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Terry/Laz JP

Posted on Sun May 3, 2020 @ 5:58am by Gunnery Sergeant Terry Henderson & Captain Lazanos Torena

1,067 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Et In Arcadia Ego
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: MD03 0930

Laz was still getting used to the size of the Sickbay on this base, and it took him a little bit to track down the man wearing Marine green like him. He was a big human with dirty blond hair, putting away some instruments. At least if he ever really got lost around here, he could rely on somebody to show him the door. “Sergeant Henderson,” Laz said. “I don’t think we’ve officially met. Laz Torena.”

Terry stood at attention, "No, sir. I am the unit's combat medic and I am also doing advanced training in the medical facilities of the station."

“That’s good, I like that. You got a couple minutes to talk, Sergeant?”

"Of course Captain", Terry said. "but we should go out of sickbay, there are a few patients

“Fine with me,” Laz replied, and followed Terry out of the big Sickbay. “That’s a hell of a facility,” he said when they were out of Sickbay. “I’ve been to hospitals that took up less real estate. You spend a lot of your time here?”

"It is arranged that I am here three days a week for training and four planet side with the company", Terry replied. "With the understanding that I might need to bug out from the station at any point with the Marines."

Laz blew out a low whistle at that. “You sure as hell earn your pay. That’s a lot of work. I’m too broken down and lazy to put in those kinds of hours anymore.” He looked at the taller man. “You ever think about getting out of the Corps, going full medical?”

"No, sir", Terry replied. "I want to get to a point to take my Warrant exam and work in disease prevention and control, but still be able to attach to a unit as a medic. Every unit needs a good front line medic when a doctor can't get there soon enough or doesn't have the chops to go into a fire zone."

Laz nodded at that answer. It was a goddamned good one, as far as Laz was concerned. He hadn’t had nearly that much ambition when he was at Terry’s point in his career. Life had been mostly about shooting phasers and orbital drops. The young man was sharp. “Where are you at in your studies for the Warrant exam?”

"About six months in sir", Terry replied. "Another 6 months to go and assuming I pass the test, then advanced training."

“That’s a good plan,” Laz said. He looked over at Terry. “You tell me what you need to help make that happen, and I’ll do whatever I can.” If he was being honest, Laz had always had a soft spot for Medics. A lot of marines joined up for the adrenaline rush or the action, the chance to do some good but also have a fight. Guys like him. But guys like Terry joined up to help people, and guys like Terry had saved his ass more than once.

"Just be patient with my split time", Terry replied. "I know what having a person missing can do to unit cohesiveness. I want to make sure the team is ok, even if you have to pull in another medic instead of me."

“We’ll make it work. I’m still getting a feel for the unit, but I’m sure we can get it to fly. Having you in the unit with a warrant can only be a good thing. You mind me asking why disease prevention?”

"When I was twenty", Terry replied. "My little brother's internal organs just started shutting down for no reason. He had some bacterial infection, but the doctor's couldn't figure out what it was. He passed away four weeks later. I want to find out what that was and I also want to be able to stop anyone from having to go through that."

That sounded like a hell of a thing to do, along with being a Marine. Terry hadn’t picked an easy road, and Laz figured it was something to be proud of. “I think that sounds good. You’ve got my support. Let’s get you that warrant ASAP. Then I can take credit for it, even though I just came in at the end, there.”

"That's what all good officers are for sir", Terry said with a laugh. "So, if I might be so bold sir, what brings you to these parts?"

“It’s good work,” Laz replied. “Interesting work. I did special operations for most of my career, and I’ve loved it, but eventually you need to look at other things. Getting promoted to Captain was going to move me away from my team, and I’m not really a guy to sit behind a desk. This lets me stay in the action and still do something interesting.”

Terry nodded and said, "If there is one thing this station is not, that would be boring. Always something new or unusual going on here or on the planet. So, I am sure you will have no problem finding something interesting to do sir."

“I’m getting that idea,” Laz said. “Listen, I don’t want to keep you too long. And if there’s anything I can do to help you get that warrant, I’m on it. I keep an open door policy, and I get bored easy, so don’t hesitate to ask.”

"Thank you sir", Terry replied. "I am sure as I approach the test, I will be picking your brain more on command issues. Tonight is my last shift before I rotate planet side for the next four days. Got to make sure the team hasn't broken anything or cut each other up while I have been away."

“At least we keep you busy, gotta admit that. I brought the doctors some snacks, don’t let them hide it from you. A Marine’s gotta eat.” He gave Terry a quick salute. “Back to it, Sergeant.” He seemed a sharp guy, and Laz would do his best to help him get where he needed to go. So far all the Marines under his command had impressed.

Terry smiled, returned the salute and said, "Aye, sir. Back at."

Marine Captain Lazanos Torena
21st MEU

Gunnery Sergeant Terry Henderson
21st MEU


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