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Security Training Pt 3

Posted on Thu Jun 13, 2019 @ 1:40am by Lieutenant Annora Tessaro & Ensign Tizo Criteser & Commander Amia Telamon M.D. & Civilian Jason Haines & Ensign Jessica Mayhew

1,942 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Holodeck 24
Timeline: Day 7/0547 hrs


“Ziangam,” Jessica corrected, running through her head on what she knew about the man and why there was a warrant out on him. “Baddy, and target for just about everyone,” Jessica said. “Cardassian who came up during the Dominion War. Lef the military after the war. Used to run with some weapons dealer a decade ago, Moia Ilmater. Was one of her lieutenants. After she fell off the grid, his bid to take over was checked by the remaining four capos, Dys, Tejera, Graeca, and Torm. He worked for the Syndicate for a while, but now even they want him dead. Tejera and Dys were arrested years ago, though Dys got out two years ago on a technicality and has been lying low since. Tejera apparently recently escaped. And Torm was killed within the last year. Ziangam might be making a play for the chaotic arms sector.”

"So what now, Ensign? Storm the castle?" Jason asked.

“I don’t know about storming, but we need to get in there,” Jessica said. “So everyone keep your eyes peeled. They know we’re coming.”

Jessica motioned for them to stack up at the front of the store. She pulled a smoke grenade off her tactical vest. “Breech,” she told Travis, and the big man kicked open the doors and rolled to the side, out of the way of any fire. Jessica threw the smoke grenade into the store, the billowing white hiding them from disruptor fire as they quickly darted inside. Jessica scanned the area with her scope, moving from cover to cover.

Jason moved in to the left, scanning for targets, staying low. Moving forward, he glanced down at his tactical scanner. He noted a Cardassian life form on it. He quietly said into the tactical communicator, “One target detected six meters ahead."

Jessica glanced at her tricorder. “Acknowledged,” she whispered. She motioned to Jason to move along the flank and circled to the other side to capture him in a pincer movement.

Farrokh and Tayla came in under the smoke cover as well and lined themselves up behind Jason, leaving the rest to go with Jessica. They moved forward quietly and with practiced stealth.

Moving forward, Jason saw a Cardassian and he shot it once. The Cardassian's armor stopped some of the energy. Jason shot again and the Cardassian dropped. There was movement ahead and a voice called out, "If you all want blood on your hands, keep coming forward."

As the smoke from the grenade cleared a bit, Jessica could see Ziangam. He had surrounded himself with employees of the store, three of them being used as shields, his disruptor held to the head of the woman in the center as he crouched down behind them.

“It doesn’t have to go down like this, Ziangam!” Jessica called out, moving to a cover position behind the stacks of electronics. “Let them go and come quietly and the magistrate will go easy on you! There’s nowhere else you can go!”

"Do I look like someone who cares about the magistrate's mercy?" the Cardassian bellowed from his position. While he was boasting to the security team, one of his companions moved around the perimeter of the room in an attempt to sneak up on Chief Caspara and his group.

"You know what's nice about being a weapons dealer? You learn the weakness and strengths of various weapons. For example, I know what frequency renders your precious phasers inoperative but still allows disrupter use."

He fired a random shot towards the security team to prove his point.

Jason looked about and thought about things. He wasn't coming at them with promises to kill the hostages. He seemed to be stalling them.

Jason quietly said into the tac comm unit, "Be on the lookout. He's stalling for something."

Jessica nodded and signaled her team to be alert. “Then what do you want, Ziagam? What is this all about?” she yelled back to him. She checked her phaser and cursed quietly. “Check your weapons,” she commanded to the teams, popping open an access hatch to try and rejigger the frequency modulator to get it working again.

The Cardassian laughed. "What do I want? I was all set to leave this station of yours until one of your meddling underlings discovered me and my associates. I am leaving this station alive. Whether you do remains to be seen."

As if on cue, the thug circling the perimeter fired a shot at Petty Officer Balann.

Jason remembered a lesson his father taught him while out camping when their auto-setup tent didn't open and it was starting to pour. Technology fails, and usually at the worst moment. He reached to his waist where the standard Security combat baton was. It looked like it would be sticks to the head, old school.

He moved slowly forward and to his left trying to use shelving as much as possible for cover and not to give away his movements. They needed to get to a point of attack so Mayhew could finish the negotiation phase from a point of strength, but also not get a hostage killed.

Farrokh felt quite helpless, but he couldn't act on his own when there was so much at stake. He looked around to see if he could find another way to get further in under the cover of the smoke, but his first attempt attracted another shot so he took cover again and waited, looking behind him to see if Tayla was still with him. Fortunately he could see her crouched behind more shelving just across to his right, fuzzy in the dim, disrupted air as the smoke swirled, but clear enough to see she was within reach.

