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Posted on Thu Jun 4, 2020 @ 8:54pm by Captain Maritza Soran & Lieutenant Yukiko Winters

1,966 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Et In Arcadia Ego
Location: Cardassian Consulate
Timeline: MD 04 1000


It hadn't taken the State Department long to send the order. Having FCN news footage of Cardassians shooting at civilians on the promenade was incredibly useful in that regard.

First things first was to let her diplomatic officer know. And then they could give the Cardassians the good news together.

So Maritza found herself on deck 23, walking into towards Lieutenant Winters office. "I Have a fun job for you, Ms Winters. Some fall out from the incident on the prom two days ago."

Silk looked up from the reports she was still combing through as the voice hit her ears. "Captain," it was just an acknowledgement first and she waved a hand toward any of the two, had seen use before office style chairs. It was what stores had it stock. She nodded as well, "I would have no doubt. What have you for me ma'am."

"Serving an eviction notice to the Cardassians." Maritza said grimly. "In the last year Turvan has been found in secured areas of DS5, repeatedly broached a ban on his prescense outside the embassy and now his people have shot at civilians on the prom. Time for them to go."

"Yes ma'am," Silk said flatly. She pretty much figured that after that incident that a lot of the Cardassians involved would be given persona non grata status. "I pretty much figured that everyone involved in the incident would be persona non grata and I warned them as such. Seemed to work to get them to retreat finally. I suspect they are going to file a consular objection along with a grievance and complaint. I will do what I can, but if they might decide to go higher up the ladder ma'am."

"Well, thats a problem for the state department. The Secretary can do what he thinks best. In the mean time, we have to get what is likely to be uncoperative foreign agents off our soil without escalating to all out war. "

"Are we bringing security or having them stand by. I just need to know in case things get....well uncooperative. Other than that captain, I will do what I can." Silk was pretty sure if the Cardassians were willing to use weapons in the open, they might be tempted to use them again and being kicked off the station what did they have to loose. Well there was the toe hold near Pangea which would be a loss.

"We'll have security on standby I think." Maritza decided. "We should at least try not to escalate things before we even start."

"Very good captain," Silk stood. "I guess no time like the present. Cardassians are not the most sensitive beings in the universe but I will try to keep a good calming empathic feeling when we get there to hopefully smooth things."

"Fingers crossed. Shall we?" Maritza indicated the door. "Deck 60 awaits."

Silk waited a moment and then followed the captain out.

Cardassian Consulate, Deck 60

Deck 60 had a rather serene and light atrium that lead to the variety of diplomatic areas that were given to the assorted powers that served the populations of DS5. The cardassians were relatively new to it, having been moved up by Ambassador Turvan after the recall of Tharek Getal, closing the facility on the promenade itself. But the elegant oval archway made it clear they had made themselves at home.

Maritza went over to the guard standing on duty. "Good morning, glinn. This is my Diplomatic officer, Lieutenant Winters, I trust I need no introductions. I'm afraid we have pressing business with the Ambassador and Pro-consul."

This was Silk's first time to this area. She had not had time to check out the diplomatic area yet but she tried not to let her head swivel too much. The captain knew where they where going and soon enough they where outside of the facility. Cardassian style artwork had been made into the arch. Silk examined it for a moment but turned her attention to the guards. It was time to go to work. She figured that more than likely word had come down and visitors where not to be admitted or at least without hassle. Now time to go to work and she did, sending out thoughts of be cooperative. It was low level, moral code rule 3, the group is hostile. While the guards were not hostile yet, they probably knew what the two them where there due to the incident on the promenade and had been given orders. A sort of background was mantra in her mind was, "Slowly slowly catchee the monkey."

They were kept waiting a good five minutes before a cardassian woman that looked like someone's disaproving maiden aunt came to the boundry of the consulate. Pro-consul Limm did not look amused. "How might the Cardassian Union assist their Federation hosts today?" Her tone was sour and she made no move to invite them inside.

Yukiko put a smile on her face, which was about as plastic as some of the decorations. She made a small bow and said, "Yes, we need to speak to the ambassador about the incident on the Promenade." The impression she gave as she said it was to obtain information. "I am certain you understand that."

Limm gave them a frosty look. "You mean where members of my staff were subject to unprovoked racist attacks and were forced to defend themselves becuase your security officers continued to defend the agressors instead?"

It was time to go to work. Silk began to put out calming thoughts, cooperative thoughts and feelings, it would be subtle otherwise it started to infringe upon those moral codes as you where no longer suggesting but forcing thoughts upon another.

