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Frank Conversation

Posted on Sun Aug 11, 2019 @ 2:27am by Civilian Jason Haines
Edited on on Sun Aug 11, 2019 @ 4:41am

303 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Temporal Investigations
Timeline: MD 11, 1100 Hrs


Temporal Investigations

A human female and Vulcan male walked down the hall. The two looked like an incongruous pair. The woman was 4’9”, rather short for a human. The male 6’5”, particularly tall for a Vulcan.

“I am concerned that he will not be able to do what may be needed”, the woman said.

“I understand your concerns”, the Vulcan replied. “Captain Phralan vouched for him personally.”

“Phralan could be wrong”, the woman remarked. “Without question, his skills are more than adequate. I question his ability to be able to do what may need to be done.”

“Logically, that could be said about anyone”, the Vulcan said. “I think you are worrying too much, too soon.”

“Am I?”, she said. “You have seen all the simulation results. The outcomes are becoming worse. We may not have the time to allow him to do the research that will allow confirmations.”

“We cannot gauge that at the moment as there is an anomaly present there at the moment”, the Vulcan said. “I have been told the anomaly will soon be resolved, as early as tonight. We must allow this to resolve first before we can make any intelligent decisions.”

“We must make a decision by the end of the month”, she said, getting a bit testy, frustrated with her Vulcan counter-part’s lack of urgency.

“Perhaps”, the Vulcan replied. “It will seem peculiar for him to be re-assigned so soon.”

“There are other methods to replace him other than re-assignment”, the woman said coldly.

The Vulcan cast a sideways glance at her and then answered, “I will find an appropriate replacement, just in case they are needed.”

“Please do”, she said. “Make sure they have been out of diapers for more than a week.”


Temporal Investigations Directors 1 & 2
APB Lt.(jg) Jason Haines


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