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To A New Experience

Posted on Thu Jul 18, 2019 @ 12:50am by Lieutenant JG Scaliontis Lovok
Edited on on Sat Jul 20, 2019 @ 4:38pm

741 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Federation Transport > Deep Space 5
Timeline: MD 10 1500


The last two days was just a little hard on Scaliontis Lovok, he'd enjoyed the last 3 years on the Thunderchild. He learned a lot from the former Assistant Chief Engineer.

The rest of his colleagues took to him towards the last 6 months of his assignment onboard. They were shocked to find he was leaving and only after a year of being Assistant Chief Engineer.

They had a going away party last night for him and he forced himself to go, he wasn't into the whole party thing. It only just reminded him of the birthdays his parents did with him prior to their death. He put on a pleasant face during as if he didn't they'd ask him uncomfortable questions.

He didn't really go out of his way to be social but sometimes was cornered. He just wanted to work, he really wanted Andronikos with him. Though he was on missions regularly lately and only got to spend time together 3 times across his entire Starfleet career, only for a few days each time.

He missed him greatly, suddenly his parents death memory triggered but this time Andronikos was inserted as the Tal Shiar agent's third kill. Which the moment the point blank shot sounded, Scaliontis erupted from his sleep and could feel sweat nearly everywhere on him.

The transport had a few sleep bays as he had come from another starbase that the Thunderchild dropped him off at. He breathed heavily as he came down from his adrenaline high and felt some tears had fallen in the meantime. Another urge to let it all out again was nearly unbearable but he fought it as he wiped them away and thankfully each bay had a sonic shower.

=^= This is your captain speaking, =^= as Scaliontis showered, =^= we are on approach to Deep Space 5, could all passengers gather their belongings and prepare to disembark. Remember to have any organics scanned and treated before joining the station's population. Thank you for your patronage and take care. =^=

Scaliontis was glad he didn't have any organics. Maybe it was to do with the new colony, Pangea, he recalled from the station's information pack. He got out and dressed in a new uniform and joined the flow of passengers off the transport.

< Deep Space 5, Shuttlebay 15, Deck 73 >

He held his medical file and transfer orders on the same padd as he walked amongst the visitors and crew in the docking bay terminal. Scaliontis knew he should check in with medical first as per protocol so headed for the nearest turbolift.

The turbolift did have a few others in it and they got off on other decks. Scaliontis got off on Deck 55 and as he looked left but began walking right bumped into someone.

< Deck 55, near Main Sickbay >

After a grunt and surprised he was caught before he lost his balance, Scaliontis looked at who he collided with and eyes went wide when he was met by a grinning Andronikos Jaesan.

"By the elements," Scaliontis exclaimed as he was momentarily frozen in surprise again. "Kos!" He said.

Andronikos smiled and nodded. "It's me Lion, how was your flight?" He asked casually as he slowly pulled the Romulan into an embrace, Scaliontis had dropped his padd but his duffle bay was hanging by it's strap over his arm.

A moan escaped Scaliontis during the hug and he heard Andronikos chuckle before they separated. "I can't believe you are here, when I just got here," he narrowed his eyes, "you intelligence types are so annoying like that. Of course you'd know I got transferred." He smiled unable to contain the happiness he felt at being together again.

"You are a smart one too you know." Andronikos replied, "I'm always going to be there for you, okay unless on a mission but don't forget about Quinn. He is there for you by extension if you need anything, he promised me." The older man smirked evilly at that point. "He had no choice."

Scaliontis raised an eyebrow. "Yeah sometimes I don't either when it comes to you," he laughed then noticed his padd on the floor and bent down to pick it up while shifting his bag with the other arm. "I better report in to medical then to the command team."

"I'll come with you." Andronikos said and the two headed into Main Sickbay.


Lieutenant JG Scaliontis Lovok
Chief Engineer

Lieutenant Commander Andronikos Jaesan
Intelligence Field Operative and Analyst
On Sabbatical


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