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A meeting between old friends

Posted on Sat Sep 19, 2020 @ 10:31am by Civilian 'Arrival' Roger Templar & Civilian Melvyn Raddon

1,768 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Et In Arcadia Ego
Location: Dilithium Chamber - Executive Diningroom
Timeline: MD 06 0600

Melvyn sighed contently as he looked over the railing of his private table and took in the magnificence that was the Dilithium Chamber. In less than several year's time he had managed to take what was otherwise an empty warehouse and storage facility and convert it into one of the most thriving locations for Humans on the station, if not the entire sector.

Music, food, dancing, real alcohol, whatever fit the particular patron's fancy, they could find it in spades at Melvyn's facility. His clientelle included Humans from all walks of life: Business owners, Starfleet Officers, high-ranking Federation Officials, and even ne'erdowells who happened to find themselves within his business' doorstep. He had done well, but he knew that there were greater plans in store for him, particularlly with this station being so close to the recently discovered planet of Pangea.

His company had recently had its permit for exploration and development revoked by that bitch of a Trill, Captain Soran, due to an unforeseen accident on the planet surface. His company was involved in various tests involving the various Portals on the surface when an explosion took place, killing several individuals and harming others. Starfleet immediately did what they knew how to do best: stifle innovation. They revoked his permit and closed any furthr research his company was involved with.

Melvyn shook his head to clear his thoughts. He had all the time in the world to foucs on those other problems. For the time being he was looking forward to enjoying a nice meal with the son of an old acquitance of his. He had knonw Roger Templar's father many years ago during his various trips to Risa. The man was probably one of the best tailors that Melvyn had ever come across. So good, that Melvyn did not hesitate to make a trip to Risa simply to be fitted for a new suit. Money was never an object when great quality was possible.

However, it was unfortunate that Roger's father kept such bad company. It was rumored that the man had become involved with a business deal that had gone south and was prepared to share his knowledge of what had transpired. Melvyn had been around long enough to know that dead men tell no tales, so it was always best to keep one's mouth closed about certain affairs. Pity, his wife was quite the looker.

Melvyn's thoughts were disrupted as he heard the voice of his assistant bringing his guest to his private diningroom.

Black suit today Templar had decided; the message had hint about old acquaintances of his father and those were not always a 'up beat' affair. The crisp red shirt and black tie was a touch of class his "Private Assistant had insist while laying out his wardrobe.

To be invited is an honor from all the inquiries Templar and his associates could get in a short time. Also that any connection to Raddon would not be bad for business on the station.

"Good evening." Templar started by offering a handshake as is the human custom. "Roger Templar, thank you for the invitation."

Melvyn smiled and stood, extending his hand. "Ahhh. . .Roger, it has been a very very long time!" He said as he grasped the much younger man's hand and shook it enthusiastically. "What a pleasure to see you again. It's been at least 20 or so years since I last saw you. Please, please sit." He gestured to the available chair.

"Marie, please bring us a glass of Tchuziian wine, please." Melvyn said as he took his seat and returned his focus back towards Roger. "You were still a young boy the last time I saw you and your father at his shop." He said.

"I have grown up since then of course." Templar said with a chuckled. "The building is not even there any more."

Melvyn smiled. "Yes, I must say that I'm sorry to hear about what happened to your father." He said, shaking his head. "To have such a promising career and life cut so short." He said mournfully. "Tell me, were they ever able to determine what caused the fire in his shop?" He asked.

"Not really, the official report was it must have been in the back wall wiring." Templar replied. "Other experts later say a incendiary device on the back wall." He told. "Only father knows and he is not able to say."

Melvyn nodded, he paused for a brief moment before shifting the subject, "Enough about old news, tell me. . .what brings you to my neck of the woods?" He said with obvious emphasis.

"My Stepfather and I have an understanding; he does not want a man; and that is how he referred to it, with an investigative nature to ruin any of his business and cause conflict within the Family." Templar told. "I do not want to be associated with him as we both know he is not a fan. So here is a place far enough to get a good Mulligan on life you might say."

