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... Ring, Ring, Ring Went the Bell

Posted on Thu Aug 8, 2019 @ 2:11am by Civilian Jason Haines
Edited on on Thu Aug 8, 2019 @ 2:39am

894 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: DS5 Intel / Holodeck
Timeline: MD 11, 0900

Deck 20 – Intelligence Offices

Jason tapped on his desk with his fingers rapidly. He was tense and distracted. He had pushed three different padds around at least five times. He had tried to read the morning reports and had to restart three times already.

He was tense about the relationship with Alanna. Although he wasn’t afraid of relationships as a rule, he had so much going on around him and he worried about her getting caught up in it. That for some reason didn’t phase her and so he decided to give it a real try, but it was still causing him stress right now. Then there were several items around Raddon Corp he had to investigate. Then, just yesterday he had the bomb dropped on him that he had died, with a trip to the brig for being a bit ‘testy’ in the relaying of information. He still didn’t like that the Commander had done that. Last, but not least, there were the guests they were shoving back through the portal tonight. Commander Soran hadn’t told them exactly what was going on. She was playing it very close to the chest.

Shaking his head, he left his office and said to Petty Officer Tezak, “Grank, I am putting myself fully on 2nd shift. I have a few things I need to do.”

“Sure, thing El-tee”, the Tellarite said as Jason left the Intel center.

Deck 33 - Holodeck 6

Jason had come to the holodeck to get in a workout of some sort. He had brought his gear, but ultimately decided that Tai Chi would probably help him the most. Tai Chi had been the first martial art his father had taught him. It wasn’t something you would use in most fights, but the footwork and form focus of the art made it a good foundation for any other martial art. Plus if you did it right, it was very relaxing and Jason needed a few minutes of that.

“Computer, load Haines Tai Chi 1”, Jason said.

The scene turned to a basic sandy beach with waves that came in calmly rather than smashing down. Jason usually chose to do Tai Chi in the holodeck because he didn’t care for how fast a lot of groups seemed to go through the routine.

Jason worked through the routine in the sand. The sand and the sounds of the waves were the only things that he could sense. He had slipped into the mental zone where he could close his eyes and he would almost be able to do the routine properly. That said, he kept them open. It was then that he was brought out of the zone by the sound of a little collar bell ringing.

“Computer pause program”, he said, curious as he had never used that sound in the program. It was supposed to be all waves.

When it stopped, he listened for the sound. He didn’t move and tried to hold his breath as not to make a sound. After a minute, the sound had not repeated. He shook his head, perhaps the stress was getting to him more than he knew.

“Resume program”, he said.

The program resumed and after about ten minutes later he had gotten back into the zone. Then once again, the bell rang.

“What the hell!”, Jason exclaimed.

“Please restate your question”, the computer said.

“Computer pause program”, he said. “Scan program, has there been any edits to this program since its creation?”

“Negative”, the computer said.

“Scan program for any bell constructs”, he said.

“None found”, the computer replied.

“Is the program generating any errors to log?”, he asked.

“Negative”, was the response.

“Resume program”, Jason said.

This time it took a little longer to get to his calm spot. A few moments in, he heard the bell again.

“Screw this”, Jason snapped and went to his gear.

Pulling out a staff, he said, “Computer, load and start music playlist Haines 22.”

With the loud music playing, Jason began a staff workout that got faster and faster. It wasn’t as mind clearing as Tai Chi, but it did help him relieve his stress. No time during the routine did he hear the bell, nor did he hear the chime from the computer indicating his time was up. He also didn’t hear the holo-deck doors open when security overrode the lock so the next person could get in.

It took all his effort to stop his staff swing from hitting the guard. The guard had luckily brought his arms up in a defensive position.

“Oh crap”, Jason said. “I’m sorry. I didn’t hit you, did I?”

“No”, the guard said. “You weren’t answering the door chime from the next person.”

“Aww man”, Jason said. “Computer end program.”

He looked over at the person who had come in.


“No, problem”, the guy said with only a slight scowl.

Jason grabbed his stuff and luckily had forgotten about the bell.


Lieutenant(j.g.) Jason Haines
Chief Intelligence Officer
Deep Space Five


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