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Never Tempt Fae-t

Posted on Fri Mar 20, 2015 @ 3:09am by Shea & Orrin

950 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Eye of the Beholder
Location: Bembleman's Bakery
Timeline: MD02 16:00

The woman, tall, strikingly thin with a cascade of russet hair tumbling over her shoulders smile.

As the door closed behind the blonde human her face took on an altogether less appealing guise.

"What a traitor that girl is," Rusalka - as she was known in this time and place - said, "she has been with them, and recently. I could taste them in the air, my duplicitous sisters ..."

Rusalka had no dispute with the ruler of the kingdom that had replaced the planets, she had been nothing but courteous and accommodating to her blonde haired servant who came here each morning to find food for her mistress, but tasting the tang of her own sisters on the girl ... it was too much for her after all this time.

"... but they are yet hidden from us."

"They won't stay hidden for long," Shea muttered. "If we can smell them, they can smell us. They know we're here now. We should move faster. The Ingress should be forced open now. The dribble we have coming through it isn't enough. Not if they are here already."

Rusalka opened her arms to the sister of her consort, "The hour is almost with us - that dribble you feel are the first tendrils of our plane piercing their way to this one," as she spoke, Rusalka twisted her wrist around an unseen vine in the air, "Before the morning as they reckon time here we will see the first. Once seen, they will no longer elude us."

Shea looked at the chronometer on her wrist. It was old fashioned for the technology of this place, but every piece she had forged by hand, and despite being clockwork, it only lost a second a year. it had taken her a long time to get it right. A century at least. Time was too fluid when she concentrated. "Too long. It could be all over by then." She stood from her seat in the corner, and paced to the doorway. "They got too close last time. We should hunt them down now. Strike before they realised they are here and have a chance," She paced to another chair and dropped into it. "They should be the hunted for once."

"I agree," Rusalka said, "Now is the time to stand."

Orrin came through the door, having tipped his hat to the blonde going in the other direction. He had a grin on his face. "Greetings, dearest ones. I trust the day is as productive for you as it is for me?" He took the hat off with a flourish and threw it across the room to a hook on the bulkhead. The hook caught it perfectly. His smile faded as he saw the looks on Shae's and Rusalka's faces. "Is everything alright?"

"A girl came here stinking of my sisters," Rusalka replied as she turned, "We think we should turn the tables, up the ante, grasp the moment and attack. They are here!"

Orrin pulled the chair that Shea had just vacated and sat in it, crossing his legs and placing his hands in his lap. "Hmm. Your sisters? Really? They are persistent, aren't they? Do you have a specific plan of action in mind?"

"Hunt them down and kill them." Shea half stood, leaning across the table. "We don't even have to be subtle. they've got some marvellous little things that you just throw, and BOOM!" She clapped her hands together. "Please, my brother, it will be fun."

Rusalka raised an eyebrow - it was hardly his choice, but she held silent for the moment. She was strong enough now to return, and if she'd opened the gateway correctly for the escape, it would open exactly on time for her return, flanked by her most loyal supporters.

"I would never deny you your fun, my dauntless sister," Orrin said. "But I do believe we should think our tactical approach through." He tossed a thumb over his shoulder, indicating to the woman who had just departed. "Who was she? What do we know about her?"

Shae looked sulky, her appeal to Orrin to back up her desire for carnage had failed, predicatably maybe - Rusalka was the Queen and he was her consort. "Some pet of the Queen of this place. Her handmaiden."

Orrin's face lit up. "Then we should watch her. Perhaps even 'interview' her at some point. She could be a valuable source of intelligence. As a wise man said: the more you invest in manoeuvre, the less you'll have to invest in slaughter." He paused for a beat then added, "or at least you'll make the slaughter even sweeter." He winked at Shea.

Shea pouted, and turned to her Queen. "Can I do the interview?" She batted her eyelashes. "I promise to be subtle."

Rusalka glanced at Orrin, who shrugged and said, "She does tend to be better at those things than me."

"Move quickly," Rusalka said. "I want to find my sisters before they find us."

Orrin stood. "As you wish, my Queen." He leaned down and kissed her forehead.

Rusalka snaked her arm up around his neck and raised her face to his, "seduce her if you can. If not find what she can be tempted by."

Orrin's eyes locked on hers for a moment. Then he nodded slowly. "Understood." He closed in again and gave her a long, slow kiss on the lips. Then with a grin he retrieved his hat from the hook and placed it back on his head. "Not a second to waste, then!" He tipped his hat to the ladies and exited the shop.


Orrin, NPC by Bert
Shea, NPC by Notty
Rusalka, NPC by Louise


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