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Fighter Briefing

Posted on Sun Apr 5, 2015 @ 1:21pm by Lieutenant Kyle "Loki" Carter

1,055 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Eye of the Beholder
Location: Pilot Briefing Room, DS5
Timeline: MD 03 0550


"I know it's earlier but take your seats." Kyle leaned on the podium at the head of the briefing room as the last of the pilots and TSO's made their way in and took a seat. "Alright before you brief for your flights today I wanted to go over some requests the XO made of us with you. If you open up the file the I sent to your PADD's you'll see a new patrol route that we're going to be deploying to." Kyle waited a few seconds to let the squadron leaders look over the route. When he heard a few groans he knew they had seen it. "The Commander would like it if we performed these patrols to help stabilize the area and discourage some of the not so friendly ships out there from pirating and harassing any vessels. We've got ten minutes for questions and concerns before the first CAP briefing needs the room."

Lt.(JG) Mitchell Graham, call sign "Crackers," was alert but bleary-eyed at this early morning briefing. He was slouched in his chair with one leg crossed over the other. In one hand he held a steel mug full of black coffee, perched on the armrest. He raised the other hand. "Sir, how long are these patrols going to be? Scuttlebutt says we're extending our range. We don't exactly have first-class cabins in these birds."

"Good Morning Crackers!" Kyle said a bit louder than he needed to stirring all the half asleep officers in the room. "Didn't get your beauty sleep last night I take it." He said continuing to rib the TSO. "You all know a standard CAP is normally a four hour rotation. Well the extended route will be a six hour rotation with one hour travel time of thirty minutes out and thirty minutes back. You Valkryie jocks are the primary squadron for this." He let the groans die out before he continued. "You guys done there? You know it's safe to have two of you out there in a bucket than it is to send single seaters out that far for that long." He explained to them what they already knew but didn't want to hear. "I talked to the XO about possibly sending a Wallace escort out as well for a little back up and if anything goes wrong your asses are covered."

"Is the XO the originator of this brilliant plan?" Crackers asked with a straight face.

"Just for that remark Crackers, you and I are on the first run." Loki shot back at him. "Anybody else? Snake-Eyes you got anything?"

"I think we can handle the extended patrols Boss" Munroe replied "Of course anyone who doesn't want to go, I'm sure we can find plenty of work assisting the maintenance crews!"

Ignoring the chorus of groans Munroe continued "How about bringing on some Runabout gunships Boss?" he asked

"During the Dominion war some of the squadrons would take along a couple of up-gunned Danubes to provide some extra punch plus act as support and rescue ships for any pilots that had to to bail out. We've got plenty of Danubes and Talons we could use"

"See everyone, that's how you properly suck up to the new CAG." Kyle laughed. "Seriously though, good suggestion about the Runabouts. I'll look into but if it comes down between sending the Wallace class or two Danubes, I'd rather send the Wallace as it has more firepower and better medical facilities on board than a Danube." Loki said answering Snake-Eye's question. "The routes should start within the next week and I'll have schedules posted. More than Likely we'll have a 3 squadron rotation between the longer patrols and the regular CAP. It'll just be us blue jackets as the Marine squadron is going to be primarily used as support for Marine operations." Kyle waited for the complaints about the Marine pilots being excused.

"Ok Boss, but we only have two Wallaces, Deloraine and Arrarat" Munroe said "They can't make every patrol, but we draft in maybe six Danubes and four Talon's they can go out every time. Then mix in one of the Wallace's every now and then"

"As for the leather-necks, they can stick around here, they'd only get lost further out!" he finished with a smile and waved equally to the 'Fleet pilots who cheered and the Marine pilots who booed.

Then some wag from the Marine rows called back "That's okay, we'll look after your girlfriends while you're away!"

"That's a kind offer from you Jarheads, but the main reason you're being excused is because you have Marine duties to attend to. So trust me when I say I'm sure Colonel Darson has some plans that are going to keep you plenty busy on your own." Kyle said with a grin. "I'm not sure about his personal stance as I've yet to meet the Colonel. However most combat Marines I've met tend to think you boys need to be toughened up and that you're soft around the edges." Kyle caught one of the Marines in the back row eating some kind of donut. "You're not helping your case there." He laughed pointing him out to the rest of the pilots.

"Munroe, we'll work something up and see how the logistics play out and I'll be sure to run your ideas up the chain." The CAG said addressing Snake-Eyes suggestions. "Anybody else?"

One of the Marine pilot's hands went up. "Sir, if it's all the same to you I'd like to go on these patrols, I mean..."

Kyle quickly cut him off with. "You can take that up with the Colonel. He's one of the last people on the station who's toe's I want to step on. You'll still get your stick time don't worry."

"We'll do your jobs while you're eating mud," Crackers said over his shoulder.

Munroe smiled at the banter but his mind was more concerned about that fact that longer patrols would mean missing lunch at the restaurant in the Bajoran gardens. For some reason that he could not explain that bothered him, greatly.


Lieutenant Kyle "Loki" Carter
CAG - Deep Space 5


LtJg Ed Snake-Eyes Munroe
SqLdr Oak Squadron


Lt (JG) Mitchell "Crackers" Graham
Tactical Systems Operator
(NPC Bert)


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