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Lessons (Part 2)

Posted on Mon Aug 24, 2020 @ 4:42am by Lieutenant Yukiko Winters

6,262 words; about a 31 minute read

Mission: Et In Arcadia Ego
Location: Marine Country
Timeline: MD 05 0600

Come on.” He walked outside of the gym, and as soon as they were out of view of the Marines, he walked with a slight limp. “My quarters are just down here. We all eat, sleep, train and live in the same area down here, but at least I get my own quarters.” The doors slid open at his approach. His room was small and clean, kept the way a Marine was taught. A small liquor cabinet sat on the wall near the door, and he regarded it for a moment before pulling out a bottle. “Bourbon, from Mercury,” he said. “They say the still they use is the same one that’s been in the family since the American Civil War on Earth. How’s that sound?”

Silk followed along nodding as he spoke. As something of a diplomat she had some nice quarters but she had been in a lot less. She herself only had a few possessions that had followed along, the ancient swords and the china and couple of pictures. The rest had been mostly lost along with her family and she had never missed most things. The sparseness of his quarters was not a surprise to her then. As he asked his question she made a nod of the head, "That sounds good, when you get things poured let me see that ankle of yours."

He smiled at that, setting down the bottle on the small table near one of the portholes looking out at space and replicated a couple of glasses. By then, a black cat appeared, crawling out from under the bed. One eye was partially closed, and she let out a ragged, irritated sounding meow. “Be nice, weirdo,” Laz said, bending down to rub her head with the knuckles of his right hand. “We have company.” He poured two fingers of bourbon and gave her a glass. “You know,” he said as he kicked off his sneakers, “I’ve been wondering something. Why do they call you Silk?”

Silk smiled at the cat. There was all sorts of prohibitions about using telepathy with sentient species so cat was fair game. There was not much one could do but friendly thoughts, a general calmness tended to work. She got down on her knees ignoring the glass for the moment and placed her hands just above his ankle. Closing her eyes she concentrated, this was qigong chi, healing chi. If one was watching for just a moment there seemed to be a bit of light.

She sat back on the floor and reached for her glass. "That might help a bit, it is call qigong chi, or healing chi an ancient Earth technique. Anyway, as to your question, I was going to be a pilot, what I originally trained for in the Academy. Between being partial Asian ancestry, my training as a geisha and my steady flying I got the moniker. Every one said, 'she flies smooth as silk'. I liked it and used it ever since. I am not partial to Yukiko, it means snow girl. My mother named me that because of well...." she ran a hand over her hair. "I did not look like the other kids and pretty much got shunned out, got a reputation for being cold and when the voices started it was even worse. Snow girl winters, she's cold as ice, that hen'na on'nanoko, the weird girl. So when they called me silk it seemed so much better."

Laz rolled his foot again, and it did feel better, whatever she did. “Kids are morons,” he said. “At least that’s how I remember it. Your hair suits you, I think.” Testing his ankle out, he walked over to his bathroom and grabbed a small first aid kit, bringing it back. He sat down with her, pulling out a small blue chemical cold pack that he activated and wrapped in a towel. While he worked, he said, “You were a pilot in the Academy? Why didn’t you keep going along that track instead of hopping over to intel and diplomacy?” In the Marines, fighter pilots often considered themselves born to the life, and it was easier to pull their teeth than get them out of the cockpit. “Here, lift your arm.”

Silk did as requested and lifted her arm. "Got transferred out. The powers that be decided I was much more valuable being able to be empathic and telepathic than flying a tin box. Someone had a fairly sophisticated weapons smuggling ring going on that was operating well outside of Federation territory but those weapons were affecting Federation worlds. So it was decided to send an uncover mission in to figure out who, what, where. I had hospitality training from my geisha training, a bit of looks that they enhanced, and could read minds. The talent is rare in humans and even more rarely very strong so they figured no one would suspect what was going on. So me and several other girls headed off on a casino ship run by Ferengi to....well I can't tell you that. Anyway it was pretty successful and they kept me in sent me for more training and then put on another ship as an ops officer but it was really to gather intel on Romulans. Ops is like the servants, always around, always needed but they become part of the wall after a point." She shrugged very slightly. "The last time I got to fly was on the way back from a mission and got an emergency call from a Sovereign class ship with a Medusa on board. The navigator had taken ill and the ship needed to get to Gorn space for a mission. Medusans are very strong telepaths but they can only communicate with other very strong telepaths without harm being done to the non-Medusan. That was a most interesting experience. Their thoughts are of such high level, so pure, so....enlightening, not sure how to explain it. Anyway after that a few more tidbits and I had enough seniority and this station with all its various factions again the powers that be decided to shuffle me into being a diplomatic officer but with the cavet to keep tabs on the factions especially the Romulans. So there you have it." She laughed.

