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Posted on Tue Mar 17, 2015 @ 2:10am by

396 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Eye of the Beholder
Location: Near The Veranda in the Bajoran Gardens
Timeline: MD02. 12:00 - 15:00

It was here she'd seen the first fairy. Here that she and the Rainbow Princess went hunting. So, it was here, armed with a dagger of iron Eviess returned alone to hunt.

The girl ambled through the gardens, as ever each passer by assuming she was with someone else. Her nose twitched as a breeze brought a waft of fresh fruity scent to her nostrils.

"Wow," she said to herself, realising that she had smelled the fragrancbefore ... just before she'd seen the first dairy. Her small fist gripped the hilt of the iron knife hidden in her tunic as she walked in the direction of the smell.

Eviess stopped several meters away from the elaborate wooden structure - to her eyes it seemed to grow from the gardens. She edged around, noting the winding queue then scurried back in case she was recognised and dragged back to school.

Instead Eviess found her way to the back of the building and peeped through a window. The kitchen, she assumed it was a kitchen was clean and empty.

Brow wrinkling she sat down for a moment. An instant later she was on her feet the on her tiptoes, the fingers of both hands steadying her.

Fingers released from the protection of the iron blade she saw a blaze of colour within, creatures flitting and laughing, imps hurling plates at one another, screeching in an unknown tongue.

She fell back and ran to the bushes - a WHOLE NEST OF THEM - then she remembered she needed to keep hold of the knife.

With a sigh she sank to the ground, her back resting against a tree. Her eyelids were heavy but as she felt herself drift to sleep she helt the comfort of the hilt of the iron daggar in her hand.

Something broke the spell.

Eviess jerked awake with a gasp. How oculd she have fallen asleep?

She checked that she still had the dagger then got to her feet, brushing herself down. The magical palace that had grown in the gardens was still crowded but even though she looked there were none of the imps and pixies.

I must've dreamed it, she thought.

Then Eviess saw mummy's Yooman coming out of the palace. She decided to follow her - maybe she knew where the fairies were.


Eviess t'Vaurek.
NPC by Louise


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