"Yes in part, there are other things as well that the station commander," Silk made a tilt of the head toward the captain, "that also need to be addressed. I know not exactly scheduled but such unexpected things do have a way of wreaking havoc with everyone's schedule and in this case must be considered to be of highest priority. So may we see the ambassador now?"

"Are you here to apologise for the failure of you security people to maintain order on this station? I'm quite sure that unless the answer is yes, then he has no interest in anything you have to say." Limm folded her arms across her chest. "Your antipathy towards him and the other Cardassians on this station is well noted. And now it has resulted in disorder and harm."

"Oh I think he will," Silk replied. "Now then are we going to discuss this out here in the open or where everyone else will not know the entire business?" Silk put a mental urgency with that. Technically she could not force the woman to open the gate but she could sort of set the compulsion.

Limm looked at the white haired woman with immense distaste for a long moment, then glanced to the station commander, and the open hallway of deck 60. "Very well. This way."

She led them back into the consulate, tall broad guards falling in behind them. Limm showed them to a conference room not far from the front doors. "Since you insist on coming in, I will reiterate the position. Cardassia is the victim here. Not the agressors, and anything you have to say to the contrary is propaganda."

Silk only made a small tilt of the head. It was an acknowledgement of the statement not an indication that she agreed. She had been there and yes she would say that things on the civilian side got out of hand faster, but you could not patrol everything at once. The Cardassians certainly had not done anything but make a problem, the old chip on the shoulder thing. "I believe the captain has other things to say that will be of more interest." Silk left it at that.

Limm turned her attention on the captain. Soran held out a slim padd, "I had this from the UFP State department earlier. In light of repeated agressions and violations, the latest incident on the promenade has resulted in notice to quit DS5 until further notice."

Limm picked it up and scanned the text. "Let me get this straight. After enduring months of harassment, we are being evicted?"

Silk went slightly on her toes, not enough to be very visible but ready. So far the wave she got from the guards was one of just waiting orders. They were soldiers pure and simple. "Yes ma'am," Silk replied. "I have looked over the reports and this is not the first incident of its kind. There are several where your people have been found without authorization in secured areas. The latest with firing weapons became public notice to the point that these orders came down."

Limm set the padd down and sat back in her chair, "Of course, we have to verify this with the Detapa Council. For all we know this could be manipulations by yourself Captain."

Soran fought the urge to roll her eyes. "Pro-consul. You credit me with far more influence in the machinations of the Federation than the captain of a border station can ever have. It is merely the culmination of dozens of small aggressions that has poked the bear that tells me what to do. You are requested to vacate in 48 hours. The ban on the Ambassador still stands, but any staff left on station will be subject to the same laws as all travellers here. There is no diplomatic immunity for any of them."

Silk looked at the Cardassian and said, "After that forty eight hours all personnel will be persona non grata. Of course if you wish to protest this you may to StarFleet command directly but unless they reverse the decision I would suggest you start getting your people out off the station." Silk turned to the captain.

"I think our time here is at an end so that the Ambassador and staff can start their withdrawal." It was a matter of fact and she did not care what things this Cardassian had to say at this point. Limm probably knew as well as Silk did that even with a protest the wheels moved slowly. Whether they would vacate might be another matter, technically forcibly removing them from this area would be problematic but on the other hand they knew as well as soon as one of them took a step outside the gates they would be arrested and remediated back to Cardassia.

The Pro-consul got to her feet. "I doubt this is going to last, Captain. There are too many of my fellow cardassians here to go without representation. And this notice doesn't include Pangaea, I note."

Soran swore inwardly, she'd hope Limm hadn't noticed that. "When I get orders to readmit the consulate, I will do so with pleasure." It wasn't that big of a lie. "But until then..."

Limm gave a brittle smile in return. "Glinn, please see the Captain and the lieutenant out."

Silk followed along until they where away from the embassy. Without preamble Silk said, "Star Fleet Cargo regulation 156.120 requires that all goods before transferring to a planet in which there is a starbase must be inspected first before being released. It sure would be a shame if anything coming in bound for certain areas of Pangaea got held up. Life might get terribly unpleasant in those areas once shortages hit."

Limm folded her arms, but said nothing. She would tolerate such threats in the short term. There would be time enough for settling scores.


Captain Maritza Soran
Commanding Officer

Pro-consul Zariyah Limm
Cardassian Consulate
NPC by Soran

Lt Yukiko "Silk" Winters
Chief Diplomatic Officer


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