." She said to the gathered Commanders.

"Thank you, Councilwoman. I assure you, this will be a glorious victory for all of Cardassia." Hydel said as he smiled with pride.

"For your sake, you had better be correct. Madred out." The Councilwoman said as the connection ended.

Jil Orra Madred
Detapa Council

Hydel Turvan
Cardassian Union

Gul Denat Meran
Cardassian Union

Gul Kalena Vashur
127th Tactical Wing
NPC's Thom


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