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Dr Livingstone I presume? Pt 2

Posted on Tue Feb 11, 2020 @ 11:11pm by Commander Amia Telamon M.D. & Lieutenant Elleese Elloyia

290 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Et In Arcadia Ego
Location: Counsellor's Offices
Timeline: MD - 0 (minus 1)


"....... I mean, it's understandable that two people from Centuries ago in a notoriously repressed age would resist showing their deeper feelings.... resist commitment... resist each other...... but what have two people from today got by way of an excuse?

I..... suppose the dream disturbed me most because it was telling me that... we're getting mixed up in our struggle not to get too close? In both situations?" Opal tried to work it out by just thinking aloud.

A lot was coming out that she had expected but some that she hadn't even approached in her own mind came out as well and it was quite an eye-opener, literally since she was sitting there, wide-eyed as she soaked up some new ideas and realisations.

"Feelings are repressed in any age and at any time for any number of reasons," Ell said gently. "Emotions--across all species capable of feeling them--are remarkably complex, and sometimes work against each other."

"I'm sure you're right. I just don't have it straight in my head right now. I'll work on this more. You've given me a lot to think about. Thank you." Opal said, thinking a lot now and suddenly feeling she ought to give this more personal thought and time. Maybe she should talk to Caleb himself...... she was very unsure and decided to shelf it all for a while and try to clear her mind.

She stood up and shook the Counsellor's hand.

"I'll come back and see you again once I have less confusion clouding this out. If that's okay?" she promised and made a new appointment next week, before she left.

A JP between:

Lt Elleese Elloyia
Chief Counsellor
Deep Space Five


Dr Opal Oliver
Civilian Physician
Deep Space Five.


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