“It sounds like they keep you busy,” he said, checking her ribs with his fingers just to make sure nothing came loose. “But Intelligence always was like that. Always a new fire they want to put out right now.” He didn’t think that he’d thrown her hard enough to break anything, but then strange things happened even in sparring. When he was satisfied it was just the muscles, he pressed the cold pack to her side. “You ever miss it? The flying?”

Silk nodded in the affirmative. "Yes, I do, but my shielding was so lousy I guess it was better to have been forced back into dealing with that. It still is not as good as it should be. That whole mess on the promenade was enough to make me have a migraine afterward. A lot call it a blessing, I find it mostly a curse though useful at times. If that had been a real fight..." she trailed off and smiled with a Cheshire cat grin. "You see if it was a real fight, I could read your thoughts, makes it easy if you know exactly what your opponent plans just as they are thinking it. However, that is the lazy way and does nothing to make one improve oneself."

Laz used a little medical tape to fix the cold pack to her side, then sat back, leaning against his bed. Reaching up, he picked his glass off the table and took a drink while he considered that. “You’re fast as it is. Really fast, which you need to be when you’re fighting people like Rokhar who could break a human’s neck with a solid enough punch. You start reading minds, you’re untouchable.” He smiled at that as he thought it over. “Next time, I give you permission to read my thoughts. I want to see what it takes to beat a telepath in a fight. I don’t think I have anything to hide.” He paused. “Wait.” She could see him thinking that over for a long moment, then he nodded. “Yeah, I’m good. Consider me an open book.”

Silk smiled. "You wouldn't. In fact, a really good telepath could freeze you in your tracks. It is why not many trust such as I and I do not blame them. However, if you would like I could teach you some basic shielding that would help a bit. Things that would let you know your being read if you would like. You could pass that on to the rest of your troopers as well." She chuckled a second and said, "you are about the drum you left fingers on your thigh and put your glass back on the table. You said open book."

Laz hesitated and looked down at his left hand resting on his leg, his index finger raised. He laughed at that and toasted her with his glass. “I think I’ll take you up on that training,” he said. “Back home, my people never had any kind of telepathic or empathic abilities. They were fascinated by people who did. Every big company hired scores of Betazoids to come in and work for them during meetings and negotiations. There was even a Betazoid quarter in my city, that’s how many they brought in. But our brains never worked that way. What’s it feel like, when you do it?”

The smile vanished from Silk's face replaced with a slight frown. "Personal, sort of like talking but not, feeling what another feels, mind, body, spirit, well too me at least." She held out her hands and leaned forward. "This time with really your permission, if at any time you feel uncomfortable then say quit."

He looked at her hands and up to her eyes, as he thought her offer over. Truth was, he didn’t have anything to hide, but he also had some memories and experiences he wasn’t sure needed to be broadcast. Still, it seemed like something she didn’t offer easily, and after a moment he nodded and belted back the last of his whiskey and set the glass down. “Okay. What the hell.” He reached out and took her hands in his and waited.

The room seemed to dissolve away. The sun was warm especially in the long sleeved kimono as the entrance was swept. A trickle of sweat ran down her face but she did not dare wipe it or it would disturb the makeup. The okobo, the odd wooden platform sandals hurt the feet. Normally this would be the work of a shikomi but these days they were few and far between and sometimes even the maiko even if one was an atori. At least it was quiet for the most part, the constant buzz that made her head hurt far away.

"Yukiko," the voice of one of the older ladies called out. She turned and bowed respectfully, "Yes mother-san."

"Put that away and wash," the older lady said and then disappeared without so much more as another gesture or word.

Yukiko did as she was told thankfully taking off the wooden shoes and placing them neatly and storing the broom. She then headed to wash as told knowing that she would have to reapply all the makeup all over. The makeup was removed and then a hot bath even though warm in the house and scrubbing with the brush. It was all part of the discipline. She got out and went to dry pausing by the mirror and frowning. The hips were slim, the breasts just a bit over a swell, she could with a bit of the right clothing probably pass as a guy. Maybe it would have been easier. The feeling of disgust over her body poured through her almost as much as her feeling her failure to learn as much as she should have on Betazoid.

