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Another Meeting

Posted on Mon Mar 30, 2015 @ 1:58am by Civilian Wayne Bradshaw III & Qinee & Second Lieutenant Emily Ransom

1,233 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Eye of the Beholder
Location: Bradshaw Industries
Timeline: MD 02 1 PM

Qinee wasn't sure what she was doing here yet again in the offices of Wayne Bradshaw, but it had somehow gotten onto her calender. She cast a sidelong glance at the male Ferengi walking obsequiously beside and a little behind her, hunched over in that subservient way of her people. She didn't trust Nazl, her second. She knew he'd had eyes on her job before she had been appointed, after the death of her predecessor.

"Why wasn't I informed you had put this on my schedule, Nazl?" Qinee asked.

"It must have slipped my mind, Ambassador," Nazl sniveled.

"Of course." Qinee gave his lobe a pinch and Nazl squealed. "Perhaps that will help you remember next time." She stood and straightened her dress and jewelry as the secretary came to get them to lead them into the meeting.

Wayne had been dreading this meeting in some ways, but he knew that it needed to be done and he would do what he could do to keep the company going and growing stronger. He knew that the Ferengi ambassador was on her way up with her assistant, something that Wayne would this time be doing without. He composed himself and went to the door, checking the monitor.

"Ambassador Qinee, please come in. I think we have some things to discuss," said Wayne calmly.

The female Ferengi – an oddity in its own right! – snorted a bit as she entered. “I thought things were said rather well at the joint shakedown,” she commented, her low cut dress flowing around her as she moved. “What more could you have to say?”

"Very simply put, Ambassador, there was nothing left to say other than this. I am sorry that things got out of hand at the meeting and I take full responsibility for what I said. I spoke in the heat of the moment without thinking of the actual meaning behind my words," said Wayne calmly. He gestured her to a seat as there was also more that needed to be set right and it might not be best to do them all standing in a doorway.

Qinee nodded. “Apologies are worth the words used to say them,” she said. “Cheap.” She walked over to the chair and hopped up. Since it was sized more for most other humanoid races, the Ferengi’s feet dangled a bit.


The male Ferengi scowled but got on his hands and k nees and crawled in front of the chair so Qinee could rest her feet on his back.

"Yes, words are cheap when not backed up by actions. In defense of what I said at the meeting, I must say I believe Rule 34 becomes less true the closer to the enemy lines one gets," said Wayne, remembering what Bill had told him in their last conversation. "I do not want a war with the Ferengi Alliance. Such would be counterproductive to both parties. If you remember right, I told you all that my ships were armed. The reason for that is that my ships and crews will storm the gates of hell itself to deliver a cargo regardless of where it is. What I would like to discuss with you is an agreement between two parties rather than a consortium like I tried to set up with that meeting. I would be willing to take the high risk loads and ship them for you. Not to mention that I can get ships to the core worlds of the Federation and I know for a fact that, while the Ferengi fleet is extensive, it does not get into the center area of the Federation for any purpose," said Wayne calmly.

Qinee smiled. “Perhaps not legally,” she said, “but there are ways around the tariffs. And you hardly need an armed freighter for a run to Earth or Vulcan or Betazed. Even trade with Cardassia has grown easier, with the Maquis eliminated and their desperate need to rebuild after the war. You’re hardly the only person with armed transports. While we may not have capital ships running freight, phaser banks are fairly cheap to purchase and install.”

"Ambassador, what you say is very, very true if one were referring strictly to the Alpha and Beta quadrants that we know so well. However, my ships also routinely trade in the Gamma quadrant in Dominion and Borg-held space. To date I can say that we have not lost a single ship nor paid a single tariff the entire time we have worked over there," said Wayne calmly before adding, "Phasers might be cheap to install, but torpedoes are not so much, and neither are some higher grade shields," he added.

“You think the Dominion is going to want capital ships running around their space any more than any other government does?” Qinee asked skeptically.

"In the first place, where do you get the idea that I even have capital ships under my banner? I have old Soyzu and Miranda class starships, not Ambassadors and Excelsior class ships," said Wayne calmly. "Though I did not ask you here to start the debate again. Rather to ask to be given a chance to prove that I do not want a trade war. I would rather work alongside the Ferengi Alliance," said Wayne calmly. "And since I know that money talks louder than anything else, I would be willing to make the first few runs for cost," he added.

Qinee’s eyes narrowed skeptically, trying to see Bradshaw’s angle, calculating the advantage. “I could possibly see about forwarding your proposal on to the Ferengi Trade Commission,” she said, “if it was worth my while.” She studied the large rings on her fingers diffidently, polishing them on the sleeve of her dress.

"And what would make it worth your while, Ambassador?" said Wayne bluntly. He knew what he was willing to spend, but wandered if it was what she wanted.

“Well, I have certain…responsibilities here as ambassador,” Qinee said. “Perhaps a few cases of Romulan ale would allow me to…encourage the commissioners to be more favorable.” Bribery and lining ones pockets was par for the course in Ferengi business arrangements and suitably factored into the cost, though these Federation types tended to frown upon such things, so one had to be circumspect.

"Oh, is that all? And here I thought you might want something hard to get," said Wayne with a slight chuckle. "Send your man or go yourself to cargo bay 395 ask to speak to Miles and tell him you’re looking for a warp manifold for a type 8 shuttle. The man will give you, say, ten cases of vintage Romulan ale and have them transported to whereever you want it sent," said wayne bluntly. He was a businessman first and foremost, but, well a little smuggling was never frowned on.

Qinee gave a snaggle-toothed grin. “Well, it’s a start,” she said. There was a grunt as she stood on Nazl’s back and offered Wayne her hand. “I make no promises,” she said. “Only that I will pass your offer on.”

"That is all that I can ask for," said Wayne flatly, though he honestly expected more. Still, this was dealing with Ferengi and he knew they did not do things the way the rest of the quadrant did.


Ferengi Ambassador

Ferengi attaché

Wayne Bradshaw


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