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Aces High (Part I of III)

Posted on Sun Sep 13, 2020 @ 7:12pm by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & Civilian Jason Haines & Lieutenant JG Ace Cannon

1,321 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Et In Arcadia Ego
Location: Box Of Delights
Timeline: MD 5, 1600


After Jason had left Alanna, he went to the gym to work out. His security escort gave him hell for slipping away from her. Jason snickered a little, he was growing more and more tired by the constant presence of Annora's security escorts. He slipped his music player into his ears and for the next hour and a half he put the escort through a bit of hell as she had to follow him to work out stations and at one point had to run with him on the track and she was definitely not in the right clothing for running.

He didn't really care about that. What he cared about was that in the alternate universe he had been too slow and that cost Alanna a lot. He had also taken a beating from Sovok that he almost didn't recover from. He was determined never to be that slow or that weak again. He refused.

After he was done, he went to the showers and didn't make the obvious jokes to his shadow about following him in. From the dressing room, he once again gave her the slip and headed to the one place he hadn't been since re-appearing on the station; The Box of Delights. He stopped and simply took the sight in once he got there. He never thought he would get a chance to step in the bar again. Life had a funny way of turning out.

"Long time no see, stranger," purred a female voice, "We were beginning to think you didn't love us anymore."

"I was held up by Captain granny panties and the wedgie of the day", Jason said with a smirk. "You know I could never stop loving you all."

Ace had just arrived earlier in the day and reported in. Of course, this gave him a great deal of free time for the day, as the schedule did not yet account for him. So what more could an eligible bachelor do than find himself some trouble to get into. He had heard some rather interesting stories about the Box of Delights. Deciding that would be the best place to check out, he headed there without a second thought.

The moment that he walked in, a female purred "Long time no see, stranger." There was another man there and the statement seemed to be meant for him, but the woman looked like fun and Ace was not going to squander the opportunity. With his natural swagger and confidence he smiled at the woman and said, "I have not yet loved you, but if you're lucky, perhaps tonight I will."

Yolanthe's pure white eyes flicked to the new comer, evaluated him frankly. "Darling boy, welcome to the box of delights, we have many pleasures for your edification, but I alas, am not on the menu. Though I can make some recommendations for things that are."

The operations officer looked over at Yolanthe and replied, "You make a great deal of presumptions, including one, that I need recommendations and two, that I even have a desire you." Ace gave Yolanthe a wickedly mischievous smile. "Perhaps something here will catch my attention." He shrugged and got into a comfortable pose showing that wherever he was, he was going to be more than comfortable.

The Bokkai gave a delighted smile. "Harry!" she called out to the Gorn, an eight hundred pound dinosaur in a dinner jacket who was walking to take up his position as doorman. "Keep an eye on this one. He looks like trouble to me."

Ace looked at the Gorn, turned to the man who the woman was talking to and asked, "Is everyone given such sterling treatment?"

"No", Jason said with a smile, still feeling a bit testy from his encounter with T'gan earlier. "Only the smug, self-satisfied, pretty-boys get the treatment; especially when they haven't even bought their first drink here. Words of advice, my friend can gut you and go about her day without a second thought, Harry here can easily tear a limb off you and eat it, and well the rest of her friends here have no problem shoving your head so far up your ass you can see your tonsils. So you may wish to choose your words wisely, because you've surely gotten off on the wrong foot for her to have Harry watching you so early in the day."

"Drinks are no problem. I planned on tossing back a few. How about I buy you one for your trouble and we play some dabo?" He completely ignored all the other comments regarding Harry and Yolanthe.

"Well, I am not the one you caused trouble for", Jason replied with a slight smirk. "I'm more of a dom-jot man myself. It actually takes skill to win. Loser buys the round?"

"Dom-jot it is, then. Loser buys is acceptable terms." He called over to Yolanthe and asked, "Does Harry serve? I could use a good drink before we play."

Jason smirked and slowly walked to the table and got a stick and setup the balls and waited. He wondered if Harry was going to bite the stranger's hand off before he could get to the table.

"No," Yolanthe replied to Ace's question, "He does do ejections though. Can I take your order gents?"

"What is your specialty?" Ace asked Yolanthe. He left the question purposely vague so as to leave all potential innuendos open.

"I make a mean martini." she offered, then turned to Jason. "The usual?"

"A martini it is then, shaken, not stirred, slice of lemon," Ace ordered.

"You know me", Jason said to Yolanthe with a smile and then looked at Ace. "Where you are the new guy, you can go first."

"A generous offer," Ace told Jason. He took a dom-jot cue, took careful aim and broke the balls apart. "There you go, the table is yours. See if you can handle it."

Jason smirked at Ace's comment. He showed he could indeed handle the dom jot cue as Ace never got another shot in as Jason made a shot that set him up for a three nine's victory. He took what should have been the winning shot and as he turned to get his drink, a hand reached out and picked the ball of the table. The hand was attached to a female security guard who was not looking too pleased.

Staring at Jason she said in an aggravated tone, "When are you going to stop playing this game?"

"When it stops being fun", Jason replied.

"I should tell the Captain", she snapped.

"Go ahead", Jason replied. "It will just show how you actually let someone slip out of the men's locker room and didn't follow him. Now, if you are through, Petty Officer Sampson why don't you just let my friend..."

He paused and turned to Ace, looking a touch confused, "What's your name?"

"Ace Cannon," the operations officer replied. "And you?" he asked Jason. "And you are an officer on this starbase too?" he wondered aloud.

"I'm..." Jason started before Sampson cut him off.

"No, he's not an officer, he's a no good deserter that for some strange reason the Captain thinks needs to be on the station and needs protection. And I must have pissed someone off as I've had to follow your sorry ass around the base for too long today."

"Don't mind her", Jason said to Ace. "She loves me. As I was about to say, I am Jason Haines and I am a recently retired officer of the station. And don't believe the lies, like the Petty Officer seems to have, I am not a deserter."

To be Continued…

Jason Haines
Station N'er Do Well and Live Bait Extraordinaire

Petty Officer Sampson
Security Officer
NPC'ed by Jason Haines

Ace Cannon
(Hopeful Assistant Chief) Operations Officer

Yolanthe Ibalin
The Box of Delights


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