"Hurry child!" The older lady called.

"Yes mother-san," she replied and then dried off and dressed in the under garments and sat to put the makeup on all over again. It was tedious to get all the details all correct, but it was part of the discipline that one learned, just like the proper way and order to make and pour tea, the exact position of the hands and fan as one danced. Finally she was finished and got up to dress and went to fetch a kimono. As she turned she was greeted by her mother who held one in her arms.

"Yukiko!" she nodded approvingly. "You have come so far daughter, come here I have this for you." she ran a hand over the silk.

The kimono was beautifully decorated, in a blue style that would set her looks off. "For me?" Yukiko asked.

"Yes my atori, but you are not my atori any longer," her mother held up the garment. The sleeves were of the shorter style and the under kimono had not the red collar but the white of a geisha. "It is time for your erikae, daughter."

Yukiko suddenly felt the thrill, pride, relief, it was a mixture of emotions and the look in her mother's eyes of the pride that was there. The turning of the collar, the time when one was no longer an apprentice but had graduated. For all the failures she had had learning one craft she had poured into learning this, trying to make up for her failures.

And then they were as they were, Silk just holding his hands though she monitored very lightly to make sure the experience had not been overwhelming.

Laz took a moment, sorting through what had happened. He could still smell the brewing tea and the warmth of the room, even though everything had happened in seemingly a flash. It was like a sense impression, but with the words that still echoed through his head. It was vague and dreamlike and entirely real, all at one time. His head ached a little, but it was passing, like the feeling of silk on the back of his neck. “Wow,” he said after a long moment, when he could think straight again. “That was...intense. Did you pick that one to show me, or was that just what came out?”

"I just sort of let things go as they would, I think maybe because our bout and you said I did fine. That was a deep share but like I said, it is as if it happened to you, everything the emotions, the worries. Now normally one just gets impression, people leak things all the time. Think of it like you are on the Promenade or at that poker game, it is like bit of being in stadium, lots of thoughts like conversations coming by and hence the shielding. Enough to drive you nuts but you pick up on one conversation, and just like being on say the Promenade you focus and you can get a better clearer idea. Going past that is considered to be morally wrong there are exceptions, like one's life is in danger either combat or negotiations where there is a high chance of hostility. And even there, there are levels. So now you know most of what it might be like."

“I’ve never experienced anything like it. In special forces training, they give you some basics for resisting or confusing base level telepathic and empathic interrogation. You know, focus on math problems and your first kiss, that sort of thing. But they don’t prepare you for anything like that. Can you pick up other people’s memories that clearly, if you had to?”

"Yes." It was a flat statement. She shook her head as though trying to toss stuff out. "I got enough of my own baggage without getting a lot of other's along with it. It more or less stays with you. Those help but if you get a really strong telepath," Silk switched to the other subject. "They are just an annoyance if they want something and then it can hurt. I can show you somethings that allow to compartmentalize, to basically put somethings away and shutter them up.
That will defeat most and before you ask, yes I could, I am Medusan level but the doing something like that would permanently damage an individual and unless it was like the fate of the galaxy or something similar I would not even try. That is all the crappy stuff, but there are other aspects that are nice that is if you are still wanting to learn?"

“Yeah,” he replied, after thinking it over. It couldn’t hurt to learn more. “I’m always up to try something new.” He poured them both another drink and stood up, offering a hand to help her stand. “First, I promised you dinner and I’m a man of my word.” His cat made another irritated sound. “Don’t listen to whatever she’s trying to tell you. She’s a liar and a thug.”

Silk took the hand and stood. "Oh she is just being protective and wondering probably what the heck I am try to do to you. So...what's on the menu?"

“Well, let’s hope the replicator is still working right today.” He went to the replicator and keyed in a few commands. “We might be in luck. I’m declaring this a special occasion. Ever had Zibalian? This is my mother’s recipe. It can get pretty spicy, depending on how that works for you. It’s kinda like...” He thought about the closest thing he’d had since. “I guess it’s kinda like a curry from your planet.”

Silk shook her head the negative. "No, never had anything from Zibalia, tell the truth not even curry either. Mom was petty traditional and guess it tended to carry over but if it is not moving like Klingon stuff then I am in for a try." She was curious as to what it was like. "Anything I can do to help?"

