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Girls night - Love on the Rocks....part 7b

Posted on Mon Aug 24, 2020 @ 3:38am by Captain Maritza Soran & Charghwl'IH of the House of Soval

1,325 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Et In Arcadia Ego
Location: Captain's Quarters
Timeline: MD04 1800

Previously in Love on the Rocks
X'aedell was able to pick up the mix of emotions swirling inside that petite frame. And smiled to herself remembering the rocky start she and Charg had had. "Mar... I haven't been out of the game that long to know that at first the guys ALL try to be smooth. But you have to admit you've always been a tough nut to crack." Adding with a shrug, "Maybe, just maybe, he took that tough exterior of yours as you playing hard to get.

As far as planning... do you really think I planned to be with Charg? When we first met I thought he was an arrogant son of a bitch. In staff meetings he would push his security views as if they more important then any other aspect of any mission. He insisted on his way and his damned logic usually won the day. What made it worse was that not only did have that frustrating confidence but he was so damned personable too.

"Being in love isn't about just happens. Let me ask you this, Maritza; before whatever happened...were you happy?"

And now the continuation

Maritza went quiet, thinking about it. Maybe in the quiet of the night she had worries about whether there was anything long term in it. Different species, different goals. But in the moment when they were together, whehter it was just reading quietly in the cabin simulation, or doing something more active, well then, "Yes, well. I was...content. Deeply."

"And how many relationships have you seen that didn't have some kind of problem at one time or another?"

Maritza stared at the ceiling, swirling her juice in its glass. "Whilst I'm sure you're right, how many relationships are based on bet? How can I trust anything he says now?"

Xae grimaced. "Ouch. I wish I could answer that, but if there is one constant in the universe it's that men can be assholes. You know...if you wanna be sure of him we could set him up a bit. You know since I'm no longer bound by Starfleet codes of conduct..."

"What do you mean?" Martiza gave Xae a suspicious look. "This isn't going to involve putting him through some masochistic klingon ritual is it?"

Xae laughed. "Nooo..."

"That's a pity."

Smiling as she shook her head and continued. "...I was referring to a little half betazoid eavesdropping. Of course if he was using you I'll skin him alive and make you a new pair of boots."

"I can't, Its not ethical." Maritza said. But she really really wanted to, and knew Xae would feel that too.

"And how many times have others used telepaths in their negotiations? But if you wanna solve things the old fashioned way you are going to have to talk to him. What I do know is that he was just outside the sickbay when you were hurt, very concerned..."

She slowly spun the rose between he fingers, "...and that he is reaching out." Xae the offered her the rose.

Maritza stared at the ceiling. "I don't know what I want. I just want a fairy godmother to wave a magic wand and make it all go away."

"And when have you ever give up at anything?"

"There's always a first time. And this isn't work, or politics. This is just me, dealing with the fall out of yet another bad decision."

"Well it's definately time for some bloodwine. I've seen you hold it together in situations a lot more dire than this. I know I don't have all the details but you seem exhausted. You said you felt better when you were with him. Could it be that his mistake was the recipient of wrath you couldn't take out on anyone else?"

Maritza shook her head, "No. Trust me, everyone gets the wrath they deserve. I'm equal opportunity that way." She sighed. "I just don't know anymore. If everything he did was a set up, how can I know what is true feeling versus manipulation? I'm second guessing everything he's ever done and everything he's ever told me."

"Well I can tell yo tha the feelings from the man outside sickbay were very genuine. Sure he admited to some bet but guys rarely backdown from a challenge...who did you hear about this bet from anyway?"

"He was with one of the other promenade business owners. No one I know. Rumoured to be slightly shady, but we've never had any proof."

Xae's eyes widened a bit as her brow lifted after hearing the source was some underworld figure. "And he's more trustworthy?"

Maritza shrugged. "People don't walk around with bars of latinum in their pockets. Why would he be there with one if not to pay off the debt?"

"It's not unheard of for a businessman to be paying another businessman. Isn't it also possible for the payer to have been a little irritated at having to pay and saw an opportunity to get back at him by throwing him under the freighter so to speak?"

"All things are possible, in a infinitely diverse universe." Martiza admitted. But she was still hurting and didn't want to let in anything as reasonable as doubt.

Moving over to sitnext to her Xae wrapped an arm around her as she sent the lone surviving flower down on the table. "Well I can tell you are conflicted, that's to be expected. I also know that he legitimately cares for you and is hurting. No relationship is without its hard times; I would just hate to see you miss a chance to be happy.

"But enough of the heavy. Do you wanna head over to our quarters so you can see what I've been up to since we were together last?"

"If I recall correctly you brought what you've been up to since last time to the gym. Wouldn't I be interrupting bedtime?"

Xae laughed. "Not at all," shaking her head. "Besides, when did you become so rigid about the rules?"

"I've always taken rules seriously," Martiza pointed out. "Especially when I'm suppose to embody them. I'm a Starfleet Officer. That comes with obligations and responsibilities, as well as privileges."

Putting her hands on her hips Xae, smirked. Command had changed her. But she knew how that happened all to well. Rather than get into that debate she mere reminded her. "Well tonight your not, doctor's orders remember. Come on let's go , it'll do you some good to take the pips off...even for a few hours."

Martiza sighed. "That was one of our traditionas. Everytime I went over, I took the pips off, physically." She snorted. "I've lost track of how many I've lost on his yacht."

Smirking a bit. "Forgetting the company at the time, did you have a good time after those pips came off?"

Maritza gave Xae a sour look, mostly because she didn't want to admit the answer. "yes. Though admittedly at least half of the time all we ended up doing was falling asleep on the couch." And when was the last time she'd felt safe enough to drift off without anything to help her sleep, or for fear of dreams. Not before the bastard, certainly.

Xea' picked up the conflicting emotion from her, but focused on the now...for the time being at least. "Well we will have a good time as well. Doctors orders remember?" Adding with a smile," But if we fall asleep on the couch but it will probably be do to bloodwine."

"Alright, I'll come. But there better be bloodwine," Maritza threatened. "And sod the doctor, I want the good stuff. If I can still see straight in an hour, I won't speak to you again."


Captain Maritza Soran

Lady X'aedell, of the House of Soran
Wife to Ambasador Charghl'IH


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