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Back to Counseling (part 1)

Posted on Fri Jul 24, 2020 @ 9:33am by Lieutenant Alanna Wells & Lieutenant T'Lul

1,302 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Et In Arcadia Ego
Location: Counseling
Timeline: MD05 1000


Alanna read the news about a new counselor on board, but it took her two days before she felt ready to make an appointment. She didn't want to overwhelm the woman, but she had been ordered to counseling. Unfortunately, after her last less-than-stellar appointment with the previous counselor, she hadn't gone back.

Then she set up an appointment and headed to counseling.

She paused outside the door for a long moment, then rang the chime.

A flat, feminine voice replied, "The door is open. Please come in."

Alanna took a deep breath, not sure what to expect this time.

Once Alanna came in, T'Lul rose, her wavy, long black hair cascading over the front of her body. She looked at the woman and decided that many males would likely find her attractive. "I am Chief Counselor, Lieutenant T'Lul." She raised her hand in a Vulcan greeting. "Live long and prosper. How may I be of assistance?"

Alanna raised her hand in the Vulcan response. "Peace and long life, Lieutenant T'Lul. I'm Lieutenant Alanna Wells, chief science officer."

"You do me honor with the traditional response," T'Lul answered simply. "I must apologize for the disorganization. I have only recently arrived and I have not decided what would be the most practical and aesthetically pleasing way to arrange the room. My desire is to make anyone feel welcome here. How can I help you, Lieutenant Wells?"

Alanna had great respect for Vulcans. At least in this reality. "The office is fine. Sometimes it takes time to get settled in." She hesitated. "The captain assigned me to counseling, and there hasn't been a dedicated counselor in about six months."

"Your response seems to imply that you have had no counseling in six months despite the assignment. I appreciate that there has not been a dedicated counselor here but I must inquire why you have not done counseling remotely." T'Lul blinked a couple of times, hoping for an answer.

"I saw the counselor once, and she told me it was too soon for me to talk about it. Then she was transferred, and Jason disappeared, so I threw myself into my work. I used that to keep my mind occupied while it had time to assimilate everything."

T'Lul raised her eyebrow in disbelief. "A counselor told you that it was too soon for you to talk about it?" T'Lul mirrored, hoping that she misunderstood.

"Yes. I think it was four days after I got back. That's why I didn't go back to see her."

The Vulcan tried a softer tone and using emotional words to make Alanna feel better. "I am sorry that you were given that advice. To say that it is unusual, is an understatement. I shall endeavor to assist you. But first, can you tell me who this Jason person is and why disappearing was a problem for you?"

"Jason Haines was the Chief Intelligence Officer on DS5. He was assigned to the security team that escorted the Andorian freedom fighter and his team back to their shuttle in the alternate universe. Sovok was one of the Vulcan leaders. Jason didn't trust Sovok and was afraid something would go wrong. It did. When we got back, Jason blamed Soran and Ryan. He ended up getting demoted. Shortly after, a man named Captain Daniels wanted Jason on his ship. He knew Jason's father. I didn't feel good about it, but Jason wanted to know what Daniels knew and accepted the transfer. The man only wanted to kill Jason. He escaped and got caught in a temporal wormhole and was missing for months. Starfleet couldn't find him and said he was presumed dead. He showed up here a few days ago."

"Interesting," T'Lul responded, filing the information away for later, despite the number of questions that she had regarding Jason. It likely was not going to be helpful to her patient immediately. The curiosity would have to be quashed for now. "Can you tell me why you were assigned to counseling?"

Alanna chose to be blunt and to the point. "I was kidnapped, beaten, and raped by a Vulcan from a parallel universe. The only reason I'm here now is because Jason Haines was suspicious and gave me a transponder pip. Part of why he's in trouble now is because he chose to save me rather than stay with the team."

"I see," T'Lul responded simply. "Does it bother you that I am Vulcan?"

"No. I work with Vulcans and Romulans. Sovok was from another universe. There Vulcans believed in rule by torture and intimidation. I do not equate the two."

"I am pleased that you can recognize the difference between Vulcans of this universe and that of the other. I do not know whether others would be able to do so. May I call you Alanna?"

She smiled. "Please do. I much prefer it to Lieutenant Wells."

"Alanna, I know that this may be uncomfortable, especially after such a long time, but would you tell me about what happened? How you came to be kidnapped and your experiences?"

She nodded. "As I said, first, a group of freedom fighters came through the portals, then two Vulcans. It was the first time anyone had come here from another world and I was curious. So, I spent an afternoon talking with Sovok. We ended up having dinner and playing an odd game of chess. Every time one of us took a piece, we could ask a question and the other had to respond truthfully. When the game was over, he asked me to stay the night and I declined."

Alanna paused, her thoughts going back to that night. She knew he was not someone she wanted as a friend, nor did she trust him, but then she'd never anticipated how things would turn out. "Captain Soran--then commander--decided it was too dangerous to keep both groups on the station and decided to send them back through the portal. Commander Soran decided to send the Andorian and his team through first with a security escort, then the Vulcans."

"I hadn't planned on going down to the portal complex, but Commander Soran said Sovok wanted me to join them. So, I did. It was then I found out the commander planned to keep Sovok behind as a sort of hostage to ensure that the Andorians made it to their shuttle safely. Sovok waited for a while, then he grabbed me by the hair and jumped through the portal. A squad of Vulcans were waiting for us. Sovok gave them orders to kill anyone who came through.”

She stopped speaking to keep control, but her voice still wavered. “He’d planned it all out. I was taken to the room he used as his temporary office and told that I was now his slave. During the course of the day, I was given the choice of submitting to his…attentions…alone, in the room, or in public in front of his men.” Her breathing became shallow and her voice more ragged. “I chose the private option. I thought…hoped…he would leave me alone so I could contact Jason and warn him that the Vulcans were setting a trap at the portal. Sovok did leave me alone, but he took my clothes. I begged for my boots, which he granted, and was able to hide the pip there. When he left, I searched the room and picked a lock on a chest. I found a knife, which I also hid. I tried to contact Jason with my combadge, but I couldn’t reach him. I couldn’t reach anyone. I...managed to reach him telepathically and warn him of the trap.”

(To be continued...)

Lieutenant Alanna Wells
Chief Science Officer
Deep Space 5


Lieutenant T'Lul
Chief Counselor
Deep Space 5


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