“Your moral support and gentle encouragement is help enough. And it doesn’t move,” he promised, typing in commands. “Unless something has gone spectacularly wrong. It’s basically like a peasant dish. Some root vegetables and a bit of meat in this heavily-spiced gravy. Big in places like my neighborhood, but you wouldn’t be caught dead ordering it at a restaurant, or else people would think you were poor. Worst thing that can happen to a Zibalian. So I’m trusting you a lot here,” he joked.

"You let me into your mind, if you can trust me that far, this is easy peasy, but..." Silk made a gesture. "Cross my heart and hope to die if I order the dish in any place nice. So there." She chuckled again. "Well let us give it a go and you tell me about home if you wish or anything else. And don't you worry about anything about rough or poor places. I have seen some pretty seedy places especially on the Eastern."

“It’s not a war zone or anything,” he replied, smiling at that. Silk was an easy person to talk to, he wondered if it was her training or her diplomatic career or just how she was. “But it’s cutthroat. Everybody out for themselves. Your only value is what you have. Whatever you do, it’s to make more money, and have more things.” The replicator finished working and replicated a dark reddish-brown dish, with a side of spiced rice. He took a plate and set it at her place at the table. “I haven’t been back since I left, really. I didn’t leave under good terms.”

Silk got the impression it was not something he wanted to talk about. In fact if anyone had a lick of sense, it did not take an empath or telepath to figure that out. "A bit like Ferenger then. All for profit, but they care more about how much latinum they have rather than things. Interesting, there are aspects to past human society that were like that. Others parts, more like Bajor, it was all about spiritual things. Me, I have never worried too much about either. Don't get me wrong, I had a pretty decently well off family, nice place and then just like that,*POOF*," she made dramatic gesture. "It all got taken away. My entire family, the house everything destroyed in but a few minutes by an earthquake. Made me bitter through Academy life but when I got on the Eastern and saw other places, places where it was definitely hard scrabble living, hand to mouth, cut-throat made me realize that I was just making a big self-pity party. I kicked myself almost literally in the rear and decided to just try to be decent person. Be kind when I can, and tough when I have to be and try to understand what others are going through. Anyway," she shrugged and dipped a spoon in and tasted. She raised her eyebrows and made just a bit of a face as the spicy stew hit the palate.

"Spicy indeed, interesting flavour though. I think I like it, certainly wakes you up." She said as she reached for the glass to help dilute the burn.

“Good,” he said, trying a bite as well. “I’ve tried monkeying with the recipe, but it never turns out right. I’m sorry about your home. I at least could go back to mine if I wanted. I never thought much about it like that. I guess when you’re in Starfleet long enough, it’s like it becomes your home. The people become like your family. And then one day you’re sitting around, having dinner and drinks with a woman that tried to break your ankle and can read your mind, and it feels like the most normal, pleasant thing in the world.” He smiled.

Silk laughed lightly and tried another spoonful without resorting to the drink. "At least you sort of have one. The marines I have ever had dealings with are a pretty tight knit bunch. Being both intel and telepathic when people know tend to make everyone suspicious of you, it is hard getting close to anyone. I think that is what I miss about the Eastern more than anything. The girls were all intel, and we all knew what everyone could do and we sort of bonded became something of a family. So I am guessing you don't have much of family or are a family man?"

He shook his head. “No, it’s always been just me. Ever since I hopped the freighter off-world when I was 17, I’ve been traveling on my own. I mean, like you said, Marines are a tight bunch. There are always people around me, people you get close with. There have been some girlfriends, almost a fiancée once, but that didn’t take. I try to make friends outside of the Marines when I can. I’ve seen guys get so wrapped up in the Marine life, it’s all they’ve got. Then they retire and open a bar somewhere near a base or something and always talk old war stories, with nothing else to show for it. I don’t want to be like that. I’m trying not to be like that.”

Silk nodded sipping a bit slower this time. It helped and one got used to the spice. "I hear you. Well I gamble, do really well even at Tongo and one can't read Ferengi minds. Put a bunch of credits away and maybe someday when this whole Fleet thing is over, just buy my own little ship and who knows bum around the galaxy. I just don't see myself completely just kicking back in some retirement place, rather go down in service or an adventure. Not much maternal instinct guess got snuffed out when sent off world as a kid. So like you the occasional lover, wouldn't say even say steady boyfriend or girlfriend." She looked up to gauge his reaction to that. Silk found she liked either and had certainly spent time with both. She tended to like the being's mind not what their physical attributes were though it helped when they were cute.

He nodded, realizing she was looking at him after saying that. He smiled at that. “My mothers pester me, sometimes. They ask me when I’m going to get married, or at least get something steady going. I don’t think they’re antsy to have grandkids or anything, they just want me to have somebody.”

