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Best game ever

Posted on Tue Aug 11, 2020 @ 9:41pm by Lieutenant Yukiko Winters

995 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Et In Arcadia Ego
Location: Promenade
Timeline: MD 07 2100


Silk was in off duty clothing, nothing at all Federation looking about her as she stood just inside the casino. Her gaze swept across the room with a practiced eye noting who was who and where and what they were playing. She was looking for a Tongo game, and few played that other than Ferengi unless they were either good which was rare, or they were really stupid. The later because it was a complicated game and the chance to get fleeced was very easy.

Finally her eyes found the game off to the side and sure enough a couple of Ferengi were busy at it with a couple of humans and a trill. She made her way slowly over and focused on the game watching and reading. It did not take too long to figure the three Ferengi were digging the hole for the two humans. They evaded when they should have confronted which was lending a false sense to the two humans.

Silk concentrated a bit and nodded slightly as she moved closer. The two human males and the trill male were off a freighter. She watched a bit more and kept very neutral as the trap was sprung. The non-Ferengi had simply played the game as confront, evade, with no thought of acquistion or even retreat. They played as tough they were more or less doing poker.

The strips of latinum on the table began to quickly change places with the Ferengi getting more and more and the freighter crew less and less. Finally the trill threw in his hand and exclaimed he had had enough.

"Smart boy," Silk thought to herself. It did not take much longer before the rest of the crew pretty much got cleaned out.

The Ferengi smiled that toothy grin and made a few comments as there opponents departed. That is when Silk made her move.

"Hello boys..." she took a seat. "Want to give it a go?"

The three looked at her and waved her off. "We are not looking for ear strokes or more, get lost female!" One of them said irritated.

"Oh not looking for that, how about this," Silk reached into her purse and pulled a quarter of a bar of gold pressed latinum out. "I am looking for a good game but if you don't think...."

Three pairs of eyes were glued to the quarter bar before looking at her. "You can play?"

"I know enough," Silk crooned.

The three conferred for a moment and a slight argument in Ferengi ensued. "Love to take that off your hands, but we don't have enough to match." The words came out with regret.

"Tell you what, you been anywhere near Xi'Cadian space?" she asked.

The three looked at each other and finally one said, "Yeah we make runs all the time, why?"

"Oh, just interested in what is going on along the border, so information if I win and this if you win. Single game?"

Again the three just looked at each other and then at the quarter bar and back to her.

"Alright your on," said one of them. He picked up the cards, shuffled and then handed them around, each player getting a chance to shuffle so no one could say the cards had been stacked. He then spun the wheel and the game got started.

It did not take long before the three realized that unlike the previous players, this hooomannn female as they called her was not going to fall for the trick they had played. In fact the game got serious and fast.

"Confront!" the one called Rhal as Silk had learned threw a card after a good roll of the dice. Brelok just watched having been bankrupted and Nos was just hanging in.

Nos changed a couple of cards according to the roll of the wheel and then said, "Retreat!" He tossed his cards down and was out.

Silk decided to hold her cards and said, "Evade."

Rhal having the better hand smiled and then spun the wheel again. Silk watched a moment. She wished she could read these blokes more directly but that was impossible even for her level of telepathy.

The wheels went around and around. They finally stopped and Rhal could hardly wait to put his cards down. "Confront! Full Consortium!" he crowd and reached for the quarter bar.

"Now, now," Silk said smoothly. She laid her cards down, which did not have quite as high and said, "I get to roll dice for the match."

Rhal paused and eyed her. "Alright," you do that.

Silk had practiced this part over and over and over. She tossed the dice in pairs and then the final seventh one.

"Well would you look at that, they all match my cards." In Tongo, if the throw of the dice matched your cards you automatically won.

Rhal looked at the dice, at the cards, at her, at the quarter bar of latinum and then sat heavily back down.

"Now then," Silk tucked the quater bar away and then leaned forward. "Tell what you know about the dispersion of Xi'Cadian patrols along the border with the Federation, any allies as well."

The three Ferengi looked at each other and then began to talk. "Well the patrols pretty spread out, they don't have enough resources to keep a full set going, but their is a Cardassian cruiser with fairly decent long range sensors that does sensor sweeps. Anything suspicious they alert the Xi'Cadian scouts which can pretty much arrive in their patrol section contact in about forty five minutes at full warp."

"Some asteroid fields along here though make it harder," one of the other interrupted. "Remember we used that to smuggle...." he trailed off looking at Silk.

Silk just shrugged. "Your business is your own thing."

They just smiled and continued talking.

Silk made mental notes with only a small thought, best game ever.

Lt Yukiko "Silk" Winters


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