"Understandable," Melyvn said as the appetizer was brought to the table. "At some point in his life, a young man needs to branch off and determin his own path is life." He said as he reached for his napkin. "Or else he'll be stuck living in his father's shadow and become nothing more." He added.

"So what is it you intend on doing on this station? What path are you planning to blalze?" He asked.

"I have taken up acquiring lost items; some people or retrieving secrets for a price." Templar said simply. "You know Private Investigator things Officially." He nod. "Whatever tickles my fancy at the time."

"I can imagine that in a place like this, there are a lot of secrets and even people that have been lost and need to be found." Melvyn replied. "I'm certain that a man of your talents can make quite a living." He said as he began to enjoy the plate before him.

"In fact, I may have such a proposition for you myself." Melvyn said between bites.

"How do the Ferengi put it?" Templar began. "A wise man can hear profit in the wind. I knew memory lane is not the only thing visited in a place of... business. ANd I have nothing on my plate right now so what can I do for you?"

"Oh, this is a job that would be right up your alley." He began. "There is a. . .merchant, I should say, by the name of Geral Lesuma. He's a Bajoran on this station whose. . .legitimate business is that of a shopkeeper." Melvyn said with obvious sarcasm in his voice.

"I had my head of security, Dorian Gabriel, search Geral's background awhile ago. Unfortunately, Dorian was unable to find anything significant. Just scant mentions throughout the Dominion War and few invoices regarding prior transactions." Melvyn said as he took a sip from his glass.

"It would take a person a considerable amount of time, effort, and especially resources to hide their past to such so well" Melvyn said. "People who did that were typically people who had a lot to hide." He added.

"I want to retain you to dig into Geral's past and find out something. . ." Melvyn paused as he thought for a beat. "Something so significant that an upstanding businessman like himself would not want that to be unearthed." Melvyn said pointedly.

"You want me recover his past, make sure he has oppurtunity to have it back?" Templar suggested. "A man is lost without his past and all that comes with it?" He gave a sly grin. "Are you sure that his past is lost? I would get bored if there is nothing to recover you know how it is to be of service to someone in need?"

"The exact opposite, actually." Melvyn said. "I'm quite certain that he wants to run away and hide from his past." He said as he sat back as the waiter came and removed his plate and replaced it with the entrere.

"Hmmm. . . .Pakled Roast." Melvyn said appreciatively.

"Along with a dollup of surmalle sauce." The waiter said as she replaced Roger's plate as well and provided both men the appropriate colred napkins.

Melvyn took a bite and savored it for a moment before going back to the conversation at home. "But back to the topic at hand. His past is something of considerable value." He said.

"I do find it a rare man who is willing to pay for another's lost item recovered to be offered back in a ... friendly manner?" Templar had that sly grin. "Might I see what your man has given you; to see if it interests me?"

"You'll hardly find it worth reading." Melvyn replied. "I'll have my office forward you the information on a secured link. But what's important is that a man does not aquire the level of success that he has without leaving a trail of bodies, secrets, and grudges." He said flatly.

"I believe it is only fair to mention that he recently was able to secure quite a favorable business deal with the Federation at the expense of my company." Melvyn said. "It allowed his company to receiving the profits from a joint Klingon-Federation dilithium mining facility in the Tarelis System." He said coldly.

"Well. . .what's left of it." Melvyn said, referring to surprise attack on the facility by a Breen strike force with unprecedent warp capability. "I want to know as much as I can about Mr. Geral Lasuma." Melvyn said as he took another bite.

"I will look into it as my Calendar is open." Templar said calmly. "Shake a few trees, shine light in some shadows and see who or what scurries about." He smiled. "I am sure my Father will rest easier after all of this?"

Melvyn paused as he held the fork up to his mouth and was about to take a bite. Roger's last sentence caught him slightly off-guard. "Uh-hmm, yes, of course. I trust that your father is looking down on us with great pride at what his son will accomplish." Melvyn said, quickly recovering.

"I am sure he glances down when not talking an angle into a white suit rather than the Holy Robes." Templar made light of things and took a drink.

Melvyn laughed at the joke, if not to cover up his own discomfort. "That he may indeed be doing, my boy!" He laughed.

Melvyn Raddon
Raddon Industries

Roger Templar
Private investigator


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