Silk chuckled at that. She knew the feeling quite well when her mother was around. "Yes indeed, mom would say, 'Yukiko when are you giving me grandchildren? I am not getting any younger!' I was not going to chance to pass this down," she tapped her head. "At least at the time. My parents were wood heads they never understood what was going on. At least if I ended up with a child with the ability then I know what they will experience."

She switched the subject a bit. "So you keep in touch at all with anyone, your mothers?" She blinked then and sat back. "I am sorry, starting to feel as if I am interrogating you or something. See, that is why a lot do not like Intel people, they think they are all prying for information. Just tell me to shut up or go bugger myself or something if you feel like I am prying too much, alright?"

“If it’s an interrogation, it’s one of the nicest interrogations I’ve undergone,” he replied, laughing. “Don’t worry, I’m having a good time. I keep in touch with my parents and some old team members from back in the day. It’s one of those things where you know somebody and you’d give your life for them, and when you talk it’s like you never missed a beat, but it can be years between contact. That’s what it’s like with other Marines. What about you? Anybody special you keep in contact with?”

Silk shook her head in the negative. "No the surviving girls on the Eastern were about as close as we could get but we got scattered and forbidden upon treason to even contact or acknowledge each other again. The only one would be Trizzlee the Medusan. You have to be physically close though, there is no communication like subspace channels. A being I could never physically see became one of my closest friends." She shrugged. "Getting close to someone is not easy for someone like me. While the command and intel know because they see the hidden parts of my record, who I tell, well I have to trust them a lot."
The later came out as pretty sober, but it was true. Most if they knew they were dealing with a telepath got flaky real fast.

He nodded at that. “It sounds lonely,” he said. “I’ve never had to deal with that. The loneliest I get is from being in command. You’re not really one of the squad, you’re the CO. You’ve gotta maintain distance. But even that isn’t remotely the same.” He sipped his bourbon and considered that kind of enforced solitude. It wouldn’t be easy. “I don’t know if it helps anything, but I’m not worried about you. Intel or telepathy or whatever, it doesn’t bother me. I’m having a damn good time.”

Silk smiled a that. "You don't know how much that helps. One reason I like some of the marines. They have seen so much, done so much, not much surprises them anymore. Still, I just can not go around telling everyone or the secret is no longer a secret. There are plenty out there that would love to stick a knife in my back. So besides putting officers on their backside, what else intrigues you?"

“Oh, I don’t think anything’s as fun as putting officers on their backs,” he replied, grinning. “I’m a humble and modest sort of man. I collect interesting booze and ugly shirts. I dabble with holodeck programming, making things up there. I’m not great at it yet, but it’s fun to do. I’ll read anything where a wizard gets bashed in the face with an axe. I’m exactly as simple as I look.”

Silk sat back the dish somewhat forgotten but not the drink. She laughed, it was a simple thing, not mocking just that indicated that it was a refreshing to hear that sort of honesty. "Darn if I had know that. There was some real 'interesting' booze at some of those places the Eastern docked. Most of it was homemade and probably poison you in the long run if it did not kill you off first. I more or less quit playing holodeck stuff since a lot of what I thought was fun...well the Eastern showed me it was not really." Silk made a face as memories played briefly. "Some of the places we went, casino ship or not, a lot expected the girls to be....available if you catch my drift. Oh when we got selected we were told and told that we had a choice but what the people putting the mission together and what was the reality was two different things. Lucky me though, I could make it seem like they were having the time of their lives, the others not so much. A lot of the girls even before mission end, ended up getting killed by clients or ended up as suicides." She shook her head as if to throw the memories away. "Sorry, did not mean to be a downer. Certain things just bring things up. Intel seems so glamorous, playing spy, but in reality it is a dirty gritty business."

He nodded, pouring them both another drink. “With special forces, we got sent on a few operations for Intelligence. They were always the ones where we felt the most in the dark about what we were doing or why. The people in charge are so high up and know so much that you and me, people on the ground doing the work, we’re just names on a screen. People die, and that’s just the way it goes. We gotta watch out for each other down here, you know?”

Silk nodded and clinked her glass with his. "Sounds good to me. Here's to watching out for each other." She slugged the drink back even though it burned but it was good stuff not like some the hooch that she had encountered.

"Well, sorry I did not quite finish, but think best start off before anyone gets ideas or do you have a reputation to protect?" She smiled.

