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Halcyon (Love on the rocks, I)

Posted on Sun Mar 22, 2020 @ 6:39am by Captain Maritza Soran & Civilian 'Arrival' Geral Lasuma

1,461 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Et In Arcadia Ego
Location: Lasuma's Yacht
Timeline: MD02 0600


Geral awoke early and looked to Maritza as she slept quietly. He watched her for several moments. The relaxed features of her face was if she didn't have a care in the world. For now that was true but as soon as she woke she would once again take the mountain on her shoulders. Sooner or later the she would wake on her own or the computer would sound the beginning of her day. A smile crossed his face and leaning over he kissed her forehead and got up.

She rolled over into the warm spot he'd left behind, loose hair spread across his pillows like a curtain. "Five more minutes?" She asked, voice slurred with exhaustion. "I've only just got to sleep."

He smirked a bit. Yesterday had been a collective mess for everyone, station personnel especially, what with the outages and malfunctions. "Well unless you are planning to take the day off... I know. I will whip you up one of my high energy breakfasts."

"Going to need it. Got to deal with fallout from power failure. 300 people dead. I have to do the death notices. Briefing from Lovok and Hartman at 9. Press meeting at ten. Can you mix whisky with taurine? That little twerp who wound up my XO is bound to be there and I'll need something stiff to be able to not kill him with my bare hands."

"Taurine?? You know if you ate better you wouldn't need that stuff." Her diet was something he constantly needled her about and after tying his robe he raised his hands in surrender. "Not sure about whiskey but I could whip up a mimosa or two."

"Pharmacology is more efficient than food." And how. One of the blessings of that missing week a year gone meant she woke up dried out of her usual choices. But after a day like yesterday she really really wanted something more effective that taurine and caffeine. "No, no Mimosas. Really, I need a clear head. Just the juice. Caffeinate it though."

Bowing at the waist with a flourish, "As you wish..."

Even though they were in his quarters, with the damage to his yacht he was forced to use some replicated ingredients. Fortunately his place was close to the shop and after a quick call he had the rest of what he needed.

He set up the hot plate and started some Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee...freshly ground of course. While that was brewing he got work.

With great reluctance she hauled herself out of bed, and headed into the head for ablutions and a couple of minutes inside the sonic shower. She came out not long after, already in uniform, and plaiting the first of her braids.

The smell from the kitchenette was too tempting and she came over. "Smells delicious. What is it?"

"AAhhhh….No peeking. You go finish getting ready." As she reluctantly moved off he gave he a light snap with his hand towel.

She squealed a laugh as the towel hit her and she jumped away, heading back to the bedroom for her box of hair pins before returning and settling in a dining chair to start on plaiting the other braid. "Is it ready yet?" she asked, knowing full well it wasn't.

Flipping the full sized, rolled oat pancake, he returned to whipping the coconut cream sauce. Setting it aside. he chopped the peeled kiwi and banana scrapping them into a bowl.

The pancake done he smeared in a base of creamy peanut butter and layered in granola clusters, banana, kiwi, and blackberries, raspberries. After sprinkling in a healthy pinch of cinnamon he folded a third of the pancake, tossed in a few more berries and drizzled the coconut cream over it all.

Placing his handy work down in front of her with the coffee and juice that was already there. "There...that should give you both quick and longer term energy to get you through a good portion of the day...especially since you probably won't stop for a decent lunch."

Maritza leaned up and kissed him on the cheek. "What is this thing you call lunch?"

Sitting down opposite her as he watched as she dug in. "You know i was thinking about talking to your Chief Medical Officer. I'm sure she would agree with me...perhaps a standdown luncheon for the senior staff..." He traled off with a playful grin.

"No subborning my staff," she replied, chugging down the orange juice. She picked up her cutlery and cut herself a bite. It was delicious and she made an appreciative happy noise. "Wonderful," she said when she finished her mouthful. "Compliments to the chef."

"Glad you are enjoying it. You can thank the chef tonight. Dinner on the promenade?"

"Yes, but it may need to be quick." She knew it was going to be another long day and she would probably be up long into the evening. She'd still need a break though, eventually. "Perhaps just a chili bowl at Joes? Not the whole hog at Anatoles?"

The last time they ate at Anatoles they ended up spending most of the night in security because some had put a hit out on one of them. "Are you sure...but that dress you wore was so...killer." He said tongue in cheek, smirking as he sipped his coffee.

She rolled her eyes. "You'll be lucky if I don't turn up in overalls."

"Now that would be a sight," he replied chuckling. "Chili at Joes.

"Be careful what you wish for," she snorted. "Are you up to much today?" She could imagine it would be surveying store damage, and checking on any employees who may have got hurt.

Once things had returned to normal he had immediately set things in motion to ensure it was business as usual. "The shop will be up and running. I thought it best to spend a little extra and have a place where others could find a sense of normalcy. Unfortunately I lost 7 workers and there was some stock that was lost but when the merchant hanger decompressed. So there will be those issues to deal with.

"I was curious as to officer Dorian and I recovered, a Bolian, his legs were crushed...did you hear anything by chance? Other than that I was going to do some shopping for a new yacht."

"i'm touring Sickbay first thing after lunch. I'll ask after him. Why do you want a new yacht? This one didn't seem too badly damaged?"

He shrugged. "For the most part it's sound with a few outer hull breaches. The only major issue was the command cabin, which took serious damage.
Nothing that can't be fixed but with all the new profit coming in from the dilithium mine and my contract with the Imersa...the is latinum piling up." Chuckling, "Pehaps I could pick up customized Sovereign class?" Waving his hand about, "I was thinking of using this for an employee incentive program."

"Ha. In your dreams." Soran gulped down the last of her pancake. "You need to save the Federation single handed at least three times before they give you one of them. "Ask Admiral Picard."

Laughing at the reply he rolled his eyes with an exaggerated gesture. "Oh fine. Hmmmmm..."

"Hmmm?" she said suspicsiouly. "What are you plotting?"

"Oh not plotting, just considering a few options. For a second I was thinking about a custom design but that would take too long. I'll just have to see what's available."

"Oh woe is you," there was a playful light in her eyes. "However will you cope?"

He smirked with shrug. "I just don't know... I'll just have to do the best I can." Nodding at her now empty plate, "another?"

"No. " She downed her fruit juice and wiped her lips with a napkin. "No time. I need to get going." She kissed his cheek. "I'll see you tonight."

"You got it...hopefully before 2am.

"I'll try!" And with that, she already heading out, adding commbadge and pips to her collar.

After cleaning up he took a stroll through the promenade. Most everyone were still picking up the pieces, but Lasuma's was hopping. Stepping into his office he sent out a general announcement that hat during the difficulties, and to show how their efforts were appreciated. he was authorizing a 25% discount on all products and services to all station personnel. With things the way they were going he could definitely afford it.

Leaning back in his chair he began to call up various ship manufactures to see if any had a craft that caught his eye.

To be continued...

Captain Maritza Soran
Deep Space Five

Geral Lasuma
Lasuma Enterprises


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