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A Mandated Meeting

Posted on Sun Dec 15, 2019 @ 1:29am by Lieutenant Elleese Elloyia & Lieutenant Alanna Wells

1,747 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Counseling
Timeline: MD15


Alanna gave the counselor a couple of hours to get settled in before making an appointment. She really didn't want to dump her problems on a new arrival, but she needed help dealing with...recent events.

She arrived five minutes early, needing a minute to calm her nerves.

There was certainly no disputing that both members of the command team had been entirely correct when they said she would be busy. Elleese had already seen several patients. There was virtually no staff here to help her except for a couple moved over from medical to get things sorted. I wonder just what I have gotten myself into, she considered idly...

...just before sensing the newest presence enter. One that propelled itself on its own, which spoke to a fellow empath or telepath. There was a vague 'direction' to the presence that told her someone was here to see her.

Exiting her office into the main waiting room, she saw the woman there. The silver-haired counselor smiled politely. "Hello. I am Counselor Elloyia. Are you Lieutenant Wells?"

Alanna nodded. "I am."

Elleese nodded and then waved at the door behind her. "Please, come in. Take a seat wherever you are most comfortable," she said.

Alanna walked in and took a moment ot look around, then selected a comfortable chair. "Did Commander Soran tell you why I need to see you?"

Following the other woman, the counselor took her own chair just across from Alanna. "Not much, no," she replied easily. "I prefer to speak with people and learn directly from them instead of through others. So, how about you tell me why you're here."

Alanna let out a slow breath. "I'm the head of the science department on the station. I also oversee scientific research on Pangaea. There are...portals there that go to different times and different universes. We're still trying to learn what we have here." There was far too much to explain, so she didn't try. "Last week, a group of freedom fighters came through a portal from a parallel universe. They stumbled on the portal by accident, and wanted our help. Shortly after, Vulcans came through, looking for the traitors. Commander Soran gave them both places to stay on the station, but when they started fighting each other, she decided it best to send them both back. Well, I spent a few hours with Sovok, the senior of the Vulcans, showing him a small part of the station and asking him questions to find out more about where he came from. I was part of an escort team that went down to the portal site to see both groups off. The plan was to send the Andorian leader and his team first, with a security escort. One of the Vulcans was to go through first and make sure they got through safely while Sovok remained behind. He would be sent through when the security team returned. We waited for a while, not sure how long it would take the escort team to accompany the Andorian and his group to their ship and return. Then Sovok decided he'd waited long enough. He attacked his guards, grabbed me and jumped through the portal. Tarik, his sergeant, was waiting for us with an armed guard." She ran a shaky hand through her hair. "I was there for less than a day before Lieutenant Haines found me. But in that time, I was raped and tortured. Sovok said that if I didn't comply, I would be burned, beaten, and broken."

The silver-haired counselor listened without interruption, her expression engaged but open. When the science officer found a stopping point in her explanation, Elleese spoke, "I am very sorry to hear that you experienced those things. It must have been terrifying and traumatic for you."

Alanna raised an eyebrow. "Yes, which is why I was told to see you."

"Naturally," Ell replied easily. "Although I am aware that many people do not enjoy coming to see me, I am here to help. We will need to discuss what happened to you, and how you feel now and how you feel about it, but on your own time. We can talk about other things for now, if you would prefer."

"Normally I don't mind talking to counselors. This is...hard. Commander Soran told me to talk to you about what happened. No, I don't want to talk about it, but I don't want it in my head, either."

"I cannot imagine why you would," Ell replied sympathetically, "but sometimes, it cannot be solved by speaking too soon of such dark things. How about we begin a little easier and you tell me something about yourself, not of what happened in recent events but from before. About you and who you are, what you like to do or your work. Whatever comes first to mind."

"I'm an archaeologist and historian," she said. "I'm doing a lot of research on Pangaea right now. Well, I have, and I will again."

Elleese offered a small smile. "That sounds like a fascinating profession. What led you to it?"

"I've always been interested in history and ancient cultures. That led to archaeology. I went to university first, but I wanted to explore, so I joined Starfleet."