That drew a snort from him as he gathered up their plates and put them back in the replicator. “Anybody thinking I had even a chance with you would only help my reputation. Stop by any time, I could always use the boost.”

Silk got up. "Want to help your reputation then?"

“I need all the help I can get,” Laz replied.

"Well then captain," Silk moved over to him. "Let me show you the way of the flower, and only as a telepath can do."

She stepped near him and he met her gaze. She smelled of flowers, and when she was close enough he came towards her as well. This was a surprise, but not an unwelcome one, and he was intrigued by what she was offering. He’d have to be an idiot not to be, he thought. “Okay, Silk. Show me.”

Silk put her arms around his neck and pulled him into a kiss. *Feel what I feel, let me feel what you feel* her voice echoed in his head. She let the her rising desire feed into him how her body was responding. The feel of his body against hers, while at the same time he still felt his own, the feel of her lips on his, yet at the same time the feel of his own on hers.

Her voice had been a whisper in his mind, like a soft touch along the back of his neck. And then they were kissing, and as they kissed he felt intense but soft waves of pleasure and desire, his and her own mixed together in one instant. It was a strange sensation that his mind couldn’t entirely process, but it made his skin warm and his heart speed up. He slid his left arm around her waist and his right cradled the nape of her neck as he pulled her against him, deepening the kiss.

Silk loved the strong arms and pressed harder. The link was established now and she heightened the sensations flowing back and forth. She ground against him slightly putting one leg around his. *Perhaps the bed?* she whispered.

She had a nice voice, he thought, though as she ground against him the thought fled quickly. Holding the kiss, he reached down with both hands and lifted her up so she could wrap her legs around his waist. When he was steady, he turned to carry her to the bed, unwilling to break away from her for even a second.

As they got to the bed, Silk disengaged herself for a moment to quickly shed clothing and then helping him with his before pulling him down with her. She kissed him again and then she ran her fingers over his skin. She had been trained as to what areas made things erogenous. At the same time she could feel though the telepathic link how it felt to him and adjust.

As Laz held himself over her, she teased him with her mouth and her fingers, seeming to set his nerves on fire with her fingernails and fingertips. She grazed over his scars and his muscles, seemingly always knowing when something was just right. He realized that with their link, he also sensed her desire, and he returned the favor, paying close attention to a wave of fresh pleasure that rolled through his mind when he touched her just right. Before long, he grinned down at her, admiring how she looked in the moment, cheeks flushed, her platinum hair splayed out behind her, the way her lips parted just so. She was beautiful, and he hoped she could feel that thought as he kissed her again and rocked his hips forward, moving beyond foreplay.

Silk responded in kind. It had been so long. The Eastern had soured her on physical contact but this seemed to just blossom that again. She found her release and he his. She was convinced that the workout was more intense than the sparring had been and definitely way more pleasurable. Slowly she disengaged the link and turned.

"So captain," she said quietly running her hand down his chest still admiring. "I told you there were other aspects, and now you know." She giggled slightly at that.

Laz laughed at that, his skin dappled with sweat as they lay tangled together in bed. His mind was still dazed in the best possible way. “You weren’t lying,” he said as he caught his breath. He looked at her. “I still can’t entirely make sense of it. My whole body feels like a live wire.” He grinned. “This was a way better method of putting you on your backside.”

Silk just laughed at that. "Indeed, maybe more often?" She suggested and seemed to fold in a bit. "I mean, well its been awhile and I seldom get close to anyone and you just seemed so nice and straight forward. Not looking for commitments or anything."

He looked at her, and she seemed to turn a little more vulnerable for just an instant. Reaching out, he tucked a lock of almost-white hair behind her ear. “Of course I’d like to do this more. And see you more. We don’t have to call it anything right now. But I’ll see as much of you as you’ll let me.” Laz glanced down at her naked body. “Figuratively speaking.”

Silk chuckled and smiled. Then she was serious for a moment. "You don't know how much that means to me." Then she got playful again. "Enough of that, let me show you something called the pillow of dreams."

Laz smiled and said, “That sounds promising. I’m learning so much.” He leaned close and kissed her warmly.

It was early morning when Silk headed out to her own quarters. She made sure that the sentries on duty saw her and just smiled.

She would love to be a fly on the wall in the locker rooms for she had no doubt that her considerable time in the captain's quarters would be talked about.

Marine Captain Lazanos Torena
CO, 21st MEU

Lt. Yukiko "Silk" Winters
Chief Diplomatic Officer


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