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Standard Medical - Non-Standard Patient

Posted on Tue Feb 11, 2020 @ 11:01pm by Commander Amia Telamon M.D. & Lieutenant JG Natalie Cross

1,633 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Et In Arcadia Ego
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: MD-0 (minus 2)

[DS5 - Sickbay]

Natalie stepped inside sickbay. It was vast and different from what she grown custom to seeing on a starship. She took a moment to familiarize herself with her surroundings before proceeding forward. After a moment or two she took several steps, and looked for someone that could assist her.

Amia was just finishing off some routine tests and looked up as the unfamiliar person walked in. "Hello, can I help?" she asked, coming forward with a welcoming smile and holding out her hand in introduction. "Amia Telamon" she added her name without formality.

"Natalie Cross." She extended her hand in return towards Amia. "I've recently arrived and I was hoping to have my onboarding medical exam completed." A brief but friendly smile crossed her face as she explained her reason for the visit.

"Ah, well hopefully that should only be a mere and brief formality so do come on in and we'll get set up. It's one of those jobs that I have where we're very happy to see friends and colleagues but they're happier when they can leave again. I try not to get a complex" Amia grinned, joking to lighten the formality and somewhat tedious nature of the 'routine medial'. As she was talking she started to set up the biobed and med-arch in the small cubicle type space that she had let Natalie into.

"If you'd be good enough to hop up on the bed, we can get started with the scans." she explained but then thought, she probably knows all this, and shrugged. "Sorry if I'm being repetitive. It's just that I'm training to get a promotion as an EMH." she chuckled at her own joke but then realised that wasn't the ideal way to amuse people, if only you thought you were funny.

"Sorry, my other audience is a daughter of just six months, so my comedy material is weak." she looked apologetic as she flicked away dexterously at the LCARS lights and tiny controls that raised the arch and began the first of the scans. "Comfortable?" Amia asked, sure that it was a rhetorical question but still liking to ask just to be polite.

Natalie did as Amia asked. She got comfortable on the biobed. She watched and listened to what Amia was saying and even smiled at the joke. "I don't think it's your material. To be honest, it's probably my poor sense of humor." Natalie stated looking around the rather large sickbay one more time. "I've seen hospitals smaller then this place." She stated looking back in direction of Amia.

Natalie wondered what Amia would say if anything once she saw her medical history. It was rather long with number of injuries that took a long time to recover from. Especially after her time in captivity. It was always an even split. Some said more than others and then others avoided the conversation all together allowing the file to tell them everything.

Amia wasn't one of the latter type of doctor. She read the file but she never took anything on face value. "You're probably wanting to tell me all about your medical history as it's a complicated read.... or perhaps you're sick of being asked to go over it and would rather not be asked for your side of it?" It was an opener and it would give a good idea of how cooperative this patient was going to be and what kind of attitude she had towards the experiences she had been subjected to by the medical profession in particular but also with another opening regarding those who had inflicted those injuries that had been deliberate.

Her experiences had hardened her. Her facial expressions went uncharged but on the inside she bit her tongue. Everything there was to say was already in the file but she wanted to make a good first impression and start her relationship with the doctor on the right foot. "It's a long and complicated history. I don't think you have that kind of time." Natalie replied. A soft smile appearing on her face.

"I have time to make sure I know about all the crew that come aboard because it's my responsibility to be ready to treat them if an emergency arose and i wouldn't have time then to suddenly need to catch up. I do understand however, if you don't want to go over it all. As you say, it is a long file and as I have read it, in anticipation of your arrival.... as I always do when new staff are appointed... so we could just take it as read, literally but I would far rather hear what you feel it's most important for me to know or have more detail on. It's much easier to get a full picture of the trauma factor, or lack of it, from discussing it together. Does that make sense?" Amia explained her reasoning and stopped her tests for a moment, perching on the side of the bed to make eye contact and discuss this directly without distraction.

She didn't want her getting on with the medical to make it seem like she wasn't actually interested in listening properly. So she focused and waited for Natalie's take on this idea.

Natalie understood and greatly appreciate doctors gesture to full understand all of her medical history. She took a deep breath and exhaled. "I've endured a lot, as it's rather obvious from my file. And honestly, the physical parts that sustained the injuries have healed. I've had a lot of good doctors in the past and I hope to add you to that list." Natalie complimented. "Its more of the other side that I tend to have some issues with." Natalie sighed.

"Do you mean Psychology and Counselling when you talk of the other side?" Amia guessed.

She nodded. "Yes." She hated to admit it. She had always considered herself to be a strong and proud person, but now she had bagged that for whatever reason she couldn't get rid of.

"They're not so bad. It's surprising how nice some of them turn out to be" Amia tried to be reassuring. "Have you had bad experiences of that kind of help in the past?" she asked, still looking at her instruments as she was talking and completing the checks and scans as she went through the protocols that made up the whole 'standard medical'.

"No, not necessarily." Natalie replied. The idea of talking about herself and her feelings wasn't an appealing one however when she did have those conversations she did find them helpful. It was as if some weight had been lifted off her shoulders. She looked over to the instruments that Amia was looking at. "Everything looking normal?" She asked.

"Yes, you're fitting your medical sleeve almost exactly to the letter." Amia replied. "So, not necessarily bad experience of Counselling or Medical... yet you don't sound as if you like us when you mention having had issues. I guess it's none of my business, except that I was thinking I should probably offer you some Counselling appointments in view of your .... er..... colourful....? history?"

"Doctor, I think you have the wrong impression. I am very thankful and grateful to those that are in the medical profession. They have come to my aid in time of need, and have helped me get to where I am now. I think I am just tired..." She took a deep breath. Held it for a moment, and exhaled. "I've been poked, and prodded. Examined, and reexamined. A lot....that is why there is a hint of hesitation, and maybe an impression that I don't like Medical or Counselling...." Natalie gently placed her hand over Amia's hand. "I like you, just fine, Doctor." Natalie offered a smile and removed her hand from that of Amia.

"That's reassuring to hear and the feeling's mutual" Amia responded and in return gave a warm, wide smile that was hopefully reassuring back the other way.

"So, there's nothing that falls below the necessary standards I'm supposed to verify, in fact quite the contrary." she added.

"Don't worry, Doctor." Natalie said feeling rather comfortable with Amia. Maybe, it was her bedside manner. Maybe, it was her personality. Natalie felt comfortable around her, and allowed her to relax and be open with her. It was greatly appreciated. "If anything should come up, you will be the first one I let know."

"Deal!" Amia agreed with a grin and handed over the little data rod that contained Natalie's certification of "fit to work" and results from today's visit. "The content of this is all on your medical file but this is your copy for whatever reason you might need personal proof" she said. "Don't be a stranger now? Anytime you're passing, there's coffee in the pot and you don't need a medical reason to stay friends with us"

Natalie took the rod and smiled. "Thank you." She looked at the rod. Pleased that this was smooth and easy experience she looked up at Amia. "I'll definitely come by and see you.*

Stepping aside to allow Natalie to pass, Amia began to clean up and put the instruments into the sterilisation machine, setting the bio-bed on auto clean as standard procedure and taking herself off to find one of those coffees she had just mentioned, reminding herself she hadn't had one in ages herself.

Natalie stepped towards the door, she stopped just as she reached it looking back. "Thank you, Doctor. It was pleasure to meet you." She said then headed out. She'd be back as soon as she settled in for that cup of coffee.

A JP between:

Lieutenant JG Natalie Cross
Chief Intelligence Officer
Deep Space 5


Cmdr Amia Telamon
Chief Medical Officer
Deep Space Five


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