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The Only Candidate worth having

Posted on Wed Oct 14, 2020 @ 4:02am by Captain Maritza Soran & Lieutenant Kivan Ta'Gas

1,047 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Et In Arcadia Ego
Location: Commander Soran's Office
Timeline: MD 06 0800
Tags: OPS, promotion, Kivan


Maritza had been at work for an hour, but allready had a headache pounding at the inside of her skull. More people had died yesterday, and whilst all deaths were tragic, one was particularly detrimental to the station. Leonora Dell, the most experienced operations officer she had, had perished. She had plenty of specialists but Starfleet required officers, and they were in short supply.

Everyone Starfleet had sent recently had been less that stellar, unable to take the enormous pressure for more than a few days, which just made it worse for each new attempt. But there was one already onboard that had effectively been doing the job, right along side Dell.

Which was why she had sent for Kivan Ta'Gas. She didn't care he wasn't that old. She could barely stand there. He knew DS5 like know one else, had risen to the occasion more times than he ever should have been asked to, and she doubted OPM would ever be able to find her someone even half as good.

The turbolift arrived and dropped Lieutenant Kivan Ta'Gas on OPS. The Engineer stepped off and made his way across the large command platform. He looked around and noticed the Bajoran standing near the Captain's Office. As he got closer, he noticed the reflection of light off of her customary earing on her left lobe. As he stepped over to her, he noticed her reaction to him. It was a reaction he had grown used to after spending years growing up on Bajor.

"I'm here to see Captain Soran." He said.

"You can go straight in." Zita said, stepping aside to let him up to Soran's office. "She's expecting you."

Lieutenant Kivan breathed a sigh of relief and made his way towards the Captain's Office. He pressed the chime button and was allowed access. He stepped into the room and looked around for several moments before proceeding to the front of her desk. "Ma'am, Lieutenant Kivan Ta'Gas, reporting" He said while standing at attention.

"Good morning, Mr Kivan. Thank you for coming so promptly. " She pointed at the chair that had been placed in front of her desk, and stapled her fingers. "Losing Leonora Dell has left a bit of a problem. There aren't enough commissioned officers in Operations as it is, and OPM have no suitable candidates. Not for operations. But I think I've got a solution for that." She looked at him, and waited for him to catch on.

What? You want me to rig one of those damn portals again so you can go find someone? He thought darkly as he took his seat before her desk.

"Who did you have in mind, ma'am?" He asked. "I'm running pretty low on available junior officers as it is. Plus, I don't think you'd want any newer person handling such a massive task of station-wide OPS" He replied.

Soran tried not to smile. She wondered if his confidence with his subject extended to his own capacity. "You're right, I don't want any newer person. It is a massive task. If you could pick anyone in the department to take over on Operations, who would you choose? Ignore their current position." Because I'm going to.

"Experience-wise, I'd recommend Master Chief Petty Officer Sh'ziqot, but he's only an NCO." Lieutenant Kivan suggested. "Then I guess that just leaves. . .I suppose Ensign Mutarn." He said, referring to the Damage Control Specialist. "He's got pretty good experience with repair team management." He suggested. However, what he left out was his history of insubordination.

"You've missed the obvious candidate." She pointed out, trying not to smile. She could drag this out a bit more, but he may object to her playing with him, and there was a long day ahead. "The most experienced Ops officer on the station is you."

It took Ta'Gas several moments to fully process what she had just said to him. As the realization set in he looked up at her with a bewildered expression. "Ma'am? That position requires you to be an Full Lieutenant. . ." He said, still registering what she had announced.

"Yes. It does. Just as well there's a captain on board with the power to make field promotions if its needed." She looked him over. He looked like to her most people she'd seen given unexpected promotions and responsibilities. A bit shell shocked, but not horrified, she was glad to see, but he hadn't actually said yes. "Will it be needed, Mr Kivan?"

Ta'Gas thought for several more moments. "Well...yes ma'am, I will accept the position and promotion." He said as he nodded his head. "But, who is going to being Chief Engineer?" He asked, hopefully she wasn't hoping he would assume both roles.

"I've got someone incoming. But they won't be here for a few days. Until then, you're going to have to juggle both as best you can. Stick to essential station operations only. Personnel, QM and Civilian Affairs can wait, or be passed to Commander Ryan. If the PMA try and give you grief, pass them to me, and don't be afraid to tel Zita you need to see me if you get in a crunch. Operations is my background, I can lend a hand. She's got instruction to clear space for you where she can until Lieutenant Serav gets here."

He nodded as he stood and approached her desk to receive his new pip. "Yes ma'am, I understand. I'll make due until help arrives." He said.

She pushed the small box with its pip over her desk towards him, but left her hand on it. "This is a big ask, given your age," says the thirty year old, she added to herself. "There's no shame in asking for help. Or for time off. I know how...stoic... people can get. It won't make you any less worthy of this. Understand?"

He reached forward for the box, placing his hand on it. "Yes ma'am, I understand completely." He said.

Maritza offered him her hand. "Congratulations, Lieutenant Kivan."

The newly-promoted Chief of Operations accepted is Commander's hand.

"Thank you ma'am, I'm ready to take on the task." He said.


Captain Maritiza Soran
Deep Space Five.

FULL Lieutenant
Kivan Ta'Gas
Chief of Operations


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