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Blast from the Past

Posted on Fri May 1, 2020 @ 2:20pm by Civilian Aleczandra Naqiis-Ryan & Civilian Thereen Tera & Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin

1,367 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Et In Arcadia Ego
Location: Promenade
Timeline: MD02 2000


"Hey, princess."

Aleczandra was walking out of Ten Thousand Planets, the Bajoran gift emporium. She fingered the super soft Bajoran highland wool sweater she had gotten for Shay, but stopped in surprise at the greeting, looking up.

The slender young man had grown his hair out, and it was long enough now that it had to be tied back. He'd filled out a bit, though there was something in the pallor of his already pale skin that suggested that was more due to hard choices than gym life. He wore dark pants and a leather jacket. He held up his hand in greeting, showing her a thick scar almost three cm across in his palm.

Zandra blinked. “Ahjess?” she said, surprised. She recognized him. She’d drooled over him enough in The Box. She’d seen herself kissing him on the security cameras. She even had vague, fleeting dreams about a hot night of sex with the young Trill man. But she couldn’t remember ever having actually spoken to him beyond pleasantries at The Box.

“Um...hi,” Zandy said, suddenly shy in front of the super hot dabo boy, cursing herself for blushing. Then she felt Juheni pushing against her consciousness and winced at the migraine it produced.

“You okay, Zandra?” a pretty Bajoran woman asked from the doorway of the shop. “This a friend of yours? Doesn’t he work at The Box?”

“Yes, Tera. I’m fine, thanks,” Zandra said. “Um, yeah.” Aleczandra glanced between Ahjess and Tera with a bit of confusion.

Ahjess' eyes shifted to Tera. "I need to talk to you. About your mum."

Aleczandra frowned. “My mom?” she asked. “My mom is dead,” she said with confusion. What would Ahjess know about her mom?

Ahjess smiled. "Of course she is. All you've got is precious memories. Wouldn't want anything to destroy those."

Aleczandra glared at Ahjess. “What are you talking about?” she hissed at him, glancing back as Tera went back inside of her shop. “And how the hell did I get on the security feeds kissing you?” she demanded.harshly in a low voice.

Ahjess turned to Tera. "Piss off. Now. Or I'll cut you."

Tera gasped.

“It’s fine, Tera,” Aleczandra reassured the shopkeeper. She grabbed Ahjess by the arm and dragged him away down the Promenade. “What the hell was that? You can’t go threatening people like that!”

"Of course you can," he told her. "It's easy. Watch:" He stopped and looked her in the eye. "You're going to help me with everything I want, or the Symbios Committee is going to know exactly what happened to Naqiis, and where it is now."

Alejandra froze. “Naqiis is dead,” she tried to bluff, though she had gone white with fear. “It died with my mother. How do you even know about it?”

"Oh, please." Ahjess dropped an arm around her. From a distance it would look like a friendly hug. "You and I both know Naqiis is quite snugly," he patted her stomach, over the symbiote, "right there."

Zandra tensed, especially when he touched her stomach. “How do you know that?” she hissed at Ahjess, glaring at him. “No one knows that! And you know what the Council will do to me if they find out!”

"Yes," he replied simply. "I know exactly what they will do, to you, and to daddy dearest. So that should give you some incentive to help. And in case Juheni gets any snap ideas, I have failsafe. Anything happens to me, all my dirty little secrets get sent to those who can action them. You won't just be ruining your life, but lots of peoples." He pointed to Q'uits. "So, shall we get a drink and talk about what I want?"

Aleczandra glared at Ahjess. “Fine,” she said. “What makes you think I can help you anyway?” she asked. “I’m just a student.” She jerked her arm free and started walking to Q’uits. She glanced around, hoping the security cameras were picking this up.

"Of course you are. And I'm just a dabo boy. Ex-dabo boy." They entered the bar. Its eponymous owner nodded to the both of them, and Ahjess led her over to a table, sitting with his back to the wall so he could see the door. Q’uit brought over two drinks, hard liquor over ice. When he was gone, the Trill man took a cigar out of his jacket and trimmed the end with an evil looking cutter that snipped it cleanly. "I want Daddy's security codes and clearances. Free run of the station for a few days."

Aleczandra gaped at Ahjess. She quickly took a drink and went into a coughing fit before replying, “How would I even have that?” she asked.

Ahjess found a lighter and held the naked flame to his cigar, puffing till it took flame. "Don't play innocent with me. I know all about your extracurricular activities. Even how you sneaked out to jump this fleshbag's bones."

Zandra narrowed her eyes. “I didn’t…” She pressed a hand to her temple, one of her migraines forming, vague, disjointed memories. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. Even if I did have them, why would I give them to you?”

"Because if you don't, the Symbiosis Committee is going to find out where Naquiis is, and all of Starfleet is going to watch Commander Ryan's precious, innocent daughter disposing of a murder victim whilst boasting about her sexual prowess. Both you and daddy will end up in jail, and someone will come along and rip Naquiis out of you. Bye, bye mommy to boot."

Aleczandra gasped. “What the hell are you talking about?” She grunted as her migraine flared, and the world went white.

Zandra straightened up and glared at Ahjess. “You’re a right bastard,” she said, something dark and hard in her blue eyes. “I give you those codes, and you get caught, people are going to start asking questions, and I’ll make damn sure to take you down with me,” she vowed. “Just what are you planning?”

He chuckled and blew smoke in her face. "I get caught, lots and lots of people are going down. I don't plan on getting caught. And whilst the job is rather more Juheni's wheelhouse than mine, I'm all in favour of spreading a little chaos. As to what I'm planning? A public execution."

“Execution?” Aleczandra asked. “Public? Yeah, that won’t draw any attention,” the teen said, crossing her arms. The way she stood and spoke was different now, colder, more calculating.

"Oh now, Juheni. You and I both know that sometimes the chaos is an end of itself. And if I have those codes, I can be away whilst everyone is running around losing their heads in the aftermath."

“And when it traces back?” Zandra asked. “Then what? You’re long gone, and I’m left holding the bag. That doesn’t sound like a good deal to me.”

"You know how to cover your tracks. Or rather, you know a man who does, sweetheart. Trust me. I do this, the Symbiosis Committee will be too busy chasing me to ever come back here."

That had Aleczandra pausing. That would be a good thing. A very good thing. “I’ll give you the codes, then,” she finally said. “Gods damn Commission can’t keep their damn nose out of anything.” She pulled out a light pen and a bit of reusable paper and jotted down a long and complex code.from memory. “Try not to throw the old man too far under the bus,” she told him. “He’s a meal ticket I don’t have to put out for.” She handed the paper over to Hex.

"Cheers. Now," Hex said, putting the note into his pocket, "you may find it wise to make yourself scarce for the next week. It's going to be very unhealthy round here for you."

“Already got plans,” Aleczandra said with a smirk.


Hex, in the body of Ahjess Denn
NPC by Soran

Aleczandra Ryan/Juheni Naqiis
NPC Caleb Ryan

Thereen Tera
Bajoran shopkeeper
NPC Caleb Ryan


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