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Bringing trouble onboard: Part I

Posted on Sun Jan 18, 2015 @ 5:37pm by Captain Isha t'Vaurek & Lieutenant Saria Rex & Lieutenant Mikaela Locke & Captain Maritza Soran & Lieutenant Si'Lar Trellis
Edited on on Sat Jan 24, 2015 @ 7:28pm

1,331 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Eye of the Beholder
Location: Captain's Ready Room
Timeline: MD01

Lieutenant Si'Lar Trellis and Saria Rex rode the turbolift in relative silence towards OPS on their way to the Commander's office. They knew that if they stood any chance of capturing Anaia Rex, it was going to be with the assistance of her former Executive Officer Victoria Sterling who was currently serving a life sentence onboard Starbase 185.

" you think that the Captain will actually allow someone like Vero- ...Mrs. Sterling aboard the station? I'm not sure if she's really comfortable with having a mass murderer on her station." Saria asked Si'Lar, while pondering about their talk with t'Vaurek.

"I don't see why she wouldn't. She's the best chance we have of capturing your former host without putting lives at risk. Rex has proven herself to be a calculating murderer, we have to exercise all options." Trellis responded.

The lift came to a stop as they stepped out and made their way to the Captain's Office. He pressed the chime and waited for a response.

"Can I help you?" Peridot Quirm the Captain's Yoeman said as she caught up with them. She had been away from the desk and caught them just in time.

The Captain was VERY tetchy about unexpected guests - she hadn't explained why but it was not her place to ask.

"Do you have an appointment, Lieutenants?"

"No, we do not." Trellis spoke. "We are here to speak to Captain t'Vaurek concerning a security matter." He responded. Trellis did not feel comfortable speaking in front of others about what he and Saria had planned. He still was not certain what had caused the Guardians disaster, he was not convinced that sabotage was NOT involved.

Quirm brushed her hair off her shoudlers. "A security matter, Lieutenant Trellis," she said - was the renowned Lieutenant after the key to the liquor cabinet she wondered. "Wait here. I'll see if she has time."

Trellis waited patiently as the Yeoman went to speak with the Captain. It was a new procedure to have to go thru a Yeoman before speaking with the Commanding Officer. He was more used to the open-door policy that Captain Tahir exercised.

Peridot emerged a few moments later, "The Captain will see you," she told them, "this way, please."

Trellis nodded as he and Saria walked into the office. "Thank you." He said as he followed the Yeoman into the Captain's office.

The Lieutenants entered the room and stood at attention as the Captain acknowledged their presences.

"What can I do for you both?" Isha asked. Peridot had given her minimal details.

"Captain, we've come to speak to you about a security threat involving a Trill and former Starfleet Captain, Anaia Rex." Trellis began.

Isha immediately put the names together. "A former host?" she asked the Trill, a note of puzzlement in her tone. "I was led to believe that once joined host and symbiont could not be separated."

"True" Saria replied "if you don't use a compound like Halu'gen to supplement the substances needed for a Trill host to survive the removal of a symbiont. That's how the people in the Trill government who removed their symbiont, survived after the equality rebellions on Trillius Prime." She paused. "Anaia Rex was indeed a former host."

That was news to Isha. "I confess I am not fully versed in the recent history of your planet," she said in a pleasant tone. "So your former host is dependent on Halu'gen or similar to survive?" she asked.

"That is quite alright, Captain" Saria nodded. "She is indeed dependent of Halu'gen. Lieutenant Trellis has done some excellent research himself and found a shipment of Halu'gen going to a border planet, and the patient's description was very similar to that of Anaia Rex."

"Why do you view this individual to be a security threat?"

"Because..." Saria gulped. "...she is guilty of the act of genocide..."

Trellis waited to add to the response. He watched as Saria went into detail about the former Captain's murderous acts on Tau Volantis III.

"Captain Anaia Rex was my third-last host. She was captain of the U.S.S Freebird, but her shuttle crashed on a planet in the Tau Volantis system together with Commander Veronica Sterling. From there on, something in her changed, and she took up arms against innocent people who didn't comply with the authoritarian provision government on the planet. And so, she..." Saria paused. "She killed hundreds of innocent people, together with Commander Sterling. Rex was... overwhelmed by Anaia's strong personality, and could not stop her. As a result, Rex saw everything that she did... and so do I now..."

"Additionally Captain, she murdered an Officer and destroyed a shuttle during her escape from Starfleet custody. He said as he extended a padd to her, detailing the incident. (

"This woman is a psychopath and we have developed a way to capture her." Trellis continued. "It will involving having her former Executive Officer, Victoria Sterling temporarily released from custody on Starbase 185 and transferred

So much of this was beyond Isha's direct experience - throw a Vulcan at her and she'd know what to do but these slugs ... she really did not understand. Isha hit her comm badge, "Commander Soran, please join me in my Ready Room," she said.

A moment later the Trill stepped through the door. "Yes ma'am?" She saw Trellis and Rex there and raised an eyebrow.

Lieutenant Trellis looked at the Trill as she entered the room. His last engagement with the Strategic Operations officer resulted him in losing a valuable member of his staff for some "Intelligence Department" request. He was not certain what she was going to say this time about his plan.

Saria saw the Lieutenant Commander stepping through the door, and returned the raised eyebrow. She had not yet seen this woman aboard the station, nor did she recognize the face. "Must've been transferred not too long ago" she though, while she waited for the Captain to give orders to Soran.

"Commander Soran, are you familiar with the background of a Trill named Anaia Rex?" Isha asked. If the individual were so notorious it was likely that other Trills would be aware.

Lieutenant Trellis looked at the Trill as she entered the room. His last engagement with the Strategic Operations officer resulted him in losing a valuable member of his staff for some "Intelligence Department" request. He was not certain what she was going to say this time about his plan.

"just over forty years or so ago, Anania Rex and her first officer violated the Prime Directive, became involved in the Civil War on Tau Volantis III, and committed what she would describe as "justifiable genocide."" The withering sarcasm in Soran's voice made it clear she didn't share Anaia's opinion. "She was later captured, the Rex symbiont removed, and turned over for trial. Unfortunately, during her transportation the shuttlecraft exploded. She was believed dead."

Isha raised her hand. From what she was hearing she needed more in order to allow their proposal to go ahead. "Lieutenant Locke, I'd appreciate your input on a confidential matter if you could join us in my ready room."

"On my way, sir," Mikaela Locke's voice echoed over the comm.

"So..." Saria spoke. "What will actually be the plan? Lieutenant Trellis and I have spoken about taking Veronica Sterling with us to the planet and lead us to Anaia Rex. But I am not sure whether you'd approve of it or not, captain."

Trellis' furrowed his brow. "C-Cap..." He sighed as he tried to gather his words exactly before his commanding officer. "Captain, Security is capable of handling his matter without the need to include the Intelligence Department." He finally said. "More importantly, this is a problem that the Trill Protectorate would prefer be handled without bringing in 'outsiders'" he added.

"Is she really necessary?" Trellis stated, not being too much of a fan of the resident "spooks".



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