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Not Quite Sober, Part 2 (Conclusion)

Posted on Wed May 8, 2019 @ 6:46am by Commander Caleb Ryan & Commander Amia Telamon M.D.

1,401 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Gino's
Timeline: MD08 0015

"Do you serve treats to all your customers, or am I getting special attention?" Eden leaned further over the counter and looked up at Gino with large eyes.

Gino chuckled. “It’s late, and it’s slow, so you get extra attention,” he told her. “And because you’re beautiful, doll.” He gave her a wink and dabbed a bit of flour on the tip of her nose.

Eden sat upright and rubbed her nose, wrinkling it at the same time. "Hey!" she pretended to protest, but looked up at him from under her dark lashes, taking full advantage of the opportunity and the angle as she engineered to dip her face just enough to enhance the effect. "I don't look so beautiful covered in flour!" she pretended to object, but as before she was smiling and her eyes sparkled. She found this man fun to be with and very attractive. A voice in her head asked if that was the drink talking, but she finished her coffee and asked for another please, to try the theory and see if he was still like that when she sobered up.

“Sure thing, doll,” the broad-shouldered Gino said, taking her cup and refilling it. “And I think you look just beautiful even with the flour.” He flashed a smile. “Pizza’s up. I’ll bring it out to your table,” he told her.

"Yes, please," she replied, hopping down off the stool and wobbling a little as her not-quite-as-sobered-up-as-she-thought legs failed to take up their full responsibilities straight away.

"Oops!” she added, blushing and grabbing hold of the edge of the bar with one hand and the bar stool with the other to stop it toppling in sympathy.

"Please can I have some more of that coffee? The last one didn't get as far as my legs." She tried to joke it off.

“Of course, doll. Let me help you back to your table,” Gino said, coming around and offering Eden his arm, slipping a strong arm around her waist. “Steady, doll.”

"Thank you. What a knight in shining armour you are," Eden purred, actually very impressed by the strength of his arm and scent of him now he was close. This was someone she found very hot. And it wasn't just because she was drunk; it was getting stronger the less drunk the coffee and food were making her.

As he helped her back to her table and slipped her effortlessly into the bench seat of the booth she had first sat into earlier, she looked up at him and smiled. "You really are a gent, aren't you?" The question was rhetorical, as he'd made no attempt to take any kind of advantage of her, nor had he been anything but kind and respectful. "They don't make men like you any more." She sighed regretfully. "I know. I met all the other types. They're mean. You're much nicer. I just know you're married, right? Six kids, I'd guess?" she ventured.

Gino gave a laugh. “My mama raised me right,” he said. “I know how to treat a lady. But no, not married, no kids,” he told Eden, topping off her coffee. “Not at all attached. Now let me get your pizza.” He gave her arm a gentle touch and headed to the back.

"Not attached?" she echoed in a whisper, a little stirring of something warm and hope lighting itself inside her. She sipped the coffee he had brought her and gave over to daydreaming, stirring the foam on the top of her cup absently, seemingly staring at the inside of her eyes as she saw some long forgotten wishes and dreams that she thought life had rid her of harshly over time. She waited for Gino to come back with the pizza, the air filling with the delicious scent of freshly baked crust, hot cheese melting, and warm sausage basking in the centre. The enticing smell was all the more effective when combined with the very soft essence of Gino's gentle, clean-smelling aftershave, very un-intrusive, but just there whenever he was, more of an aura wafting than an actual scent as such. She was getting to like that scent and beamed at the whole package as he approached again.

“Some extra napkins and parmesan and red peppers, if you want them,” Gino said, putting the basket down on the table. “Buon apetito!” he said. “I’ll be over in the corner closing out the books if you need anything else,” he said.

Gino went over to a table in the back corner and settled down with a padd, working out the days’ receipts, sipping small glass of wine. The beautiful, buxom blonde waitress gave Eden a smile and went and turned the CLOSED sign on the front door before going around and wiping down the tables.

Eden figured she should take a hint and got up to leave. She went over to Gino and stuck out her thumb to put her print on a bill padd. "I should let you good people get on home. Could you make up my bill please?" she said, standing before him.

Gino chuckled and glanced over at the blonde. “Don’t worry about Charlotte. She won’t be going home anyway.” But he brought out the payment scanner. “You want the pizza boxed up?” he offered.

"Yes, please! I'll have more for breakfast, and I'm sure there'll still be some left! It's so generous a size. It seems large enough to feed a whole party of guests." She smiled up at him. "Are all your wonderful pizzas this generously prepared?" She didn't wait for an answer to that, but winked at him cheekily and then added, "I'm definitely coming here again. I hope I don't get fat though, with all these tasty treats to try out. Can I take a menu home to try to choose each item one at a time and hopefully work my way through the lot?" She stood up and pressed her thumb print onto the bill padd, finding the closeness of him making her suddenly shy now the coffee was working to sober her up a bit. She would most certainly come back. She found him fascinating.

Gino dug out a small holo-card. It connected to the local station civilian network to update and present the week’s theme. “The Chicago pizzeria is this week only,” he said. “Next week is sushi in Kyoto.” His warm fingers brushed hers as she took the card.

"Do you change the theme every week? What a great idea! You're amazing! You must have so much talent as a chef.” She was awed at the selection and variety the card was describing as possibilities. "It says you have restaurants in lots of places -- loads, in fact. How do you manage to be at all of them? Or are the others franchised out?" she asked, her heart sinking at the thought that he might be here only one night a week, or, spirits forbid, even less perhaps? She trembled slightly as she thought of that. Silly, she thought. I've only just met him and he's no idea who I am. I expect he flirts with all his lady customers. Why wouldn't he? Part of his job.

“I don’t know about loads,” Gino said with a smile. “Five locations so far, though cautiously expanding. And it’s a holo-restaurant, so staffing needs are minimal,” he told Eden as he walked her to the door. “I do hope you will come again,” he told her with a handsome smile.

"If you'll be here then I will be very happy to come again," she said as she left. She meant it, but clearly she hadn't figured out the catch yet. "Good night," she told him and reached to give him a peck on the cheek.

Gino smiled and gave Eden a brief hug. “Good night. Come back anytime,” he told her, watching as she walked out onto the promenade.

“Ready to close up, boss?” Charlotte asked.

“Yes,” Gino said, watching Eden disappear into the crowd. He shook his head. “Computer. End program.” He and Charlotte winked out of existence and Gino’s went dark.

Eden went back to her quarters totally unaware of what had just happened.


Gino Romano
Proprietor of Gino’s Restaurant

Dr. Eden Harrison
Civilian Surgeon


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