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Meeting the New CO

Posted on Wed Mar 25, 2020 @ 10:00am by Master Sergeant Miranda Schultz & Captain Lazanos Torena

1,048 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Et In Arcadia Ego
Location: Marine Country
Timeline: MD02


Miranda Schultz spent most of her time working in the portal complex on Pangaea. However, when she heard that a new Marine Captain was on the station, she took her first day off to go back to base and report to the new CO.

Laz was impressed by the amount of space the Marines were allotted on DS5. It was almost like being back on base on Mars. It was no wonder they called it ‘Marine Country’ around here. He made a point of keeping his inspection largely informal at this point. These were all professional Marines, an expeditionary unit like this was composed of people with a certain degree of experience, and he didn’t need to play mother hen. Laz was ducking out of weapon storage when he almost ran into another Marine, this one carrying Master Sergeant stripes. “Sergeant,” Laz said. He took a second to place a name with a face from his files. “Schultz, right?”

"Yes, sir." Miranda immediately snapped to attention. "Master Sergeant Miranda Schultz, sir. Attached to the Pangaea portal facility, sir."

“Good, somebody from downstairs,” he said. “I need to pick your brain. Walk with me, Master Sergeant. Just what kind of cosmic funhouse are we dealing with planet side? I talked to the Captain about it already, and I have meetings scheduled up to my eyeballs with other senior staff, but I need a Marine’s opinion.”

She fell in beside him as she spoke. "Our basic duty planetside is security and protection," she began. "But between the colony and the portals, some days are more like juggling live grenades. We had an incident eight months ago, before I got here, but it's been fairly consistent since." So far, anyway.

“Live grenades are fairly consistent, too,” Laz replied. He nudged her arm with his elbow. “Let’s hope in a different way, huh?” He was heading towards the mess hall to check it out next. “We’ve got a lot of different governments represented in the colony. Any problems there so far?”

She flashed him a brief smile. "Just the Cardassians. They seem to be a rule unto themselves. Captain Soran is trying to keep them in line, but from what I've observed, they seem to think they can do as they please. They have a presence on the colony, along with the Ferengi, Romulans, Klingon, and Federation."

He let out a soft whistle. “It sounds like a good party.” Laz stepped into the mess hall. It was empty and clean, as expected. “I hate inspections,” he said as much to himself as to her. “I’m looking at a room of benches and tables, like an idiot. Can’t even get a cup of coffee with the replicators crapping out.” He looked at her. “What’s your assessment on the security we have set up for the portals planetside? I gotta admit, I’m leery of all the things we can’t plan for that might show up.”

Miranda was looking around the room as well. She'd never seen it empty before. "We've got the place as locked down as possible, but as you said, we can never be certain who is going to come out of which portal. Science is doing its best to monitor the place, but it's always a crap shoot. We generally get notified quickly if someone comes through, but that's failed in the past as well." She glanced at him. "You should come down and have a look yourself."

“I intend to. It sounds like an interesting place, and I want to get the lay of the land. As soon as I get things established here, I’m heading down ASAP.” He looked at her as he left the mess hall. “I read in your file that you requested this post. You mind me asking why?”

She shrugged. "Curiosity about the planet and the opportunity to do something different." She flashed him a mischievous grin. "This place is never dull."

“I’m getting that feeling.” He smiled slightly at that. “That’s a blessing and a curse for a Marine. Okay, sergeant, you’re under new management and now’s the time to ask. Is there anything you need down there that isn’t getting handled now? You guys good?”

"We're continually improving security as we get more detailed information. The problem is, we don't know what we lack until something happens. Maybe you can give fresh insight." She smiled at her new CO.

“I hope so. I’ll be down there to scope things out with Science soon. Now, something else pressing. Did you come up here on your day off just to see me? Because, Sergeant, that might display an unhealthy level of dedication.”

"Perhaps." Her smile was more impish than professional. "Or it could be that I wanted to get some brownie points. Or perhaps I was curious to meet my new boss."

“I hope you’re not gonna be putting in for a transfer now that you got a look at me,” he said, smiling back. “I don’t think my ego could take it.”

"No worries on that score." She glanced at him. "I think I'm going to like working under you, so your ego is safe."

He laughed at that. “Very sharp, Sergeant. “Consider your brownie points earned. Now go and enjoy your day off and stop hanging around here like some kind of maniac.”

"But what if I am some kind of maniac?" She grinned. "Perhaps I should take my brownies now before you figure that out."

“Hey, you wouldn’t be a Marine if you weren’t.”

"Good point. It's not a requirement for the job, but it helps." She grinned. "I think it is I who should let you get back to your work. Meeting you has been a pleasure, sir."

“Likewise, Schultz. Likewise. I’ll see you downstairs in the next couple days. Consider yourself dismissed.” He gave her a salute to send her on her way, then opened up another door for inspection. He paused in the doorway and muttered under his breath, “Oh, good. I get to look at beds, now.”


Marine Captain Lazanos Torena
21st MEU CO
Deep Space Five

Master Sergeant Miranda Schultz
Deep Space Five


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