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Paving the Way (Part I)

Posted on Tue Oct 13, 2020 @ 11:33am by Civilian Hydel Turvan

1,099 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Et In Arcadia Ego
Location: Wreckage of USS Atlantis
Timeline: MD 09
Tags: Atlantis, Cardassian Intelligence Bureau, Darhe'el

Warship Darhe'el

Gul Natomi Kyren stood on the bridge of the Cardassian warship and watched the main view as the Xi'Cadian shuttle departed from the Warship and made its way to the fallen Starfleet vessel. The Darhe'el was relying upon its tractor beam array to stop the spinning of the Atlantis to allow the team to come onboard and carry out its mission.

She was present when the vessel had fatally encountered the Xi'Cadian Cruiser. Additionally, as the Intelligence Officer for the 127th, Gul Kyren believed that she should have been the one going onboard the Atlantis and discovering the technological and and tactical secrets the Starfleet vessel contained.

She had said as much to Ambassador Turvan when he had dispatched her on this mission. However, he believed that Glinn Duk Mojal, the former 127th XO under former Commander Gul Nivall. Although Gul Nivall had been recalled to Cardassia, Ambassador Turvan believed that Glinn Mojal could still be of use to the upcoming mission.

Gul Kyren knew that arguing would have been fruitless. In the end, she realized that her role was better served by coordinating the mission from the Warship Darhe'el.

=/\=Warship Darhe'el to Glinn Mojal, report status.=/\= Gul Kyren said calmly.

Wreckage of USS Atlantis

=/\= This is Glinn Mojal, my team has successfully made it onboard the USS Atlantis =/\= The Glinn said as his magnetic boots made contact with the deck. or at least what's left of it. . . He mumbled to himself.

=/\= We'll update once we have something =/\= Glinn Mojal replied as he turned to the team assembled with him.

"Getra and Seehta, you two make your way to the Engineering and bring online the ship's secondary life-support systems. Even if it is something a simple as gravity and power. I'll make my way to the Computer Core." Glinn Mojal said as he began to make his way down the darkened corridor.

The wreckage of the vessel created an eerie sensation. Death was all around him as he moved through the corridor of what once was a fully-capable Starfleet vessel. Now it siimply floated through Xi'Cadian space as a grim tomb for the hundreds of Starfleet Officers that were unable to escape its destruction.

Glinn Mojal had to deftly manuver around the various body parts that floated listlessly in certain parts of the corridor. Undoubtedly, crewman that had survived the initial explosion, but were caught when the hull eventually decrompressed. It was a gruesome site, but unfortunately, the Cardassian Soldier had seen it many times before during his tour of duty on he Cardassian borders.

Eventually made his way to the Computer Core. He had to give Starfleet Engineers credit, they knew how to design a ship to protect its most vital functions. It appeared the room containing the Core was still in one place and had not suffered too much under the destruction of the ship.

=/\= "Getra and Seehta, I've made it to the Core. Bring available power online and route it to this section." Glinn Mojal said as he forced the doors open and made his way inside the room. He reached into his EVA suit and withdrew a Padd and placed it on the console. He pressed several buttons activating it and waited until the other two Soldiers had provided enough power to the damaged level to power on the main console for the core.

=/\= "Glin Mojal to Gul Kyren, I've made it to the Computer Core and I've initiated the tightbeam connection to the Darhe'el. I've managed to obtain root privilege to the kernel. You have read only access though." The Cardassian Intelligence Specialist said. Althogh he was extremely familiar with Federation and Starfleet hardware, he knew that he could not gain complete access with just the equipment he was able to carry on his EVA suit. He'd have to extract the Core completely and bring it back onto the Darhe'el if he wanted to know all of the ship's secrets.

=/\= "Gul Kyren here, that will be fine Glinn. I am able to perform the necessary search with the access I have." The Cardassian Intelligence Bureau Chief responded as she began to search the ruined vessel's computer Core. Typically, the ship's automatic defenses would have prevented an outsider from rutting around unfettered. However, the catastrophic destruction of the vessel prevented primary and even secondary defenses from coming online. Thus, the Cardassian Intelligence Gul had enough time to find what she was looking for.

Glinn Mojak continued to maintain the access feed that Gul Kyren needed to continue to search through the Core of the Atlantis. The ship's power network was barely in tact and it was taken all of his concentraction to route and reroute the necessary power to keep the console activated long enough for Gul Kyren to continue her search through the vessel's Engineering subroutines.

=/\= "All teams, I found exactly what I was looking for. Glinn Mojal, proceed with the necessary extraction and eport back to the Darhe'el" Gul Kyren said excitedly through her comm unit. She smiled triumphantly to herself as she downloaded the information while Glinn Mojal severed the connection on his end and began the delicate process of extracting the necessary component from the Core's sub-systems.

Beam out site

"So what exactly did we come all the way over here for if we were only staying for such a short period of time?" Asked Seehta as she and Getra arrived at the beam out location.

"It was the Atlantis Identification Friend or Foe system." Glinn Mojal explained. "It allows Starfleet vessels to get within a close distance of other Starfleet vessels. . .or Deep Space stations without setting off proximity defense systems." He further elaborated. "You can't just punch in random frequency numbers, you need the actual module from a Starfleet vessel that has been in contact with the intended target recently." Glinn Mojal.

"And considering how understaffed the station is, it is likely they hadn't updated thier protocols since the Atlantis had last docked." Glinn Getra said, putting the pieces together.

"This vessel may be nothing but floating trash, but it is going to pave the way for us to take Deep Space 5." Gul Mojal said he and his team were consumed by the orange swirl of a transport beam.

Gul Natomi Kyren
Cardassian Intelligence Bureau
Warship Darhe'el

Glinn Mojal, Seehta, & Getra
Cardassian Intelligence Bureau


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