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Boots on the Ground (part 1)

Posted on Thu May 9, 2019 @ 9:25pm by Ensign Calaban Bel-Asher & Lieutenant Alanna Wells & Lieutenant JG Brianthe Oaxaca
Edited on on Thu Aug 8, 2019 @ 9:44pm

1,031 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Pangaea
Timeline: MD12?


With all the chaos on Pangaea and the station, Alanna wanted to spend some time looking around at what archaeological sites were on the planet and what changes had occurred. So, she arranged for a group of scientists, including some of the new civilian arrivals, to take a look around. Each was told they'd be gone two or three days and to bring one pack for the trip. Uniforms were optional.

Alanna chose to dress in lightweight cargo pants, a t-shirt and a lightweight flannel shirt that she wore over her t-shirt. She had a backpack with all the standard equipment she took with her on a dig, including a bedroll and her ever-present belt knife.

Because there had been some attacks lately, it was recommended that a couple of security officers join them.

Everyone was told to meet in the shuttle bay at 0900 hours, ready to go.

Calaban was toting a hefty back pack up, and had foregone his uniform for comfy cargo shorts, its pockets filled with tricorders, gadgets and scanners. He also had some serious hiking sandals and a loose shirt. Ambling into the shuttle bay he gave Alanna a nod. "Hey, boss. Hows its going. Do you need me to do anything before we go?"

"Make sure everyone has what they need," she said. "I'd hate to get down there and realize someone left something important back on the station." She grinned at her assistant. "There's no market down there at present."

"Will do, boss." He paused. "Boss, have you got everything you need?" He grinned.

"I have what I think I'll need," she assured him. "If not, I'll make do." It wouldn't be the first time. Or the last.

He gave a mock salute, and headed off. The next time she saw him he was handing out power packs for tricorders and scanner packs, "All present and correct, boss. I think we're all set."

Brianthe came in, leading two Romulans. They were just in time to get their power packs from Calaban.

"May I introduce R'gelis Stadi, and Tannis Tarkelion," Brianthe said to the group.

"I'm pleased to meet you," Alanna said, bowing to the two Romulans. "I've read your files and I look forward to working with you."

The two bowed in return. "We, too, look forward to working with you," said R'gelis.

"It is a great opportunity for both our peoples," Tannis added.

"It is," Alanna said. "But now that you're here, I would prefer us to all be scientists. We'll deal with the bureaucracy when we're with those who care about it. I personally just want to work."

Both Romulans smiled.

"Is everyone here?" Alanna asked Calaban. "If so, we can head down to the planet."

"Everyone present and correct," He confirmed. "The Party Bus is ready to roll."


Alanna looked around and nodded. "Okay then, let's go."

Calaban slid into the pilots seat, and the shuttle craft lifted from its pad. As they trundled towards the Atmospheric Containment Field he glanced at her. "Where to boss?"

She pulled up the map of Pangaea and pointed to a spot on the southern continent. "How about there?"

He looked at the spot in the foot hills that ran in a shallow sweep from the mountains on the south west continent, to the cost of the sea that divided it from the South East continent. "Looks good. Want to put a brew on? It'll be about twenty minutes."

Alanna grinned. "If you think it necessary for such a short trip."

Calaban took a relaxed flight path, circling lower and lower through the atmosphere to give everyone on board a good view of the land they were heading down to. in the far south of the planet, the land was a cold moor with few features, and the tufted scrubs of vegetation made it look uneven and broken, but as they descended, something else became clear, outlines of something, long grown over. round lines, perfectly round. sometimes a 3/4 arc, sometimes just the hint of a curve. And they were all arranged in concentric circles.

Calaban looked at his boss and raised an eyebrow. "That looks quite interesting."

"Definitely. We should check that out first." She took several aerial scans and images for use on the ground and for later analysis.

They landed outside the edge of the rings. There were nine ranks of them, radiating out from a central area, the whole area was roughly 300 meters across, And from the ground the uneveness of the steppe made what they had seen from the air invisible. "Everyone remember where we parked," Calaban said cheerfully as he shut the engine down."

"Let's start with the outer circle and move in," Alanna said, slipping her pack over her shoulders. "We'll go counter-clockwise. Use your tricorders to make sure you're in the right place." She grinned, unable to contain her happiness at going out to explore.

The two Romulans looked at each other, then at Alanna and Calaban. "We are ready."

The tricorders were helpful, at first. Asthey went around the outside of the circles, they took readings of sizes and depthsm, continually referring to the overhead map to keep on track. Alanna measured each building and wrote down the dimensions and orientation for later review.

The two Romulans paired off, testing bricks and indentiations.

As they moved in to the middle three rings, Alanna's tricorder began to act up. "Brianthe, what do your readings say?"

"I was getting standard readings. Ruins were about 3600 years old, but now the tricorder keeps changing times. It can't seem to fix on anything."

"No, the ruins are only 2200 years old," R'gelis said.

"1500," Tannis interjected.

"And my readings of the outer rings have said all of the above. Fascinating," Alanna said. "I thought we might be looking at multi-generational dwellings, but the times are far too disparate. Since tricorders are of little use, I suggest we go back to old-fashioned methods. Anyone else bring measuring tape?"

(To be continued...)

Lieutenant JG Alanna Wells
Chief Science Officer
Deep Space Five

Ensign Calaban Bel-Asher
Assistant Chief Science Officer

Ensign Brianthe Oaxaca
Deep Space Five

R'gelis Stadi
Romulan Scientist

Tannis Tarkelion
Romulan Scientist


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