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Elbow Room

Posted on Thu Aug 13, 2020 @ 2:41am by Civilian Eris Tah & Civilian 'Arrival' Geral Lasuma

996 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Et In Arcadia Ego
Location: Promenade Merchants Association Offices
Timeline: MD 03 1200


Geral's stroll through the Promenade was still filled with second glances. The rumors were still flying and his employees our still fielding questions concerning the 'incident' with the Captain.

Business on the station had slacked off a bit but on Tarelis things were booming. So much so that he was on his way to the PMA (Promenade Merchants Association) office to acquire additional space. Smiling cordially as he walked in, "Geral Lasuma to see Ms. Tah; I have an appointment."

The mousy human woman who acted as Tah's secretary nodded, and scurried off to inform her mistress that he was there. She was back a few seconds later, "Miss Tah will see you now, can I get you a drink at all?"

He bowed his head slightly, smiling. "That would perfect thank you. A whiskey sour please."

She indicated the room of the PMA Secretary and then dissapeared to get the requested beverages.

The door parted and he entered. "Hello again. It's been too long. Ms. Tah. I hope the recent disturbances haven't made things too difficult for you?"

"A number of insurance claims, and bland reassurances from Security that they have things in hand," the Andorian smiled coldly. "Nothing but paperwork fortunately. Offices are rarely the target of looters and rioters. What can I do for you Mr Lasuma?"

"Well as it just so happens I have a new and rather large source of merchandise from outside Federation space and my current floor space isn't enough. I know I have already expended one already but...I need to do so again. I had originally hoped to acquire the space across from my current location but instead I had a thought."

Tah raised an crisp white eyebrow and her antennae flexed in inquiry.

"What about an area of the promenade that needs a shot in the arm? What better way to help increase traffic to and support others merchants than a new major draw? One with merchandise never before seen in what we would call known space. I would need...would request the same dual level shop space that I have now. And would be more than willing to incorporate, or personally aid, relocate, or even buy out any existing store fronts."

"Mr Lasuma, the Promenade doesn't have any footfall issues, beyond the late night aversion of tourists to the area of Q'uits, which we've found with experience is the best way of containing the less desirable elements. They congregate, rather than annoying more preferable customers."

Tah called up a map of the Promenade, and a moment later a blue line traced a squiggling path around it, and then another and another, until the main areas of the Prom were covered in a mass of blue lines making a fairly even circle around the top three levels with fewer spiking off at the observation lounges. The ground floor, with its park and the temples was far more random. "This is the paths of two hundred visitors, selected at random over 3 days, between 11 am and 3 pm three weeks ago. We run the analysis every couple of months to make sure the pricing for units reflects reality."

Glancing at the diagram than back to her. "Oh I wasn't referring to traffic pattern but to shop profitability. Just because there is traffic doesn't mean people are buying. I was just curious as to it there was a section that might need something new in the area to draw interest. But no matter.

"I kind of like the idea of the park area being near by but don't want to risk offending those operating or attending the various religious facilities."

"Shop profitability is not information shared with ourselves," Tah pointed out, "That's a private matter. Though you have to remember that profitability is a somewhat protean condition. Sheer material gain is a motivation of only the most prehistoric of our members, so I can't make even generalizations."

He merely cocked an eyebrow and ignored the baiting comment. There were a multitude of individuals, cultures, and species that were quite concerned with material gain...and he knew that she knew that to be true. He could guess the reason for this little tit-for-tat but he didn't care what her opinion was so long as he got the space he needed.

"Be that as it may, I'm not here to debate the evolutionary categorization of pursuing economic achievement. Humbly, I will still be needing the floor space originally requested. If there is an adequate area near a green space that would be ideal."

"Oh, we have several of those." The map highlighted two units on the bottom floor, on the edge of the small park, one close to the main Bajoran temple, and not far from his current premises, the other further away, near the water features and picnic areas where there was always a few food carts. "Does either suit?"

He didn't want both of his store fronts to be in close proximity of each other and the water features and other green space would be ideal for what he had in mind. Making his selection, he indicated the space on her map; "This area will be perfect."

Tah gave him a smile that glittered like moonlight on a glacier. "I'll have the paperwork sent over. Is there anything else we can do?"

Her smile was like that of someone that had just gotten away with the scam of a lifetime. Was there something wrong with the area? Even if there was it would be on station personnel to fix and not him. Could their be something else? He shrugged off the feeling and grinned himself. "No I think we are good. Once everything is finalized I will have a team coordinate any renovations with engineering. I hope you will be available for the opening."

Tah gave him a nod of gratitude. "I will make sure I am."


Eris Tah
Secretary, PMA

Geral Lasuma
Owner of Lasuma Enterprises


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