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Finally, an Actual Engineer

Posted on Thu Jul 25, 2019 @ 9:46pm by Captain Maritza Soran & Lieutenant JG Scaliontis Lovok

969 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Commander Soran's Office
Timeline: MD 11, 1600


Scalionits was met at the turbolift by a young human man with petty officer's flashes. "Lieutenant Lovok?" He asked, but in a tone that was just confirming, rather than any real query. "I'm Claude, Commander Soran's yeoman. We've been expecting you."

"Hello, yes, I've already saw to medical and my quarters, thanks to the computer." Scaliontis smiled as he lied because Andronikos had told him where his quarters were. "And I was on my way to Ops to find the first officer to report in, unless Commander Soran wants me to report to her?" He asked.

"Yes and no" Claude said, "I'll hand you on to Commander Ryan, but Commander Soran still likes to say hello, and her diary is a nightmare. I've managed to claw five minutes back, so I'm hijacking you right now. I promise you won't get into trouble with Commander Ryan."

"Believe me I have been in worse trouble, so bring it, as you humans say." Scaliontis grinned, "lead on."

Claude grinned, and led him across the expanse of OPS, and up the short flight of stairs to the mezzanine where the commander and her XO kept their offices. "I won't say she has no sense of humour," he said quietly as they approached the door, "but she's not in the best of moods right now."

"So no jokes, got it. Thanks." Scaliontis told his guide and offered his hand. "Thank you, unless you need to announce me, I can take it from here?"

"Go on in." Claude said. "I'll be in to rescue you in a few minutes."

Scaliontis nodded and tapped the chime before waiting a moment than entered. He walked confidently up to the front of the commanding officer's desk and then assumed a semi at-attention stance. "Lieutenant Junior Grade Scaliontis Lovok, Chief Engineer reporting in for duty Commander." He introduced himself.

She set aside the padd she was working on, where it clicked on the black glass of the desk, which aside from the chair she was seated in was the only furniture. Behind her an enormous transparent aluminium window showed a dense field of stars. It was a room with the warmth and welcome of liquid nitrogen.

She looked up at him, regarding him dispassionately with an unreadable expression. "Welcome to DS5, Mr Lovok. I trust the journey was agreeable?"

"It was and thank you." Scaliontis smiled as he recalled being met by Andronikos like immediately after arrival. He decided to let the Commander direct the conversation.

"Now you're here, do you have any questions on the briefing materials?" Her gaze was still dispassionate, cool. She was obviously testing him.

"What would be the highest priority?" He asked, it was a usual tactic in conversation with a station and or starship commander to know what they want done first. He also learned to know priority back on Nimbus.

"There is an embarrassment of choices at the moment. I'd rather have you professional opinion on that once you've seen my station for yourself."

She folded her hands together and sat back. "Any other questions?"

"This station is an embarrassment?" Scaliontis asked surprise in his voice.

"No, but there are a number of issues that are pressing, any on if which can claim the title of highest priority. Including, apparently, the Universal Translator."

"We would lose our effectiveness and unity if we cannot understand one another. Though I do know the basics of multiple languages." Scaliontis said then gestured to his combadge. "What about the combadges translator? Though not everyone would have one but I could replicate ones with only the translators mech inside. Wait what happened that caused all these issues?" He asked clearly giving away that he hadn't read the briefing, he frowned and will when he left this office.

The metaphorical temperature dropped a couple of degrees. "I would suggest you start your briefing pack with the Pangaea emergence 6 months ago. DS5 was not made to dodge planets and there is still significant damage. After that, refer to the Deck 60 bombings, the AHD platform malfunction, the Svikiri incident and the Xi'cadia situation. After that, familiarise yourself with the Romulan assault three years ago, the Terran First occupation 2 years ago, and the nature of Pangaea."

"Are we under any kind of threat at the moment?" Scaliontis asked, he didn't want to be time constraint with his catch-up reading. It seemed he'll be reading most of the night and the next day before he got to work.

"No more than normal." she said drily. There's going to be an expedition to the portal caves later today, so I'd suggest reading the panagea notes first."

Scaliontis smiled. "I wanted action and exploration and it seems I'm in the right place. Thank you for accepting my transfer request Commander." He hoped that she'd share in his excitement, "Well, as part of my professional opinion I believe the universal translator, shields then tactical systems should be our top priorities. Communications and Defense are vital." He added. "I will meet with the Operations Chief and get sorted. Unless you have other orders in mind?"

"Not for the moment, keep Mr Ryan updated if you want to change your plans. I'll see you shortly."

"Aye," He gave a Romulan salute, his right fist to his left side of his chest. He finished off the salute with lowering his head in submission before straightening again and began turning to leave.

"Oh, and Mr Lovok? Aefvadh-oi lohhaasi' mnekha"

Her voice stopped his exit two steps later, and he turned around. He smiled when she spoke in Rihannsu. "Hann'yyo, Erei'Riov." He said, since she wasa Commander, he used the appropriate equivalent rank in the Romulan Star Navy. He then left the office still with a smile.


Lieutenant JG Scaliontis Lovok
Chief Engineer

Commander Maritza Soran


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