For the most part, she had remained an observer. However, Annora felt it was time to take a more direct role in the exercise. She dropped down and crawled underneath the haze to where Tayla was crouched.

"Phasers don't work, but the stun batons are not affected." She pulled her own out of the holster and briefly activated the electrodes as a demonstration. "If I provide a distraction, do you think you can work with Petty Officer Balann to take down this guy? That will eliminate a threat and should provide you with a working weapon."

"Aye Ma'am, On it" Tayla replied softly and looked around to make eye contact with Balann and nod at him to show she was following his lead now. As he moved slightly to the right and forward, Tayla imitated and matched with a similar shift of her own. When Balann stopped and appeared to be modifying his baton, she copied that too, doing what she had just watched Annora complete and ending up with something that surprised her with it's success. Looking very pleased with herself she moved forward another section of shelving until she was level with Balann and waited, watching him like a hawk and still trying to keep some glances shooting across to Annora but she was less visible now. The waiting game resumed.

Jessica cursed and put her phaser away, pulling her baton. “That’s something we can definitely discuss, Ziagam,” Jessica said. “Tell me what you need so I can get someone working on it.” Keep him talking.

Then a disruptor burst blasted some shelving.

“Hey!” Jessica yelled. “Call off your guy! We can’t resolve this peacefully if he’s shooting at us!”

Ziangam sneered. "Do I look like someone who is interested in a peaceful settlement? Call off your goons and let me and my associates off the station with no trouble.”

Jason moved forward some with the distraction. With luck, he came upon one of the guards from the side who didn't see him. Jason didn't hesitate and swing the baton at the Cardassian's knee and connected solidly. As the Cardassian instinctively looked down at the source of pain, Jason brought the baton up and caught the thug in the head, knocking him out. Jason had to move quickly to not have the body topple over and bring shelving down on top of them.

“We’re staying back,” Jessica called out, trying to keep Ziangam’s attention. “We don’t want anyone hurt! But you have to give us time to get you a shuttle, and clear the Prom so we can get you there safely. Let the hostage go. You can have me instead. I’m far more valuable anyway than some floor sales clerk.”

Farrokh moved to where he could help distract Ziangam when Jessica signaled them to move on it. He also had one eye on Jason too, in case his tag to start might come from him instead.

Jason took the Cardassian's disruptor and checked its settings. Smiling, he whispered into the taccom, "Switch phaser frequencies to 6.987."

Ziangam shoved the disrupter further into the hostage's neck. "And as soon as I release her you'll take me out. Try again."

With his free hand the Cardassian reached into his pocket. "I told you, you'll not walk out of here."

An explosion rocked through part of the shop. The blast knocked Tizo against the wall with a piece of shrapnel tearing through Travis' leg.

Farrokh changed tack instantly and moved to try to help Travis behind cover. Farrokh began to tear off his tunic jacket with the intention of maybe using it as a tourniquet above the wound in Travis' leg, or if that wasn't needed then perhaps a roughshod bandage instead. He tried to see the wound and work out how bad it was and looked at Travis to see if he was able to help or give clues himself.

Travis hissed in pain, staring at the shrapnel sticking out of his leg. Right now it was keeping him from bleeding, but it was clearly very close to the femoral artery.

Jason got a clear line of fire to Ziangam's side and tried to fire his phaser. It seemed the disruptor frequency and phaser frequency were not a match. At least the man hadn't noticed him, so moving low, Jason moved quickly and tackled both Ziangam and the hostage, clearing the disruptor away from the hostage.

With most the team otherwise engaged, Annora jammed her baton into the side of her target. Activating the electrodes, she was pleased to see him drop to the ground. Grabbing the Cardassian's rifle and pistol, she turned to see Jason tackle Ziangam. With both hostiles no longer active, all that remained was the clean up. "Let's secure the prisoners and take care of our wounded."

Jason bound Ziangam as he was right there, but he let the rest of the team bind the others. He had good first aid skills, so he started checking the hostages for injuries as he would normally do in a situation like this.

Jessica moved over to Travis after making sure the Cardassians were secured. “You okay, partner?” she asked with concern.

Travis smiled up at her. “It’s just a simulation, boss,” he told his superior and partner.

“That doesn’t mean my heart isn’t still pounding a kilometer a minute.”

“Aw, Jess, I didn’t know you cared.” Travis grinned.

Jason smirked at the banter between Jessica and Travis and lightly shook his head. It was nice to see that. On the Geneva, interactions with crewmates was largely business.


Lt Anonora Tessaro
Chief Security Officer

Ltjg. Jason Haines
Chief Intelligence Officer

Ens. Jessica Mayhew
Security Officer

PO3 Travis Nottingham
Security Officer

Ens. Tizo Criteser
Security Officer

CPO Farrokh Caspara
Security Officer
NPC - Amia

PO2 Tayla Balann
Security Officer
NPC - Amia


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