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Reporting In

Posted on Sat Jul 25, 2020 @ 11:12pm by Captain Maritza Soran & Lieutenant T'Lul

1,064 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Et In Arcadia Ego
Location: Captain's Ready Room
Timeline: MD04, 0800


The trip to Deep Space Five was uneventful. T'Lul was fairly certain that if she were human or just about any race, she might have some witty anecdotes or stories about the difficulties associated with the trip. However, being Vulcan, she could not relate to the concept of small talk, except when it was necessary to put her patients at ease. It was an illogical notion that talking about nothing of consequence should cause someone to feel more at ease and it was something that she planned on studying and writing a paper on at some point.

Nonetheless, other than one particularly odd moment where a human male spent an unusual amount of time making small talk with her, having confused her for being human. After the encounter had ceased, T'Lul realized that he must have been trying to flirt with her. She wondered if he was telling the truth that he thought she was human. After all, her hair was not typically practical for a Vulcan. Realizing that this was a lost opportunity, she opened up her latest Romance Novel, "Belle of the Ball," and started reading.

The ship, however, did arrive as scheduled. T'Lul checked in at the dock. However, it was customary for officers to report immediately to the Captain upon arrival. As such, she located directions to the Captain's Ready Room and made her way there.

The turbo lift doors opened, and she was greeted by a very young Bajoran woman in command red, radiating anxiety? "Lietenant T'lul? I'm Captain Soran's yeoman. I'm sorry, she's in a foul mood, I've squeezed in five minutes, but Commander Ryan will handle most things. Keep things quick and you'll be fine."

"Foul moods are irrelevant to reporting in," T'Lul answered back. "However, if I can assist her, I will so endeavor. Thank you for your advice, Captain Soran. Will you show me the way or would you care to direct me?"

The yeoman gave the vulcan woman a look to say that she cared very much about the commanding officers foul moods after being on the receiving end of them, but scuttled off towards Soran's office, "just over here." She trotted up the short flight of stairs to the raised area at the back of OPS and knocked on the frosted glass doors. "Captain, Lieutenant T'lul?"

"I've got two minutes." was the only reply, and the yeoman turned back to T'lul and beckoned her to come in quickly.

T'Lul analyzed the situation. The yeoman said that she had reserved five minutes. The Captain claimed to only have two. Something was bothering her. She had read that the Captain was Trill. For all intents and purposes, they were human in terms of emotion. Therefore it would not be logical to start with more than an introduction. T'Lul could get to the Captain's distress in a bit. She walked in briskly announcing, "Greetings, Captain." T'Lul put a little inflection into her voice to mimic emotions, emphasizing the first word. "I am Lieutenant T'Lul, your new Chief Counselor."

Captain Soran flicked her eyes up and down the neatly dressed Vulcan. "Not before time. Welcome aboard, lieutenant. I trust your trip here was uneventful."

“It was,” T’Lul answered. “At least in the colloquial sense. Had the trip truly been uneventful, there would have been no trip,” T’Lul further explained. “There also was the matter of a human male flirting with me before we departed but l recognized it late. It would have been interesting to explore that more for research purposes.”

Martiza raised a blonde eyebrow. "Not the research I was expecting to hear about."

"I am a counselor, Captain. Studying emotions and chemical reactions of them is part of my profession. What would you expect that I would research in my position?" T'Lul raised her left black eyebrow in return. Belatedly, T'Lul wondered if the Captain thought that she was promiscuous and asked, "I am well trained in Surak's teachings, like most Vulcans. Am I to understand that you thought that I would be partaking in some inappropriate relationship?"

"No," There was a flicker of something on the captain's otherwise frigidly unamused expression. "Just surprised that anyone would bring it up when introducing themselves to their new CO."

T'Lul wondered what the change in expression was. She stored the information for potential further analysis. "The expression of emotions and their timing is of great interested and scientific value, Captain. Sometimes, it is in a counselor's interest to elicit an emotional response to learn more about an individual," T'Lul explained. "I am curious what sort of research that you expected to hear about from me, though."

"I wasn't expecting to hear any. You're taking over a department that is somewhat understaffed, are the only member with the security clearance to work with other senior staff, and demand is likely to only increase. Research is likely to be a luxury."

Then why did she make the statement, "Not the research I was expecting to hear about"? She seems to be anxious about something. "I am up for the task, Captain. Can you explain why demand is likely to increase? What are the stressors on this station?" T'Lul asked curiously.

"Ryan will brief you on developments since your briefing pack." Soran replied crisply. "And we're only going to get busier as the planet opens up."

"Perhaps," T'Lul thoughtfully mused. "But, would not private citizens have to rely upon their own counselors?" T'Lul slightly tilted her head, wondering why the Captain spoke in a manner that most non-Vulcans would describe as curt. "And may I inquire as to anyone that might more immediately require my services?"

"Ryan will brief you on that too. And make sure he includes himself on that list." Soran sat back in her chair and picked up a larger padd and began flicking through assorted charts on it.

I think you might be on that list, Captain. T'Lul thought, noticing that she was essentially being dismissed by being ignored.

As T'Lul turned away, Soran raised her voice again, even if she didn't look up from her charts. "I'd recommend the Lotus Lounge, and The Box Of Delights. For your research."

Properly turning back to the Captain, T'Lul answered, "Thank you, Captain, I will take that under consideration."


Captain Maritza Soran


Lieutenant T'Lul
Chief Counselor


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