"That is the reason many of us are led to join Starfleet," Ell agreed warmly. "How long have you been posted to Deep Space Five?"

"About six months. Sometimes it seems much longer," Alanna admitted. "This place is seldom boring."

Elleese offered a small, somewhat dry smile. "So I keep hearing," she said. "Before recent events, were you enjoying your post here?"

"Very much. I love the opportunities the station gives me." And she enjoyed sharing them with Jason, but that was another matter.

The counselor couldn't help but notice a faint shift, a tinge of color to the surface emotions during the discussion that a Betazoid of Ell's extreme nature could not help but sense. She noted it, but moved on. "Have you been back on duty recently or taking time to deal with things?" The station's new counselor had been thrown into the fire, as it were, and had not caught up on everyone's files yet. Besides, she preferred learning things from people for herself.

"Working keeps me from brooding," Alanna said. "I'd go stir crazy if I stayed in my quarters. So, yes, I've been back to work. The morning after I was cleared by medical, actually."

Elleese nodded, making a mental note. "Many people feel the same," she said. "And there is nothing wrong with that, although you must be cautious that you do not use work as a way to suppress or avoid things that need dealing with. You have made a good start seeing me today, but this will not be a one-appointment issue."

Alanna nodded slowly. "I know. Nights are the hardest right now." Fortunately, she had Jason, who helped keep the nightmares at bay.

That 'tinge of color' returned, and it made Elleese curious. But she continued to not ask. It was best if one brought these things up themselves. "Nights are often the most difficult," the counselor agreed sympathetically. "Different people find different things help them to get through that time, such as meditation or medication, rhyme not withstanding."

"I prefer not to use medication, and I'm not so good at meditation, but I get your meaning. Yes, sometime we need help getting to sleep." In the past, Alanna would read, but even that had lost some of its appeal lately.

"When given the choice, I would always recommend trying a non-medicinal method first," Ell said with a kind smile. "Meditation is much like any other activity or task. One improves with time and practice. The more you do it, the better you should become and the more useful it becomes to you."

"I'll remember that again if none of my usual methods work," Alanna said.

"Can you tell me a little more about your usual methods?" Ell asked, tilting her head slightly.

"Keeping so busy I don't have time to think helps. I know it isn't a long-term solution, but it gives me time to cope," she said. "I also listen to music. And I go camping. Just getting away from everything helps, too."

Ell smiled sympathetically, "You are right that it is not a long-term solution, and I am afraid that it is illusion that it gives you time to cope. It rather...delays it. That, in and of itself, is not actually a bad thing. Sometimes distance does help processing things, but we must be aware of things for what they are."

Alanna nodded. "Yes, but it's still a little too raw right now. Time allows me to put things into perspective."

The counselor nodded as well. "Perspective is important," she agreed. "So long as we are aware that that is what it is, and we do not allow ourselves to push it for too long. Rational distance for perspective can turn into procrastination. As I said, it is a matter of knowing and being aware, and it is part of why you and I will be seeing each other for a while. I am here to help with that."

"I know, and I appreciate it," Alanna replied. She knew she would need help over time to deal with Sovok and what happened. Right now, it was too fresh, but later, she would need to deal with her memories.

"In the meantime," Elleese continued, "I would like you to continue to practice the meditation, even if just a little a day, to try to improve its effect. And I would like to see you twice a week, for the immediate future."

Alanna sighed. She knew the counselor was right. "Okay. I'll try meditating alittle every night, and I'll come back in three days." Sorry to dump this on you right after you arrived."

"Please," Ell said easily. "No apologies. I am here to help, and that is not contingent upon timelines. One helps when it is needed. I will see you again in three days. We can discuss the meditation techniques then and perhaps help to improve them, if they are not quite doing the trick."

"Okay. Thank you." Alanna stood and smiled. "See you then."

Ell nodded. "I will see you then."


Lieutenant JG Alanna Wells
Chief Science Officer
Deep Space Five

Lieutenant Elleese Elloyia
Chief Counselor
Deep Space Five


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